Descriptions of New Species ofAnomalaSamouelle (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) from Costa Rica Author Filippini, V. Author Galante, E. Author Micó, E. text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2015 2015-09-30 69 3 463 476 journal article 10.1649/0010-065x-69.3.463 1938-4394 10106050 9A0330AD-EEF7-4A80-8D80-1B6116BD856F Anomala cyclops Filippini, Galante and Micó , new species ( Figs. 2 , 10 , 18 , 26 , 35 ) Type Material. Holotype : "Cerro El Hacha, 300 m , 12 km SE de La Cruz , Prov. Guanacaste , Figs. 9–16. Anomala species , protibiae. 9) A. coffea (male: holotype; female: paratype, Estación Pitilla, Costa Rica); 10) A. cyclops (male: holotype; female: paratype, Los Almendros, Costa Rica); 11) A. divisa (male: holotype; female: paratype, Estación Biológica Las Alturas, Costa Rica); 12) A. mersa (male: paratype, Sector Palo Verde, Costa Rica); 13) A. mesosticta (male: holotype; female: paratype, Rio Sardinas, Costa Rica); 14) A. robiginosa (male: holotype; female: paratype, Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica); 15) A. strigodermoides (male: holotype; female: paratype, Catarata río Buenavista, Alajuela); 16) A. unilineata (holotype). Scale bar = 1 mm. Costa Rica, 25 jun 1992 , III curso Parataxon. L-N 329200,368000 / INBIOCRI000755645" deposited at MNCR . Paratypes (9): 1♂ "Est. Sta. Rosa, 300 m , P. N. Sta. Rosa , Prov. Guanacaste , Costa Rica , 3 a 12 jun 1992 , III Curso Parataxon. L- N 313000,359800" / INBIOCRI000458888"; 1♀ "Est. Sta. Rosa, 300 m , P. N. Guanacaste , Prov. Guan, COSTA RICA . D. H. Janzen & W. Hallwachs , Jun 1991 , L- N 313000,359800 / INBIOCRI 000590279; 1♂ 1♀ "Est. Sta. Rosa, 300 m , P. N. Sta. Rosa , Prov. Guanacaste , Costa Rica, 1 a 12 jun 1992 , A. M. Mora , L-N 313000,359800" / INBIOCRI000912716 and CEUA00106197 ; 1♀ "Los Almendros, P. N. Guanacaste , Prov. Guana., COSTA RICA . 12–31 May 1993 , E. Lopez , L- N 334800, 369800 / INBIOCRI001168088"; 1♂ "Fca. Jenny, 30 km N de Liberia, P. N. Guanacaste , Prov. Guan., COSTA RICA . 25–29 May 1993 . E. Araya. L-N 316200,364400 / INBIOCRI001183834"; 2♂ "Finca Jenny, 30 km N de Liberia, P. N. Guanacaste , Prov. Guan., COSTA RICA . 20–24 May 1993 . E. Araya. L-N 316200,364400" / INBIOCRI 001184178 and CEUA00106196 ; 1♀ "Est. Murcielago, 8 km SO. de Cuajiniquil, P. N. Guanacaste , Prov. Guana, COSTA RICA . 100 m . 3 May 1994 , C. Cano , L N 320300_347200 # 2907 / INBIOCRI001891273". Seven paratypes are deposited at MNCR , and two paratypes are deposited at Universidad de Alicante . Holotype . Male ( Fig. 2 ). Body oval. Length 9.82 mm , width 5.09 mm . Head reddish brown. Pronotum ochre with a pentagonal, dark brown macula on disc, with apex pointing posteriorly, Figs. 17–24. Anomala species , aedeagi, lateral view (top), dorsal view (bottom left), ventral view (bottom right). 17) A. coffea (paratype, Estación Pitilla, Costa Rica); 18) A. cyclops (holotype); 19) A. divisa (holotype); 20) A. mersa (holotype); 21) A. mesosticta (holotype); 22) A. robiginosa (paratype, Zarcero, Costa Rica); 23) A. strigodermoides (holotype); 24) A. unilineata (paratype, Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica). Scale bars = 1 mm. and a small macula on lateral foveae. Scutellum dark brown. Elytra ochre with dark brown sides, expanding at base, on median and apical parts of suture. Pygidium and venter ochre. Legs ochre with reddish tarsi and apical part of tibiae. Head: Clypeus trapezoidal, surface densely punctatereticulate, flat. Anterior margin straight, clypeus thin in frontal view, width/length ratio 2.42. Frons punctate, less densely than clypeus, with a triangular concavity. Ocular canthus long, thin, with rounded apex. Ratio of interocular width/width of eye 2.9. Ratio antennal funiculus/club 0.85. Pronotum: Subtrapezoidal. Ratio width/length 1.75. Lateral margins angulated at 1/3 of pronotal length from the anterior margins. Anterior angles quadrate, posterior angles obtuse. Basal margin sinuate, subapical bead complete. Surface with deep, dense punctures. Scutellum: Subtriangular, with rounded sides and acute apex. Ratio width/ length 1.4. Surface sparsely punctate. Elytra: With costae defined by regular rows of punctures. Subsutural interstice with 2 rows of sparse punctures, 2 nd –4 th interstices with 1 irregular, secondary stria. Pygidium: Sparsely punctate with long setae on posterior margin. Ratio width/length 1.52. Venter: Space between mesocoxae narrow, slightly convex. Mesometasternal suture welldefined at base of mesocoxae. Abdominal sternites Figs. 25–33. Anomala species , genitalia. Endophalli: 25) A. coffea (paratype, Estación Pitilla, Costa Rica); 26) A. cyclops (paratype, Finca Jenny, Costa Rica); 27) A. divisa (holotype); 28) A. mersa (paratype, Sector Palo Verde, Costa Rica); 29) A. mesosticta (holotype); 30) A. robiginosa (holotype); 31) A. strigodermoides (holotype); 32) A. unilineata (holotype). Aedeagus: 33) A. sticticoptera (lateral view, Cuyotenango, Guatemala, MNHUB). Scale bars = 1 mm. Figs. 34–36. Anomala species , distribution maps. 34) Distribution of A. coffea , A. mersa , and A. robiginosa ; 35) Distribution of A. cyclops , A. mesosticta , and A. strigodermoides ; 36) Distribution of A. divisa and A. unilineata . with 1 row of setae and 3–5 rows of punctures per sternite. Last sternite strigate, with subapical bead thin and sinuate, apical membrane thin. Legs: Protibia ( Fig. 10 ) tridentate, apical tooth long and curved, middle tooth below internal apex of protibia, triangular in shape, acute, basal tooth sharp. Metatibia fusiform. Ratio length/width 3.16. First external carina well-developed, surface punctate. Internal protarsal claw bifurcate, with upper branch slightly shorter and half width of the lower one, inferior margin sinuate. Male genitalia: Parameres with wide apex in lateral view ( Fig. 18 ), ventral margin sinuate. Endophallus ( Fig. 26 ) with 1 long, glabrous sacculus. Ejaculatory duct opening frontally on a lateral inflation. Female. Similar to male except protibia ( Fig. 10 ) with wider teeth; last sternite with curved apex. Variation. Nine paratypes . Head varies from orange to dark reddish brown; presence of a complete or incomplete reddish brown transversal band on elytra or median expansion on suture; pygidium and venter vary from ochre to light brown. Body length 8.44–10.29 mm , body width 4.41–5.37 mm . Clypeal width/length ratio 2.11–2.54. Ratio of interocular width/width of eye 2.50–2.90. Ratio antennal funiculus/club 0.67–0.85. Pronotal width/ length ratio 1.67–1.78. Scutellar width/length ratio 1.10–1.43. Pygidial width/length ratio 1.48–1.68. Metatibial length/width ratio 2.88–3.28. Etymology. From the Latin noun Cyclops, -opis , a one-eyed mythological creature, to be treated as a noun in apposition, for the single macula on the pronotum. Distribution. Anomala cyclops inhabits the dry forest in northeastern Costa Rica , from 100 to 300 m elevation ( Fig. 35 ). Diagnosis. This species is recognized by its medium–small size, ochre color with a median dark macula on the pronotum and a transverse band on the elytra, tridentate protibia, parameres with a wide apex in lateral view and sinuate ventral margin. Species with a similar pronotal pattern and size are Anomala boliviana Ohaus, 1897 ( Bolivia ) , Anomala flavilla centralis Bates, 1888 ( Mexico ) , Anomala centralis LeConte, 1863 ( Mexico ) , and Anomala chevrolati Bates, 1888 ( Mexico ) . However, all these species have a bidentate protibia, whereas A. cyclops has a tridentate protibia. Moreover, A. boliviana has maculae on the elytra and pygidium, ochre elytral suture, first interstice of elytra wider with 3–4 irregular rows of punctures, and a larger pronotal macula. Anomala flavilla centralis has only the elytral suture pigmented, and the parameres are long with an acute and curved apex and the ventral margin acute and pointing posteriorly in lateral view. Anomala centralis has a triangular pronotal macula, ochre elytral suture, and elytra with darker shading on the lateral margins. Anomala chevrolati has an irregular reddish pronotal macula, a wide, dark elytral suture homogeneously wide on the apical half, denser punctures on the elytra, and finer secondary punctures on the elytral surface. Anomala bruchiana Ohaus, 1911 has a tridentate protibia and a small pronotal macula, but it has a triangular shape, ochre elytra with a narrow, dark elytral suture, and slender, long parameres with an acute apex and curved ventral margin. Anomala hoepfneri Bates, 1888 has a similar elytral pattern but with a large, irregular pronotal macula, bidentate protibia, and wide and densely punctured elytral interstices.