An illustrated guide to lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian Subcontinent. Part 1. Tribe Coccinellini Author POORANI, J. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-08-18 5332 1 1 307 journal article 264199 10.11646/zootaxa.5332.1.1 66e0ec51-d494-43d4-965e-a2cd1462ef54 1175-5326 8261502 424F7439-4095-46A5-93E3-C4130E3B6D9A Singhikalia duodecimguttata Xiao ( Fig. 187 ) Singhikalia duodecimguttata Xiao, 1992: 378 ( Type locality: China , Wuling Mountains).— Kovář 2007: 599 ; Ren et al . 2009: 234 . Diagnosis. Length: 6.90–8.40 mm ; width: 5.60–7.40 mm . Form broad oval, dorsum moderately convex and distinctly pubescent. Ground colour reddish; pronotum laterally very narrowly black, with a pair of transverse, roughly triangular black maculae on the posterior margin ( Fig. 187b ); each elytron with five large, black discal spots, one smaller, elongate oval spot adjacent to scutellar shield and one smaller apical spot as illustrated ( Fig. 187a ). Abdomen ( Fig. 187c ) with ventrites 1–4 medially black and laterally yellowish; abdominal postcoxal line ( Fig. 187d ) incomplete. Spermatheca ( Fig. 187e ) as illustrated, lacking a well differentiated nodulus and ramus. Male genitalia not studied. Prey / associated habitat. Aphids (label data). Distribution. Pakistan (new record); China . Note. This is recorded for the first time from Pakistan based on a single female specimen at BMNH (examined).