Taxonomic review of the lepida - group of Fannia R. - D. (Diptera: Fanniidae) Author Zhang, Dong Author Wang, Jing Author Wang, Ming-Fu Author Li, Kai text Zootaxa 2011 2803 57 62 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.206692 eb40dc43-d9b5-4801-8b4d-b50ffc619223 1175-5326 206692 Fannia lepida ( Wiedemann, 1817 ) (Figs. 7–9) Anthomyia lepida Wiedemann, 1817 : 82 . Type locality: Germany , Kiel. Aricia mutica Zetterstedt, 1845 : 1580 . Fannia lepida (Wiedemann) : Pont, 1986 : 49 ; Rozkošný et al. , 1997 : 26 ; Xue & Wang, 1998 : 817 ; Wang & Xue, 2002 : 56 . Redescription. Male : Body length 4.90–5.05 mm . Eye bare, facets slightly enlarged on anterior margin in upper part; postocular setae in one row, irregular in length; occipital setae behind the postocular setae on vertex in one shorter row; fronto-orbital plate and parafacial with dense greyish-silvery pruinosity; frons about 1.5 times as wide as anterior ocellus, about 3/5 of the width of postpedicel; frontal vitta black, linear in the middle; frontal setae 9 or 10, situated on the lower 4/5 of frontal vitta, some short setae between them; orbital setae absent; parafacial bare, about 1/2 the width of postpedicel at middle; antenna black; postpedicel about 2.2 times as long as wide; arista bare; epistoma not projecting to vibrissal angle; vibrissal angle behind frontal angle in profile; subvibrissal setulae in one row, outside with one short row of setae; gena with greyish-brown pruinosity; gena and genal dilation with black hairs; upper margin of gena without upcurved setae; prementum with greyish-yellow pruinosity, its length about 2.5 times as long as its width; palpus black, stick-like, slightly longer than the length of prementum. Thorax black in ground-colour; scutum with dark brown pruinosity, without distinct vitta; presutural acr biserial; postsutural acr triserial, only prescutellar pairs strong, the distance between the two outer acr rows narrower than the distance between acr row and dc row; dc 2+3; ia 0+2; pra 2, about 3/5 the length of posterior notopleural seta; notopleuron without setulae; basisternum, proepisternum, anepimeron, meron and katepimeron bare; katepisternal setae 1+1; katepisternum without ventral spines; anterior spiracle yellowish, posterior one brown; calypters yellow, the lower one projecting beyond the upper one. Wing brownish; veins brown; tegula black; basicosta brownish-yellow; costal spine inconspicuous; node of Rs bare on ventral and dorsal surfaces; veins R4+5 and M conspicuously close to each other distally; vein R4+5 straight; crossveins without obvious cloud; halter yellow. Legs entirely black; fore coxa without anterior spines on ventral surface; fore femur with complete pd and pv rows; fore tibia without ad and median p ; mid coxa without any hooked spines or spine-like setae on lower and outer margins; mid femur with stout av row on basal 2/3, towards apex with a gap, comb-like on distal 1/4; pv row complete, long and sparse on basal part, towards apex slightly shorter; p row complete; mid tibia slightly swollen at distal half, with 1 ad , 1 pd and numerous slender hairs on ventral surface, the longest one about equal to mid tibial width; mid first tarsomere without basal tooth-like spines on ventral surface; hind coxa with 2 long setulae on posterior surface; hind femur with 2 long av on distal 1/3, 3 or 4 stout ad on distal 1/3, without pv ; hind tibia with 1 av , 13–15 ad in one row, irregular in length, 1 median d and 10 p in one row. Abdomen oval, depressed and flattened, black in groundcolour, with dense bluish-grey pruinosity; syntergite 1+2 to tergite 4 each with 1 broad median inverted triangular vitta; tergite 5 with 1 narrow median vitta; sternite 1 bare. Female : Not known from China (female described in Chillcott, 1961a : 81). Material examined. CHINA : Shanxi : Hunyuan: 1 male , 14.vii.1985 , M.F. Wang col., 1 male , , M.F. Wang col.; Shanxi : Qinshui: Xiachuan, 1 male , , M.F. Wang col.; Sichuan : Mt. Balang, alt. 4300–4600m , 1 male , 3.viii.2005 , M.F. Wang col.; Jilin : Mt. Changbai: Songjianghe to Changbai, alt. 1000–1965m , 1 male , 28– 30.vii.2008 , C.T. Zhang col. Distribution. China (Jilin, Shanxi, Sichuan), Japan , common throughout Europe ( Norway , Sweden , Finland , Ireland , Great Britain , Holand , Belgium , Luxemburg , Germany , Poland , Russia , Switzerland , Austria , Hungary , Romania , Portugal , Spain , Italy , Albania , and Bulgaria ), North Africa ( Algeria ); and Nearctic Region ( USA and Canada ).