Taxonomy of the Proisotoma complex. Redefinition of genera and description of new species of Scutisotoma and Weberacantha (Collembola, Isotomidae) Author Potapov, Mikhail Author Babenko, Anatoly Author Fjellberg, Arne text Zootaxa 2006 2006-12-14 1382 1 1 74 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1382.1.1 1175­5334 5071464 Strenzketoma gen. n. Type species: Proisotoma buddenbrocki Strenzke Diagnosis. Anurophorinae with all abdominal segments clearly separated and a complete furca. Manubrium with a pair of distal chaetae on anterior side. Tergal sensilla decreased in number and set in the p-row. Buccal cone modified. Tibiotarsi with B-row complete, Crow reduced. Integument with areas of weak secondary granulation, the network of primary granules visible. Ocelli 8+8, PAO present. Antennae with a normal set of sensilla and microsensilla, but bms on Ant.3 absent. Maxillary palp simple, with reduced number of sublobal hairs. Labral chaetotaxy as 1/554. Labial papilla E with guards e 4 and e 7 absent. Maxilla modified with elongated lamellae. Chaetal cover oligochaetotic, macrochaetae undifferentiated. Sensillar formula 30/02224 (s), microsensilla as 10/001. Unguis simple, tibiotarsal tenent chaetae not differentiated. T-chaetae on tibiotarsi absent. Thorax without ventral chaetae. Ventral tube with 4+4 laterodistal and more than 2 posterior chaetae. Furca complete, mucro with two teeth and clear lamellae. Discussion. This monotypic genus is characterised by the loss of all sensilla on Th.III and Abd.I, a condition which is never observed in related forms. Also the mouth parts are exceptionally modified (1 sublobal hair, 1 prelabral chaeta, low labial papilla A and C, slender maxillary head) and the reduction of tibiotarsal chaetotaxy is unique. Derivation of the name: The genus is named after K. Strenzke who originally described the type species from Kieler Bucht , Germany .