Thalictrum daguanense (Ranunculaceae) is merged with T. omeiense, a species distributed in Sichuan and Yunnan, China Author Zeng, You-Pai 0000-0003-3259-8011 Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, China & Center of Conservation Biology, Core Botanical Gardens, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, China & University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China & zengyoupai @ scbg. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 3259 - 8011 Author Yuan, Qiong 0000-0003-2613-5045 Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, China & Center of Conservation Biology, Core Botanical Gardens, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, China & yuanqiong @ scib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2613 - 5045 Author Yang, Qin-Er 0000-0002-6261-0731 Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Sustainable Utilization, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, China & Center of Conservation Biology, Core Botanical Gardens, South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, Guangdong, China & qeyang @ scib. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6261 - 0731 text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-03-15 539 2 130 146 journal article 20227 10.11646/phytotaxa.539.2.2 f35fdfd0-0c7b-40cf-9e8b-105c41b5e0ec 1179-3163 6357975 Thalictrum omeiense Wang & Wang (1979b: 617) . Figs. 1–12 . Type :— CHINA . Sichuan province : Emei (= Omei) county, Emei Shan , Dacheng temple, Baiyanwan , 2400 m above sea level, 9 August 1957, K.H. Yang 56527 ( holotype PE00028257 ! ; isotypes IBSC0090800 !, KUN0690566 !, SZ00092504 !, SZ00092516 !). Figs. 4 , 5 . = T. daguanense Wang (2017: 676) , syn . nov . Type :— CHINA . Yunnan province : Daguan county , Lianhe cun, Zhaozigou , 1800 m above sea level , in secondary forests or bushes in ravine, 17 June 1973 , B.X. Sun 644 ( holotype PE01040637!; isotypes IBSC0090328!, KUN0689862!). Figs. 1 , 2 . Description :—Perennial herbs. Roots fibrous. Stem 20‒80 cm tall, distally branched. Leaves 2‒4-ternate; blade triangular, 6‒25 cm long and broad; leaflets ovate, broadly ovate, obovate, elliptic or rhombic, 0.6‒7 cm long, 0.5‒5 cm broad, papery, both sides glabrous, green on adaxial side, pale green on abaxial side, base rounded or subcordate, apex obtuse or acute, 3-lobate; lobes crenate-dentate; veins flat adaxially, slightly raised abaxially; petiole slender, 1.5‒5 cm long; stipule membranous, margin torn. Inflorescence corymbiform, glabrous. Pedicels 0.6‒1.5 cm long, glabrous. Flowers bisexual, erect. Sepals 4, caducous, elliptic or obovate, 2.5‒4 mm long, 1.8‒2.2 mm broad, greenish white or tinged with purplish, glabrous. Stamens 25‒40, 5‒ 8 mm long; filaments narrowly oblanceolate, 4‒7 mm long, whitish or purplish; anthers oblong, 1‒1.5 mm long, apex obtuse, whitish. Carpels 6‒16, sessile, ca. 2 mm long; ovary lunate-fusiform, shallowly ribbed, ca. 1 mm long, glabrous; style ca. 1 mm long, slightly recurved at apex; stigma conspicuous, linear, ca. 0.5 mm long. Achenes sessile, ca. 2 mm long; body fusiform, profoundly ribbed; style persistent, recurved at apex. FIGURE 8 . Thalictrum omeiense in the wild (China, Sichuan, Emei Shan, the type locality). A. Habitat. B. Habit. C. Portion of stem. D. Portion of leaf (adaxial side). E. Leaflets (abaxial side). F. Flower with sepals having fallen off. G. Stamens. H. Carpels. I. Infructescence. J, K. Aggregate fruits. L. Achenes (immature). FIGURE 9 . Thalictrum omeiense in the wild (China, Sichuan, Hongya county, the paratype locality). A. Habitat. B. Habit. C. Roots. D. Portion of stem. E. Leaf (adaxial side). F. Leaflet (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). G. Flower with sepals having fallen off. H. Sepal (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). I. Stamens. J. Carpels. K. Aggregate fruit. L. Achenes (immature). FIGURE 10 . Thalictrum omeiense in the wild (China, Sichuan, Leibo county). A. Habitat. B. Habit. C. Roots. D. Portion of stem. E. Leaf (abaxial side). F. Leaflet (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). G. Portion of inflorescence. H. Flower with sepals having fallen off. I. Sepals (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). J. Stamens. K. Carpels. L. Achenes (immature). FIGURE 11 . Specimens of Thalictrum omeiense . A. China, Sichuan, Emei Shan, Y.P. Zeng et al. 171 (IBSC). B. China, Sichuan, Hongya, Y.P. Zeng & Q.L. Huang 351 (IBSC). C. China, Yunnan, Daguan, Y.P. Zeng & Q.L. Huang 317 (IBSC). D. China, Sichuan, Leibo, Y.P. Zeng & Q.L. Huang 322 (IBSC). FIGURE 12 . Selected specimens of Thalictrum omeiense . A. China, Sichuan, Changning, Anonymous 1217 (SM704604800). B. China, Sichuan, Xingwen, Xingwen Exped. 77-274 (SM704604799). C. China, Yunnan, Suijiang, Anonymous s.n. (HITBC). D. China, Yunnan, Yiliang, NE Yunnan Exped. 823 (PE00450922). FIGURE 13 . Distribution of Thalictrum omeiense (●). Black arrow indicates the type locality of T. omeiense , i.e. Emei Shan in Sichuan, China; red arrow indicates the type locality of T. daguanense (= T. omeiense ), i.e. Daguan county in Yunnan, China. Phenology :—Flowering from June to July; fruiting from July to August. Distribution and habitat :— Thalictrum omeiense is distributed in southwestern and southeastern Sichuan and northeastern Yunnan , China ( Fig. 13 ). It grows in forests, along streams, on damp rocks in ravines or on slopes at elevations of 475‒2600 m above sea level. Additional specimens examined :— CHINA . Sichuan : Changning, Anonymous 1217 (SM704604800); Emei, Anonymous 337 (WUK, herb. no. 255166), S.Y. Chen et al. 3338 (SM704604807), S.Y. Chen et al. 3405 (NAS00187550, SM, herb. no. 0035213), S.Y. Chen et al. 3490 (SM704604808), S.Y. Chen et al. 3637 (NAS00188048, SZ00092519), S.Y. Chen et al. 3676 (NAS00187539, SM704604809), S.Y. Chen et al. 3711 (NAS00187551, SM704604810, SZ00092520), S.Y. Chen et al. 3712 (NAS00187542, SZ00092517), S.Y. Chen et al. 3812 (NAS00187544, SM704604811), S.Y. Chen et al. 3824 (NAS00187549, SM704604812), S.Y. Chen et al. 4181 (NAS000187546, SM704604813, SZ00092518), Y. Chen 7451 (NAS00187540), T.Y.Cheo & G.J. Xu 476 (NAS00187559), Ching & Shun 36 (AU00013798, PE00450075), Emeishan Exped. 607 (SM704604821, SM704604882), Emeishan Exped. 1277 (SM704604822), Emeishan Exped. 1879 (SM704604823, SM704604881), W.P. Fang 14554 (KUN0689999, NAS00187548, SZ00092509), W.P. Fang 15662 (IBSC0090625, PE00470957), W.P. Fang 16839 (SZ00092512), W.P. Fang 17093 (SZ00092513), W.P. Fang 18941 (SZ00092510, SZ00092511), X.J. He & Q.S. Zhao 202527 (SZ00571428), X.J. He & Q.S. Zhao 202539 (SZ00571327, SZ00571328, SZ00571329, SZ00571330), X.J. He & Q.S. Zhao 204505 (SZ00571429), Y.Y. Ho 5738 (NAS00187552, NAS00187554, NAS00187556), Y.Y. Ho 6000 (NAS00187553, NAS00187555, NAS00187557), L.C. Hu 50217 (SZ00092506), L.C. Hu & P.Q. Duan 57-346 (SZ0092507, SZ00092508), W.W. Ma 2384 (SZ00092505), Z.B. Peng 6048 (IBK00012660, IBSC0090477), Sichuan Med. Plant Res. Exped. 12267 (CDBI0026243, NAS00187560), Sino-USSR Exped. 1823 (PE00450921), S.L. Sun 501 (KUN0690003, SZ00092203), L.Y. Tai 217 (NAS00187563), S.G. Tang 7805 (SM704604818), T. Tang 36 (PE00028258), H.L. Tsiang & S.S. Chang 31160 (SZ00092514), T.H. Tu 36 (WUK, herb. no. 423258), F.T. Wang 23313 (IBSC0000579, KUN0690001, LBG00051815, LE, barcode unavailable, NAS00070704, NAS00070705, NAS00070707, P00145851, PE00028259, WUK, barcode unavailable), S.H. Wang 519 (CDBI0026242, PE00450074), E.H. Wilson 4700 (K, barcode unavailable, NAS, herb. no. 101147, P00155153), Y.P. Zeng, Y.F. Luo & Y.Q. Tao 167 (IBSC, barcode unavailable), Y.P. Zeng, Y.F. Luo & Y.Q. Tao 171 (IBSC, barcode unavailable), X.B. Zhang 314 (NAS00187561), M.F. Zhong & S.G. Tang 4382 (SM704604815), M.F. Zhong & S.G. Tang 4388 (SM704604816), M.F. Zhong & S.G. Tang 4583 (SM704604817); Hongya, W.K. Bao et al. 1964 (CDBI0040078), W.K. Bao et al. 2932 (CDBI0026241), C.W. Yao 4058 (NAS00070706, NAS00188052), Y.P. Zeng & Q.L. Huang 346 (IBSC, barcode unavailable), Y.P. Zeng & Q.L. Huang 351 (IBSC, barcode unavailable), C. Zhang 20071016 (PE01962224, WCSBG, herb. no. 016245); Jinhekou, Y.T. Hou et al. 201605124 (QFNU0023344, QFNU0023345); Junlian, Anonymous 622 (SM704604706, SM704604801); Leibo, Y.P. Zeng & Q.L. Huang 322 (IBSC, barcode unavailable); Pingshan, Anonymous 418 (SM704604802); Precise locality unknown, A. Henry 8807 (P00145537, P00145538), W.P. Fang 6584 (NAS00187541, NAS00187547, NAS00187562), A.E. Pratt 395 (K, barcode unavailable); Xingwen, Sichuan Econ.Plant Exped. 348 (CDBI0026140, PE, 662410, KUN0690534), Xingwen Exped. 77-274 (SM704604799, SM704604839); Yibin, Anonymous 511 (SM704604803); Yingjing, X.J. He & Q.S. Zhao 181715 (SZ, herb. nos. 587527, 587529). Yunnan : Daguan, B.X. Sun et al. 758 (KUN0689867, PE00471084), Y.P. Zeng & Q.L. Huang 317 (IBSC, barcode unavailable); Suijiang, Anonymous s.n. (HITBC, herb. no. 074341); Yiliang, NE Yunnan Exped. 823 (KNNUN0690701, KUN0690702, PE00450922). Notes :— In his Thalictrum (Ranunculaceae) in China , Wang (2018) cited, in addition to the type collections, only another four collections (three from Emei in southwestern Sichuan and one from Yiliang in northeastern Yunnan ) under T. omeiense , and recorded this species to occur in western Sichuan ( Emei , Hongya ) and northeastern Yunnan ( Yiliang ), China . Our survey of herbarium specimens of this species indicated that it is actually represented by much more material and more widespread in distribution, occurring in southwestern and southeastern Sichuan and northeastern Yunnan .