Correction of collecting number errors in the protologues of sixty-four taxon names from China Author Lin, Yun Hunan Medication Vestibule School, Changsha 410208, Hunan, China Author Bi, Hai-Yan Department of Life Sciences, National Natural History Museum of China, Beijing 100050, China Author Sun, Jun Xiangzhong Normal College for Preschool Education, Shaoyang 422000, Hunan, China Author Sun, Qian School of Health and Environmental Engineering, Shenzhen Technology University, Shenzhen 518118, Guangdong, China text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-09-14 613 3 261 270 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.613.3.5 1179-3163 8345323 45. Paederia stenobotrya Merr. ( Rubiaceae ) in Lingnan Sci. J. 11(1): 57. 1932 . TYPE:— CHINA . Hainan : Hongmao Shan , 26 July 1929 , W. T. Tsang & H. Fung 588 (i.e. Lingnan University Herbarium 18122) ( holotype : NY 00132402 image!). The name Paederia stenobotrya Merr. was validly published with a single gathering “ Tsang and Fung 18122 ” in NY cited in the protologue ( Merrill, 1932 ). However, on the label of the holotype specimen, the collecting number is 588 and the herbarium number is Lingnan University Herbarium 18122. Therefore, the erroneous collecting number in the protologue is to be corrected.