Phalangopsidae crickets from Espiritu Santo Island, Vanuatu (Insecta, Orthoptera, Grylloidea) Author Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Département Systématique et Évolution, UMR 7205 CNRS, postale 50 (entomologie), 57 rue Cuvier, F- 75231 Paris cedex 05 (France) desutter @ mnhn. fr text Zoosystema 2012 2012-06-30 34 2 287 304 journal article 10.5252/z2012n2a7 1638-9387 5165410 Brevizacla molisae n. sp. ( Figs 1-4 ; Table 1 ) TYPE MATERIAL . — Holotype : Vanuatu , Espiritu Santo , Luganville , site du CTRAV , 15°27’00”S , 167°12’26”E , foret côtière sur sable, 1 ♂ , 30.X.2006 , fn 11, sur tronc au sol près terriers, L. Desutter-Grandcolas ( MNHN- ENSIF2828 ). Allotype : Same locality, date and collector as the holotype , 1 ♀ , fn 17, sur tronc 20 cm de diamètre, à 25-30 cm H, cavités à la base ( MNHN-ENSIF2829 ). Paratypes ( 12 ♂♂ , 5 ♀♀ ): Same locality, date and collector as the holotype : 1 ♂ , fn 23, sur contrefort; 1 ♂ , fn 15, sur tronc 30 cm de diamètre, à 25-30 cm H, cavités à la base; 1 ♂ , fn 28, sur souche 10 cm de diamètre, à 25 cm H, cavités à la base; 1 ♂ , fn 9, sur racine émergente avec cavité à la limite du sol; 1 ♂ , fn 26, sur branche morte au sol en partie cassée et enterrée; 1 ♂ , fn 14, sur tronc contourné à contrefort, à 20 cm H; 1 ♂ , fn 24, sur contrefort; 1 ♂ , fn 22, sur morceau de bois mort au sol; 1 ♂ , fn 19, sur arbre mort couché, non au sol; 1 ♀ , fn 12, sur tronc au sol, près terriers; 1 ♀ , fn 13, à la base d’un tronc 25 cm de diamètre proche bois mort ( MNHN-ENSIF2830-2834 , ENSIF2836-2841 ) ; 1 ♂ , fn 8, sur tronc 10 cm de diamètre, à 30 cm H; 1 ♀ , fn 7, sur tronc 15 cm de diamètre, à 30 cm H, petites cavités à la base ( MNHN-ENSIF2902-2903 , in alcohol collection, vials 556, 557). Same locality and collector as the holotype : 28.X.2006 , 1 ♂ , fn 3, sur tronc d’arbre coupé, à 10 cm H ; 2 ♀♀ , fn 4, 5, sur tronc penché parallèle au sol ( MNHN-ENSIF2842-2844 ) ; 31.X.2006 , 1 ♂ , fn 1, sur tronc couché près du sol, avec cavités ( MNHN-ENSIF2845 ) . OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED . — 18 ♂♂ , 7 ♀♀ , 23 juveniles . Same locality, date and collector as the holotype : 1 juvenile , fn 10, sur racine émergente avec cavités à la base à la limite du sol; 1 juvenile , fn 18, sur tronc 20 cm de diamètre, à 25-30 cm H, cavités à la base; 1 juvenile , fn 21, sur racine contrefort, à 15 cm H; 1 juvenile , fn 27, sur branche morte au sol en partie cassée et enterrée; 1 juvenile , fn 20, sur tronc mort au sol; 1 juvenile , fn 16, sur tronc 20 cm de diamètre, à 25-30 cm H, cavités à la base; 1 juvenile , fn 25, sur petit tronc, à 15 cm H ( MNHN-2661-2667 ). Same locality and collector as the holotype : 28.X.2006 , 1 juvenile , fn 2, à la base d’un tronc 15 cm de diamètre, racines formant contrefort bas, espaces entre sol et racine ; 1 juvenile , fn 6, sur tronc penché parallèle au sol ( MNHN-ENSIF2868-2869 ). Same locality and collector, 29.X.2006 , 1 juvenile , fn 52, sur tronc à contrefort 30 cm de diamètre, à 10 cm H ( MNHN- ENSIF2870 ) ; 31.X.2006 , 1 juvenile , fn 2, sur tronc 10 cm de diamètre, à 80 cm H ( MNHN-ENSIF2871 ). — Vanuatu , Espiritu Santo , Big Bay , Matantas , Vathé Conservation area, 15°20’S , 166°95’E, 26.X.2006 , nuit, 1 ♂ , fn 64, sur contrefort d’un arbre, près cavité, 25 cm H ; 1 ♂ , fn 65, sur contrefort d’un arbre, près cavité, 50 cm H; 1 ♂ , fn 66, sur contrefort d’un arbre avec cavité à sa base; 1 ♂ , without precision; 1 ♂ , fn 62, sur contrefort d’un arbre 20 cm de diamètre, cavité à la base; 1 ♂ , fn 61, sur contrefort d’un arbre 60 cm de diamètre, 80 cm H; 1 ♂ , fn 67, sur contrefort d’un arbre avec cavité à sa base; 1 ♂ , fn 58, sur tronc; 1 ♀ , fn 63, sur tronc; 1 ♀ , fn 59, sur tronc à contrefort, 40 cm H; 1 ♀ , fn 60, sur tronc mort au sol 30 cm de diamètre, 25 cm H; 1 juvenile , fn 68, sur tronc 80 cm de diamètre, 45 cm H, L. Desutter-Grandcolas ( MNHN-ENSIF2848-2857 , 2878-2880 ) ; 25.X.2006 , nuit, 1 ♂ , fn 31, 1 juvenile , fn 36, without precision (bad condition); 1 ♂ , fn 28, sur tronc 70 cm de diamètre à contrefort, 30 cm H; 1 ♂ , fn 27, sur tronc 70 cm de diamètre à contrefort, 40-50 cm H; 1 ♂ , fn 37, tronc à contrefort, creux à la base, 90 cm H sur contrefort; 1 ♂ , fn 25, sur tronc 80 cm de diamètre avec cavités à la base, 25 cm H; 1 ♀ , fn 34, 1 juvenile , fn 36, sur tronc contourné avec bois mort à la base, 1 m H; 1 ♀ , fn 26, sur tronc 70 cm de diamètre avec contrefort, 40-50 cm H ( MNHN-ENSIF2858-2860 , 2872-2877 ) ; 21.X.2006 , 2 juveniles , fn 32, 33, without precision ( MNHN-ENSIF2824-2825 ). — Vanuatu , Espiritu Santo , Nattawa , forêt paturée, 15°19’29”S , 167°12’09”E , 29.X.2006 , jour, 1 juvenile , fn 50, litière, L. Desutter-Grandcolas ( MNHN-ENSIF2881 ).— Vanuatu , Espiritu Santo , Peavot , Mt. Nouresororo , 636 m alt., 14°59’26”S , 166°45’14”E , forêt de brume, 22.X.2006 , nuit, 1 ♀ , fn 16, à la base du contrefort d’un très gros tronc, S. Hugel ( MNHN-ENSIF2882 ). — Vanuatu , Espiritu Santo , Butmas , 600 m alt., forêt du plateau de Tankara , 15°21’56”S , 166°59’E , 13.X.2006 , nuit, 1 ♂ , fn 25, 40 cm H sur tronc à échasse ; 1 ♂ , fn 30, 2 m H sur petit bambou 2 cm de diamètre; 1 ♂ , fn 29, 1.70 m H, tronc 70 cm de diamètre, bois mort et cavités à la base; 1 ♂ , fn 27, 1.50 m H, sur tronc à contrefort 60 cm de diamètre; 1 ♂ , fn 32, 1 ♀ , fn 33, 1 juvenile , fn 34, 2 m H, sur tronc à contrefort; 1 juvenile , fn 26, 2.50 m H sur tronc à contrefort; 1 juvenile , fn 28, 1.50 m H, tronc à contrefort 50 cm de diamètre; 1 juvenile , fn 31, 40 cm H sur tronc à contrefort ( MNHN-ENSIF2883-2892 ) ; 16.X.2006 , nuit, 2 juveniles , fn 11, 3, falaise calcaire alvéolée ( MNHN-ENSIF2893-2894 ) . ETYMOLOGY. — Species named after Grace Mera Molisa, politician and poet, who campaigned in favour of Vanuatu independence and Melanesian culture. DIAGNOSIS. — Small species spotted with yellow, brown and black ( Fig. 1 ). Face with three wide longitudinal brown lines, separated with light yellow ( Fig. 2A ). Tibiae I without tympanum. Male with short, glandular forewings more or less hidden under the pronotum ( Fig. 3 ); head dorsum and tergites not glandular. Male genitalia: pseudepiphallus transverse, with a longitudinal crest raised distally as a thin horn; pseudepiphallic parameres plate like, slightly concave, with thin spine-like outer distal and inner proximal angles ( Fig. 4 ). Female apterous; ovipositor small, shorter than FIII; valve apex smooth. Copulatory papilla short, flat and slightly asymmetrical, distal margin bisinuate ( Fig. 2 ). DESCRIPTION Small species flecked with black, brown and yellow ( Figs 1 ; 3 ). Head Eyes protruding ( Fig. 2B ). Fastigium longer than wide, lateral margins rounded. Ocelli ( Fig. 2B ) all small and subequal in size, slightly protruding; distance between lateral ocelli smaller than the distance between median ocellus and one lateral ocellus; median ocellus subapical. Scapes longer than wide, inner upper half with strong, short setae. Palpi long and thin; fifth joint slightly widened only close toward apex, and truncated near apex ( Fig. 2C ). Pronotum Squared, with rounded lateral margins. Dorsal disc: anterior margin only slightly sinuate; distal margin strongly sinuate; a deep longitudinal furrow on anterior �⁄₅. Lateral lobes distinctly truncated distally; anterior lobes greatly raised ( Fig. 1 ). Legs Long and thin. TI without tympanum; two apical spurs, the inner the longest. TII with two apical ventral spurs, dorsal spurs lacking on both sides. TIII compressed laterally, distinctly higher than wide; three outer apical spurs, the median the longest; two inner apical spurs, the ventral missing, the median and dorsal subequal and less than 1.5 times the median outer spur; three inner and four outer subapical spurs, the outer longer and curved. TIII serrulated on both inner and outer margins, except between apical and subapical spurs; spines small and most often bent over the tibia; inner serrulation: no spine between spurs 1 and 2, 1-2 spines between spurs 2 and 3; 17-20 above spurs, smaller toward tibia basis; outer serrulation: 0-2 spines between spurs 1 and 2, 2-4 spines between spurs 2 and 3, 2-4 spines between spurs 3 and 4, 13-18 spines above spurs. Basitarsomeres III very long, about 3 times as long as tarsomeres III-3; two rows of small spines dorsally, mostly distally set: 1-4 inner spines, and 4-6 outer spines, in addition to distal spines. Terminalia Cerci very long, longer than the body ( Fig. 1 ). Colouration Pilosity short, brown and golden. Head dorsum light brown, with four brown lines on vertex, more or less joining anteriorly and laterally. Ocelli white; lateral ocelli in a transverse black brown line prolonged anteriorly toward median ocellus; median ocellus circled with black. Eyes brown, circled with light yellow. Fastigium with a median longitudinal dark line, bordered with yellow. Cheeks widely light yellow behind the eyes; posterior and ventral margins bordered with black brown. Face ( Fig. 2A ) with three wide brown lines separated by light yellow; lateral lines below the eyes widened laterally toward the cheeks; median line going from median ocellus to epistemal suture, prolonged on clypeus, and including indistinct lighter flecks, one under median ocellus and a pair of elongated ones between antennal pits. Scapes light brown, somewhat darker on inner margins. Antennae brown. Palpi light brown. Pronotum: Dorsal disc mottled yellow and brown; pyriform inscriptions yellow ( Fig. 3 ); lateral lobes brown, anterior angle more or less yellow. Legs light yellow with brown rings and flecks; tibiae with four rings; FI with two rings (apical and subapical) and a basal fleck on dorsal side; FII with three rings, basal one incomplete; FIII with two distal rings (apical, subapical) and three more or less ring-shaped flecks toward coxae, outer side light yellow basally with an additional longitudinal brown line ( Fig. 2D ). FIG. 1. — Brevizacla molisae n. sp. , habitus, female allotype. Scale bar: 5 mm. FIG. 2. — Brevizacla molisae n. sp. : A , face colouration; B , head dorsum; C , maxillary palpus; D , E , colouration pattern of hind femur in the specimens originating from Luganville ( D ) and Butmas ( E ); F , G , male subgenital plate in ventral ( F ) and lateral ( G ) views; H , female subgenital plate in ventral view; I -M , copulatory papillas in lateral ( J ) and ventral views ( J -M ) of females from Luganville ( I , J ), Peavot ( K ), Matantas ( L ) and Butmas ( M ). Scale bars: 1 mm. Terminalia Cerci brown, with a wide yellow basal ring. Supraanal plate yellow basally, brown more distally. Tergites Mottled with yellow and brown, tergites I and IV clearly darker. Male FW present but greatly reduced, not reaching the distal margin of metanotum and often hidden under the pronotum; distal margins thick and rounded, glandular.Tergites without glandular pits. Subgenital plate low and squared ( Fig. 2F ), distal margin truncated and sinuate ( Fig. 2G ). Male genitalia Pseudepiphallic sclerite transverse with a mediolongitudinal crest raised distally as a high horn, as in other species of the genus ( Fig. 4 A-C); anterior margin deeply indented. Rami not clearly separated from pseudepiphallic sclerite, straight. Pseudepiphallic parameres located beyond pseudepiphallic sclerite ( Fig. 4C ), having the shape of a quadrate horizontal plate most often slightly concave; outer, distal angle of parameres hook-like ( Fig. 4 A-C); inner, proximal angle elongate and raised ( Fig. 4A, C ). Ectophallic arc membranous between apodemes; ectophallic apodemes wide and straight, more sclerotised along outer margins ( Fig. 4A ). Ectophallic fold membranous, wide, going beyond the proximal limit of parameres, distal margin deeply indented ( Fig. 4B ). Ectophallic valves flat, nearly as long as ectophallic fold, slightly sclerotised from endophallic sclerite ( Fig. 4B, C ). Endophallic sclerite with a wide basis, more sclerotised distally, and a thin, long distal sclerite ( Fig. 4B ). Dorsal cavity lacking. FIG. 3. — Brevizacla molisae n. sp. , specimen from Big Bay, Matantas (ENSIF2873): A , B , male forewings at low ( A ) and high ( B ) magnification. Scale bars: 1 mm. Female Apterous. Subgenital plate distal margin indented ( Fig. 2H ). Ovipositor small, well shorter than FIII, straight; apex hardly wider than the main part of the valves, smooth. TABLE 1. — Measurements of Brevizacla molisae n. sp. Abbreviation: wpron , maximal width of pronotum, including anterior angles of lateral lobes. Locality Lpron wpron LFIII LTIII Lovip Luganville Males holotype 2.5 3.3 9.5 8.3 – paratypes (n = 5) 2.4-2.5 3.1-3.3 9.0-9.5 7.8-8.3 – mean value 2.4 3.2 9.3 8.1 – Females allotype 2.3 3.7 10.2 8.7 7.0 paratypes (n = 4) 2.3-2.5 3.6-3.8 9.3-10.3 8.2-8.7 6.9-7.3 mean values 2.4 3.7 9.9 8.5 7.1 Matantas Males n = 4 2.2-2.3 2.9-3.0 8.2-8.8 6.9-7.5 – mean value 2.3 3.0 8.5 7.2 – Females n = 4 2.2-2.4 3.3-3.5 8.2-9.3 7.4-7.8 6.3-6.9 mean value 2.3 3.4 8.8 7.7 6.7 Peavot Female n = 1 2.4 3.5 9.7 8.2 7.0 Butmas Males n = 4 2.1-2.2 2.8-3.0 7.7-8.5 6.6-7.2 – mean value 2.1 2.9 8.1 6.9 – Female n = 1 2.3 3.3 9.4 8.1 7.4 Female genitalia Copulatory papilla ( Fig. 2I, J ) short and very flat; distal margin strongly sinuate; lateral margin curvatures asymmetrical. Juveniles Very lightly coloured: head dorsum yellow parts connected behind the transverse black band at the level of lateral ocelli, resulting in a very contrasted pattern. Measurements See Table 1 . Variation In the males originating from Luganville, the paramere plate is sometimes more concave, slightly “rolled” upon itself ( Fig. 4G ), and there is globally a certain amount of variation in the paramere shape ( Fig. 4 F-I). Specimens originating from Matantas and Butmas are globally smaller than the specimens from Luganville ( Table 1 ), and somewhat darker (compare for example FIII colouration; Fig. 2D, E ). In the males, the pseudepiphallic horn is thinner and the pseudepiphallic sclerite more concave, with a wider distal outer angle ( Fig. 4D, E ); in some specimens, the horn is elongated apically over about �⁄₄ of its total length. There is a certain amount of variation in female copulatory papilla also ( Fig. 2 I-M): The Butmas female has a copulatory papilla shorter and slightly wider than Luganville specimens ( Fig. 2K ), that of Matantas is longer with a distal margin less sinuated ( Fig. 2L ), that of Butmas is wider and rounder ( Fig. 2M ). HABITAT. —According to the specimens collected, Brevizacla molisae n. sp. is a nocturnal species, which forages on tree trunks or diverse tree structures (roots, buttresses). Only one specimen has been collected during the day, in the leaf litter ( one juvenile from Nattawa, a pastured forest), and none has been found under barks: B. molisae n. sp. may hide during the day in the cavities that occur at the base of tree trunks.