Review of Chalcovietnamicus Marusik, 1991, with description of four new species (Araneae, Salticidae, Euophryini) Author Yu, Kun 0000-0002-5517-4484 Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application of Hebei Province, Institute of Life Science and Green Development, College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, P. R. China & 13468690210 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5517 - 4484 Author Hoang, Quang Duy 0000-0003-1672-7960 Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology, Tay Nguyen University, 567 Le Duan, Buon Ma Thuot, Dak Lak 630000, Vietnam Departments of Zoology and Botany and Beaty Biodiversity Museum, University of British Columbia, 6270 University Boulevard, Vancouver, British Columbia, V 6 T 1 Z 4, Canada & hqduy @ ttn. edu. vn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 1672 - 7960 Author Maddison, Wayne P. 0000-0003-4953-4575 wayne. maddison @ ubc. ca; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 4953 - 4575 Author Zhang, Junxia 0000-0003-2179-3954 Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application of Hebei Province, Institute of Life Science and Green Development, College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, P. R. China & jxzhang 1976 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2179 - 3954 text Zootaxa 2023 2023-08-24 5336 4 451 480 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5336.4.1 1175-5326 8282322 9437A968-62B7-467C-97B6-BD6DD0164EF7 Chalcovietnamicus daiqini ( Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold, 2012 ) comb. nov. (fflħffiḋff) Figs 4–28 , 60–62 , 141 Junxattus daiqini Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold, 2012: 40 , figs 66–70; Prószyński 2017: 75 , figs 38B, 39J; Prószyński 2019: 122 , figs 1D, G–H, L, U–V, 2B. Laufeia daiqini Zhang & Maddison, 2015: 30 , figs 510–516, 870–871. Type material. Holotype ♁ and allotype ( CDML ), INDONESIA : Sumatra , Bohorok , sweeping and beating bushes, 16 June 1983 , leg. C.L. Deeleman-Reinhold (C.L. Deeleman-Reinhold re-examined and shared photos of the type material). Material examined. MALAYSIA : 1♁ ( UBCZ ; KYU-SAL441 ), Pahang , Genting Highlands , 3.400°N , 101.777°E , 1000 m , 15–16 May 2005 , leg. W. Maddison , D. Li , I. Agnarsson & J. Zhang , WPM#05-023; 1 1♀ ( UBCZ ; KYU-SAL411 ), Selangor , near 3.4°N , 101.8°E , 16 May 2005 , leg. W. Maddison , D. Li , I. Agnarsson & J. Zhang , WPM#05-024 ; SINGAPORE : 2♁ 2♀ ( UBCZ ; KYU-SAL442 , KYU-SAL444 ~445), Bukit Timah Natural Reserve , 1.355°N , 103.78°E , 9 May 2005 , leg. W. Maddison , D. Li , I. Agnarsson & J. Zhang , WPM#05-007 ; 1♀ 2j ( UBCZ ; KYU-SAL446 ), Same locality, main road, 1.3549°N , 103.7758°E , 150 m elev., 3 June 2005 , leg. W. Maddison & Paul Ng , WPM#19-032 ; 1♀ ( UBCZ ; KYU-SAL413 ), Same locality, 1.3573°N , 103.7759°E , 100–130 m elev., 5 June 2019 , leg. W. Maddison & K. Marathe , WPM#19-038 ; 1♀ ( UBCZ ; KYU-SAL449 ), Same locality, stream at Jungle Falls Path , 1.357°N , 103.774°E , 110 m elev., 4–5 June 2019 , leg. W. Maddison & K. Marathe , WPM#19-037 ; 2♀ ( UBCZ ; KYU-SAL447 ~448), Dairy Farm Nature Park , 1.358°N , 103.777°E , 50 m elev., 2 June 2019 , leg. W. Maddison & C.S.P. Ang , WPM#19-031; 4 4♀ ( UBCZ ; KYU-SAL440 , KYU-SAL443 ), Nee Soon Swamp Forest , 1.39°N , 103.81°E , 12 May 2005 , leg. W. Maddison , D. Li , I. Agnarsson & J. Zhang , WPM#05-015, WPM#05-018 . FIGURES 4–9. Living Chalcovietnamicus daiqini ( Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold, 2012 ) comb. nov. from Singapore, male (4 6) and female (7 9) (© 2019 W.P. Maddison). FIGURES 10–18. Chalcovietnamicus daiqini ( Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold, 2012 ) comb. nov. , male (10, 12–13) and female (11, 14–18) from Singapore. 10–11. Habitus; 12. Prosoma; 13. Endites; 14. Endites and sternum; 15. Teeth on chelicera; 16. Epigynum; 17–18. Vulva; in dorsal (10–11, 17–18), front (12), ventral (13–14, 16) and back (15) view. Abbreviations: AG = accessory gland; BG = Bennett’s gland; CD = copulatory duct; CO = copulatory opening; FD = fertilization duct; S = spermatheca; St = setal tuft. FIGURES 19–28. Chalcovietnamicus daiqini ( Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold, 2012 ) comb. nov. , genitalia of male (19–28) and female (27–28) from Singapore (19–21, 23, 25–28) and Pahang, Malaysia (22, 24). 19–20, 25–26. Palp; 21–22. Bulb, with black arrows indicating tegular lobe and showing variations; 23–24. RTA, with black arrows indicating variations; 27. Epigynum; 28. Vulva; in ventral (19, 21–22, 25–27), dorsal (28) and retrolateral (20, 23–24) view. Abbreviations: ACG = apical cymbial groove; CyP = cymbial process; E = embolus; RSDL = retrolateral sperm duct loop; RTA = retrolateral tibial apophysis; SR = salticid radix; T = tegulum; TL = tegular lobe. Diagnosis. Resembles C. logunovi sp. nov. and C. marusiki sp. nov. in body pattern and copulatory organs, but males can be distinguished from them by the obviously large and backswept apical extension of embolus (aE), forming a bowl-like structure; the rather shallow and indistinct groove around aE; the back embolic keel (bK) only extending to median part of embolus; the tubular distal half of embolus, without any additional structure ( Figs 60–62 ); the fan-shaped distal part of retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA) in retrolateral view ( Figs 23–24 ); whereas in C. logunovi sp. nov. and C. marusiki sp. nov. , the aE is relatively small and straight, with a rather deep groove around ( Figs 63–69 ); the distal part of retrolateral tibial apophysis (RTA) is finger-like in retrolateral view ( Figs 38 , 57 ); the bK is absent in C. logunovi sp. nov. and extends to apical embolus in C. marusiki sp. nov. ( Fig. 64 ); the distal half of embolus has a retrolateral hump in C. logunovi sp. nov. and is concave on the back side in C. marusiki sp. nov. ( Figs 66–68 ); females can be distinguished by their relatively long copulatory ducts, as long as the diameter of the spermathecae ( Fig. 28 ). Description. See Prószyński & Deeleman-Reinhold (2012) . Variation. In males, the tegular lobe can be tail-like ( Figs 21, 25 ) or hook-like ( Fig. 22 ) among different individuals; the dorsal margin of RTA also shows variation in retrolateral view ( Figs 23–24 ). Natural history. Foliage dwellers. Distribution. Indonesia ( Sumatra ), Malaysia (Peninsula), Singapore .