World revision of the microbombyliid genus Mythenteles Hall & Evenhuis (Diptera: Mythicomyiidae) Author Evenhuis, Neal L. text Zootaxa 2003 346 1 28 journal article 51254 10.5281/zenodo.157139 0cf8bc38-65c0-45cf-a4d0-2eb229661dff 1175­5326 157139 Mythenteles hellenicae Evenhuis , sp. n. ( Figs. 9 , 19 , 26, 32) DIAGNOSIS. Mythenteles hellenicae is closest in appearance to M. silus , sp. n. by virtue of the short proboscis, but can be separated from it by vein R2+3 arising at an acute angle from vein Rs (this arising almost perpendicularly in M. silus ). DESCRIPTION. Male . Length: 0.96–1.12 mm . Head . Black; eyes dichoptic, separated at vertex by 1.5 x distance between lateral ocelli; frons depressed medially, yellow to brownish yellow, with brown spot medially; face dark brown, tip of oral margin paler brown; antennae black; scape minute; pedicel cylindrical, slightly wider than long; first flagellomere ( Fig. 9 ) ovoid, length about 1.5 x greatest width; second flagellomere about 3/4 length of first flagellomere, with apical sensillum; postgena dark brown; proboscis black, thick, short, slightly protruding from oral margin; labrum sclerotized, stiff, pointed apically, with minute hairs apicolaterally; labellum thin; palpus not evident. Thorax . Mesonotum and scutellum subshining black, with scattered minute erect dark hairs; humeral callus, thin notopleural line to wing base, postalar callus, propleuron, posterior portion of anepimeron, posterodorsal corner of katepisternum, and upper half of meron yellow; coxae and legs dark brown, only tips of femora yellow; halter stem yellowbrown, knob yellow. Wing ( Fig. 19 ). Hyaline; veins brown; costa ends slightly less than halfway between end of R4+5 and M1; vein Sc incomplete, ending at level about halfway between origin of Rs and end of vein R2+3; Rs evanescent at connection with R1; R4+5 straight to wing margin, not curved; vein M1 curved toward wing margin; M2 fairly straight to wing margin; CuA1 thick at base, thin on apical 2/3 to wing margin; fringe of hair on posterior margin of wing rather long. Abdomen . Dorsum dark brown, with scattered dark hairs; yellow extreme posterolaterally on tergites II–IV, sometimes extending medially as posterior fasciae, especially so on tergites V–VII; sternites dark brown, with yellow on posterior portion of segments. Genitalia (Fig. 26). In lateral view with gonocoxae subtriangular, concave in ventral view; gonostyli absent; epiphallus complex, usual anterior arms subequal in length to aedeagal apodeme, 2 pairs of posteriorly directed arms, medial pair shorter, thicker than thin lateral pair, lateral pair reaching level of pseudosurstylus (visible externally without dissection); aedeagus long, sinuous, basal bulb small, obconical in ventral view, tapering to long, thin neck; aedeagal apodeme small, subquadrate with shorter fingerlike ventral process, lateral vanes squarish in shape; lateral rami thin, ellipsoid; epandrium large, subrectangular, longer than high, pseudosurstylus subapical in position, oriented posteriorly, slightly incurved; cercus sclerotized, subtriangular, partially exserted. Female . As in male except as follows: genitalia ( Fig. 32 ) with vaginal furca long, Ushaped, lateral processes thick, with hornlike hooks apically, medial processes small, stublike, apical process thick, sclerotized for about 1/3 distance along length of lateral processes, cleft medially at bursa copulatrix ; spermathecal reservoir spherical, darkly sclerotized, with gland hairs restricted to small subapical patch; apical spermathecal duct thin, membranous, short, 1/2 length of sperm pump; sperm pump thick, membranous, almost equal in width to lateral processes of vaginal furca; apical valve cylindrical, sclerotized, wide apically, constricted basally; basal duct short, subequal in length to sperm pump, strongly tortuous to just before base and very short, almost vestigial common duct. Types . Holotype male and 5 male and female paratypes from GREECE : Trikala: Panagia, , loc. 36, days, R. Danielsson. Other paratype : 1 male , Pieria: Mt. Olympus, 4 km E. Prioni, , days, R. Danielsson (MZLU). Holotype deposited in MZLU. Paratypes in NLE and MZLU. Remarks . There is very little, if any, variation evident in this species. The amount of yellow color above the postalar callus appears to vary from just a small spot to expanding slightly. The apices of the femora can vary from brown to brownish yellow or dusky yellow, but never bright yellow. Etymology . The specific epithet derives from the type locality in Greece . Distribution . Known only from Greece .