Revision of Neotropical Scythrididae moths and descriptions of 22 new species from Argentina, Chile, and Peru (Lepidoptera, Gelechioidea) Author Nupponen 1, Kari Merenneidontie 19 D, FI- 02320 Espoo, Finland Author Sihvonen, Pasi Finnish Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 17, Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 13, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland text ZooKeys 2022 2022-02-22 1087 19 104 journal article 1313-2970-1087-19 94F2384E640E4A58B8B4D9D06675D2C2 ECD9B4DC2A3357AABC04DB88FB7D40B1 Scythris andensis Nupponen, sp. nov., genus combination incertae sedis Figs 30 , 59 , 71 Type material. Holotype . Argentina • ♂; prov. La Rioja, Andes Mts., Sierra de Famatina , Famatina village 15 km NNW; 28°46.4'S , 67°35.0'W ; 2085 m a.s.l.; 27 Jan. 2017; K. Nupponen & R. Haverinen leg.; BOLD sample ID KN01064; [genitalia slide] K. Nupponen prep. no. 2/15 Dec. 2019; coll. NUPP (MZH). Paratypes . Argentina • 14 ♂, 2 ♀; same data as for holotype; [BOLD sample IDs] KN01063, KN01065, KN01066; [genitalia slide] K. Nupponen prep. no. 1/13 Jan. 2019 ♂; coll. NUPP; • 1 ♀; prov. San Juan, Andes Mts., salt lake by Cordillera del Tigre; 30°52.8'S , 68°52.4'W ; 1620 m a.s.l.; 26 Jan. 2017; K. Nupponen & R. Haverinen leg.; [genitalia slide] K. Nupponen prep. no. 4/14 Dec. 2019; coll. NUPP. Diagnosis. Externally resembling S. saldaitisi and S. wikstromi , sharing with those whitish blotches on forewings, and reliable determination can be achieved by genitalia examination. In the male genitalia of S. andensis , gnathos with tooth-like extensions on ventral margin, valvae are slim and asymmetrical, phallus is very short, and sclerites on segment VIII are asymmetrical and elongated. In the female genitalia the sclerotised, rocket-shaped sterigma is characteristic. Description. Wingspan 12.5-13 mm. Head, collar, tegula and thorax pale fuscous; thorax laterally and collar with few white scales. Neck tuft white. Haustellum base cream. Scape dorsally dark brown, ventrally white with pecten of same colour. Flagellum dark brown, 0.7 x length of forewing, in male ciliate, sensillae ~ 1/2 as long as diameter of flagellum. Labial palp pale brown, palpomere I and upper surface mixed with white. Legs white, upper surfaces more or less mixed with different tones of brown. Abdomen dorsally fuscous, ventrally dirty white in male and white in female. Forewing pale fuscous, more or less densely scattered by white scales; large white blotches at midwing subbasally, at 0.35 between fold and dorsum, and above tornus; large dark brown blotches between fold and dorsum at 0.2 and 0.45, and spot of same colour at cell end. Hindwing pale fuscous. Figures 30-34. Scythrididae adults, genus Scythris 30 S. andensis Nupponen sp. nov., genus combination incertae sedis, male, holotype 31 S. mendozaensis Nupponen sp. nov., genus combination incertae sedis, female, holotype 32 S. dividua Meyrick, 1916, genus combination incertae sedis, male, lectotype 33A S. medullata Meyrick, genus combination incertae sedis, 1916, male, lectotype 33B S. medullata Meyrick, 1916, genus combination incertae sedis, male 34 S. notorrhoa Meyrick, 1921, genus combination incertae sedis, male, lectotype. Male genitalia . Uncus as long as gnathos and tegumen together, basally subquadrangular, distally narrow and shallowly upcurved, tip pointed. Gnathos long and robust, tip bifurcate, at base large asymmetrical extension; ventral edges with heavily sclerotised tooth-like extensions, four on right side and five on left side; dorsal surface subapically long and slender with weakly sclerotised extension, with two small basal thorns (potentially anal tube). Tegumen hood-shaped. Phallus thick, straight and very short. Valvae long and narrow, asymmetrical; left valva tapered distally, right distally spatulate. Saccus short, labiate. Sternum VIII large, elongated, triangular basally but asymmetrical, posteriorly digitate. Tergum VIII narrower and little longer than sternum VIII, otherwise similar. Segment VIII is somewhat twisted in situ . Female genitalia . Sterigma rocket-shaped, thick and robust. Ostium small, situated at tip of sterigma. Sternum VII rectangular, 1.4 x wider than high. Apophyses anteriores 1/2 length of apophyses posteriores. Figures 35-36. Male genitalia of Rhamphura 35 R. depressa (Meyrick, 1931), holotype, slide JFGC No. 8061 36 R. dimota (Meyrick, 1931), lectotype, slide JFGC No. 8062. Figures 37-38. Male genitalia of Rhamphura 37 R. subdimota Nupponen sp. nov., holotype, slide 5/12 Dec. 2019 KN 38 R. immunis (Meyrick, 1916), lectotype, slide JFGC No. 8056, genitalia shown in lateral view. Figures 39-40. Male genitalia of Rhamphura 39 R. spiniuncus Nupponen sp. nov., holotype, slide 4/12 Dec. 2019 KN) 40 R. angulisociella Nupponen sp. nov., genus combination incertae sedis, holotype, slide 1/10 Dec. 2019 KN. Figures 41-42. Male genitalia of Rhamphura and Landryia 41 R. curvisociella Nupponen sp. nov., genus combination incertae sedis, holotype, slide 1/12 Dec. 2019 KN 42 L. ankylosauroides Nupponen, sp. nov., genus combination incertae sedis, holotype, above (lateral view): slide 4/13 Dec.2019 KN, below (ventral view): slide 2/13 Dec. 2019 KN (paratype). Figures 43-44. Male genitalia of Landryia and Scythris 43 L. chilensis Nupponen sp. nov., genus combination incertae sedis, holotype, slide 3/18 Dec. 2019 KN 44 S. directiphallella Nupponen sp. nov., holotype; slide 3/28 Dec.2019 KN. Figures 45-46. Male genitalia of Scythris 45 S. furciphallella Nupponen sp. nov., holotype, slide 2/16 Dec. 2019 KN 46 S. manchaoensis Nupponen sp. nov., holotype, slide 1/11 Dec. 2019 KN. Figures 47-48. Male genitalia of Scythris 47 S. angustivalvella Nupponen sp. nov., holotype, slide 4/16 Dec. 2019 KN 48 S. zeugmatica Meyrick, 1931, holotype, slide JFGC No. 8050. Figures 49-50. Male genitalia of Scythris 49 S. caimancitoensis Nupponen sp. nov., holotype, slide 3/9 Dec. 2019 KN 50 S. fluvialis Meyrick, 1916, lectotype, slide JFGC No. 8052 (genitalia shown in lateral view). Figures 51-52. Male genitalia of Scythris 51 S. inanima Meyrick, 1916, holotype, slide JFGC No. 8051 52 S. lequetepequensis Nupponen sp. nov., holotype, slide 2/8 Dec. 2019 KN. Figures 53-54. Male genitalia of Scythris 53 S. tibicina Meyrick, 1916, lectotype, slide JFGC No. 8053 (top right corner: tergum VIII and gnathos uncompressed, slide 5/11 Dec. 2019 KN 54 S. sanfranciscoensis Nupponen sp. nov., holotype, slide 2/10 Dec. 2019 KN. Figures 55-56. Male genitalia of Scythris 55 S. tigrensis Nupponen sp. nov., holotype, slide 1/08 Dec. 2019 KN 56 S. bicoloristrigella Nupponen sp. nov., genus combination incertae sedis, holotype, slide 1/9 Dec. 2019 KN. Figures 57-58. Male genitalia of Scythris 57 S. saldaitisi Nupponen sp. nov., genus combination incertae sedis, holotype, slide 4/11 Dec. 2019 KN 58 S. wikstromi Nupponen, sp. nov., genus combination incertae sedis, holotype, slide 2/12 Dec. 2019 KN. Figures 59-60. Male genitalia of Scythris 59 S. andensis Nupponen sp. nov., genus combination incertae sedis, holotype, slide 2/15 Dec. 2019 KN (genitalia shown in lateral view) 60 S. dividua Meyrick, 1916, genus combination incertae sedis, lectotype, slide JFGC No. 8054. Figures 61-62. Male genitalia of Scythris 61 S. medullata Meyrick, 1916, genus combination incertae sedis, lectotype, slide JFGC No. 8055 62 S. notorrhoa Meyrick, 1921, genus combination incertae sedis, lectotype, slide JFGC No. 8065. Figure 63. Female genitalia of Rhamphura pozohondaensis Nupponen sp. nov., holotype, slide 1/14 Dec. 2019 KN. Figure 64. Female genitalia of Rhamphura tetrafasciella Nupponen sp. nov., genus combination incertae sedis, holotype, slide 3/13 Dec. 2019 KN. Figure 65. Female genitalia of Landryia ankylosauroides Nupponen sp. nov., genus combination incertae sedis, paratype, slide 1/15 Dec.2019 KN. Figure 66. Female genitalia of Scythris furciphallella Nupponen sp. nov., paratype, slide 3/16 Dec. 2019 KN. Figure 67. Female genitalia of Scythris salinasgrandensis Nupponen sp. nov., holotype, slide 3/11 Dec. 2019 KN. Figure 68. Female genitalia of Scythris plocogastra Meyrick, 1931, holotype, slide J.F.G.C. No. 8063. Figure 69. Female genitalia of Scythris tibicina Meyrick, 1916, slide 1/18 Dec. 2019 KN. Figure 70. Female genitalia of Scythris sanfranciscoensis Nupponen sp. nov., paratype, slide 3/14 Dec. 2019 KN. Figure 71. Female genitalia of Scythris andensis Nupponen sp. nov., genus combination incertae sedis, paratype, slide 4/14 Dec. 2019 KN. Figure 72. Female genitalia of Scythris mendozaensis Nupponen sp. nov., genus combination incertae sedis, holotype, slide 2/14 Dec. 2019 KN. Figure 73. Female genitalia of Scythris medullata Meyrick, 1916, genus combination incertae sedis, slide 2/17 Dec. 2019 KN. Figure 74. Holotype female of Syntetrernis neocompsa Meyrick, 1933, transferred from Scythrididae ( Hodges 1997 ) to Cosmopterigidae incertae sedis (revised classification) A adult, Argentina: Alta Grazia (coll. NHMUK) B genitalia, slide JFGC No. 6153. Figure 75. Collecting site of Scythris andensis sp. nov. and S. furciphallella sp. nov.: Argentina, Andes Mts. (2085 m), Sierra de Famatina , 27 Jan. 2017. Figure 76. Collecting site of Scythris manchaoensis sp. nov.: Argentina, Andes Mts. (1185 m), Sierra de Manchao, 23 Sep. 2017. Figure 77. Collecting site of Rhamphura depressa Meyrick, R. pozohondaensis sp. nov., R. subdimota sp. nov., R. curvisociella sp. nov., Scythris directiphallella sp. nov., S. angustivalvella sp. nov., Landryia ankylosauroides sp. nov. Argentina, Pozo Honda vill. S (259 m), 19 Sep. 2017. Figure 78. Collecting site of Scythris bicoloristrigella sp. nov. and Rhamphura spiniuncus sp. nov.: Argentina, Andes Mts. (1620 m), salt lake by Cordillera del Tigre, 26 Jan. 2017. Figure 79. Collecting site of Rhamphura angulisociella sp. nov., Scythris caimancitoensis sp. nov. and S. sanfranciscoi sp. nov.: Argentina, Rio San Francisco (397 m), 18 Sep. 2017. Figure 80. Collecting site of Scythris lequetepequensis sp. nov. and S. medullata Meyr.: Peru, Lequetepeque River shore (200 m), 1 Feb. 2019. Figure 81. Neighbor-joining tree of 35 barcoded specimens generated from BOLD (Sujeevan and Hebert 2007, For each specimen, data are presented as shown at bottom of the tree. BOLD analysis parameters: taxon ID tree, Kimura 2-parameter model, BOLD aligner, contaminants excluded, records with stop codon excluded, records flagged as misidentifications or errors excluded, pairwise deletion, codon positions included: 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Etymology. Latinised adjective in the nominative singular. The name of the species refers to its geographical origin, the Andes Mountains. Distribution. NW Argentina. Habitat. The species was collected in a dry sandy river bed at medium altitude of the Andes Mts., surrounded by dry and xerothermic rocky slopes with low vegetation and sparse shrubs (Fig. 75 ). Genetic data. BIN: BOLD:ADZ5420 ( n = 3 from Argentina). Genetically slightly heterogenous, maximum variation 0.16%. Nearest neighbour: Scythris mendozaensis Nupponen sp. nov. from Argentina ( Scythrididae , BIN: BOLD:ADZ5134, 5.78%). Remarks. Scythris andensis and S. mendozaensis are morphologically similar. In COI maximum likelihood phylogeny these taxa associate next to taxa, which are classified in Scythris or without genus combination on BOLD (Suppl. material 2). Structurally these taxa are not easy to combine to any North American Scythrididae genus ( Landry 1991 )). For these reasons we tentatively classify Scythris andensis and Scythris mendozaensis in Scythris (incertae sedis), highlighting the need for more research.