A revision of the genus Gondwanoscurus Jezek (Diptera: Psychodidae) Author Curler, Gregory R. text Zootaxa 2009 2169 21 34 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.189174 080a1b52-dc1f-4791-b103-4f61f4081b90 1175-5326 189174 Gondwanoscurus cruciferus Curler sp. nov. ( Figs. 1–5 ) Diagnosis. Adult: Male antennae: scape approximately 2.5 times longer than wide; flagellomeres cruciform, with nodes exserted laterally. Male terminalia: gonostyli simple, with apical 1/3 constricted, digitiform, sinuous; basiphallus laterally compressed basally, bifid apically, with branches convergent; distiphallus comprised of paired, acuminate sclerites; cercopodia elongate, about 9 times longer than wide, bearing approximately 12 retinacula dorsoapically; retinacula with apices bifurcate. Female terminalia: hypovalvae with lobes tapered, apices acuminate; subgenital plate without prominent bulge medially, with dense patch of alveoli medially. FIGURES 1–5. Gondwanoscurus cruciferus Curler sp. nov. 1. Male head, frontal view. 2. Wing. 3. Male antennal flagellomeres 8–9 with ascoids, left antenna, frontal view. 4. Female terminalia, ventral view. 5. Male terminalia, dorsal view (above), lateral view (below). Scale bars = 0.25 mm (1), 0.5 mm (2), 0.0625 mm (3–4), 0.125 mm (5). (abbreviations: gcx = gonocoxite; gst = gonostylus aed = aedeagus; cpod = cercopod; ret = retinacula; hpv = hypovalvae; sgp = subgenital plate; gdct = genital duct). Description. Adult Male ( Figs. 1–3, 5 ): Measurements, (N = 5) head width 0.42 mm (0.41–0.46), head length 0.46 mm (0.45–0.47), wing length 1.97 mm (1.91–2.09), wing width 1.03 mm (0.93–1.20), palpomere proportion: 1–1.8–1.5–2.1. Head: frontal scar patch subquadrate anteriorly, bilobed posteriorly, with median spur; antennae with scape approximately 2.5 times longer than wide; flagellomeres cruciform, with nodes exserted laterally; ascoids with 2–4 digitiform branches, arranged in single row around each node. Wing: ovate, with posterior margin broadly convex; medial fork incomplete, basal to radial fork, both forks arising basal to apex of CuA2. Terminalia: gonocoxites approximately 2.5 times longer than wide, with anterodorsal extensions touching medially; gonostyli simple, with apical 1/3 constricted, digitiform, sinuous, curved dorsally; parameral sheath tapered from base to apex, closely fitting shape of aedeagus; basiphallus laterally compressed basally, bifid apically, with branches convergent; distiphallus comprised of paired, acuminate sclerites, articulated with basiphallus at apices of branches; sclerites of distiphallus each with lateral notch subapically; cercopodia elongate, about 9 times longer than wide, bearing approximately 12 retinacula dorsoapically; retinacula with apices bifurcate. Adult Female ( Fig. 4 ): Wing: ovate, anterior and posterior margins equally convex; M2 complete at base. Terminalia: hypovalvae with lobes tapered, apices acute; subgenital plate without prominent bulge medially, with dense patch of alveoli medially. Type material. Holotype [adult male]: THAILAND . Sakon Nakhon Province : Phu Phan National Park, behind park office, 17°03.521’N 103°58.450’E , 27.vii–2.viii.2006 , coll. W. Kongnara, Malaise trap; deposited QSBG [T-207]. Specimen dissected, mounted on micro-slide. Allotype [adult female]: Phu Phan National Park, behind park office, 17°03.488’N 103°58.497’E , 21–27.vii.2006 , coll. S. Tongboonchai, Malaise trap; deposited QSBG [T-205]. Specimen dissected, mounted on micro-slide. Paratypes : same locality as holotype , 21–27.vii.2006 , Malaise trap [ 2 adult female (slides)], coll. W. Kongnara [T-203]; same data as holotype [ 1 adult male, 1 adult female (slides)], coll. W. Kongnara; same data as allotype [ 2 adult male (slides)], coll. W. Kongnara; same locality as allotype, 8–14.vii.2006 , Malaise trap [ 1 adult male (slide)], coll. S. Tongboonchai, [T-199]; same locality as allotype, 27.vii–2.viii.2006 , Malaise trap [ 3 adult male (slides)], coll. S. Tongboonchai, [T-208]; Phu Phan National Park, Kam Hom waterfall at Haew Sin chai, 17°07.415’N 104°01.179’E , 22–30.i. x2006 , Malaise trap [ 1 adult male, 2 adult female (EtOH)], coll. S. Tongboonchai, [T- 619]; Loei Province : Phu Kradueng National Park, Forest Protection Unit Loei.5 (Phakbung), 16°50.540’N 101°41.663’E , 7–13.ii.2007 , Malaise trap [ 1 adult male (slide)], coll. S. Khonglasae, [T-1496]. Paratypes deposited in QSBG , LACM , USNM , and UTK. Etymology. From the Latin crucifer , meaning "cross bearer", in reference to the cruciform antennal flagellomeres. Distribution. Collected from several locations in northeast Thailand . Remarks. Adults of G. cruciferus are similar in appearance to G. malaysiensis . A suite of characters including the cruciform antennal flagellomeres with two, three, and four-branched ascoids, eye bridge contiguous over four facet diameters, and retinacula with bifurcate apices in the male, and the subgenital plate with no medial bulge and hypovalvae with acuminate apices in the female will reliably separate G. cruciferus from other known species in this group. G. cruciferus is currently the best-known species of Gondwanoscurus in terms of material examined.