A checklist of the helminth parasites of sympatric rodents from two Mayan villages in Yucatán, México Author Panti-May, Jesús Alonso Author Digiani, María Celina Author Palomo-Arjona, Eduardo Emir Author Gurubel-González, Yessica Margely Author Navone, Graciela T. Author Machain-Williams, Carlos Author Hernández-Betancourt, Silvia F. Author Robles, María Del Rosario text Zootaxa 2018 2018-04-05 4403 3 495 512 journal article 30326 10.11646/zootaxa.4403.3.4 9fa78a2b-54eb-4e26-8bc2-c14b2b7ae946 1175-5326 1212929 171E79AE-35AF-48B1-B1CA-7A2D2F3F488F Oligacanthorhynchidae gen. sp. Site of infection: Small intestine Host: Rattus rattus Locality: Xkalakdzonot Prevalence and mean intensity (range): 0.8% (1/118) and 4 (4) Specimens deposited: MLP-He 7426 Comments: The characteristics presented in the specimens collected in Yucatán belonged to Oligacanthorhynchidae (Yamaguti 1963; Amin 1987 ), i.e. specimens of 1300–1800 long, with a trunk relatively wide in proportion to length, wider anteriorly than posteriorly; tubular proboscis armed with approximately 72 hooks arranged in spiral rows; trunk without spines; long and tubular lemnisci with several nuclei; and proboscis receptacle with thick muscular wall. Collected specimens were immature. In México , four families of acanthocephalans have been recorded from wild mammals (i.e. Moniliformidae Van Cleave , Oligacanthorhynchidae , Plagiorhynchidae Golvan , and Polymorphidae Meyer ) (García-Prieto et al. 2012). In rodents, the family Moniliformidae is the only one recorded from R. rattus in México City (Coronel- Guevara 1953 ) and R. rattus and R. norvegicus in Michoacán (Hierro-Huerta 1992; Tay Zavala et al. 1999). This is the first record of Oligacanthorhynchidae gen. sp . from R. rattus in México .