New records of tardigrades from Colombia with the description of Paramacrobiotus sagani sp. nov. and Doryphoribius rosanae sp. nov. Author Daza, Anisbeth Author Caicedo, Martín Author Lisi, Oscar Author Quiroga, Sigmer text Zootaxa 2017 2017-12-04 4362 1 29 50 journal article 31255 10.11646/zootaxa.4362.1.2 001e3a91-4ea0-4bb3-9ec8-9d3697554a85 1175-5326 1076122 F260162E-CB13-4B60-BF80-032E039D782F Doryphoribius gibber Beasley & Pilato, 1987 Material examined: Eight specimens ( Table 1 ), 5 mounted in Hoyer’s medium, and 3 in PVA from the locality of Bonda, lower basin of ManZanares river. The microhabitat was a mixed assemblage of bryophytes ( Dicranaceae , Frullaniaceae , Racopilaceae ) growing on tree. Remarks: This species has been previously recorded in U.S. A (states of Arkansas and Kansas ) and Mexico ( Chiapas ) ( Beasley & Pilato 1987 ; Pilato & Lisi 2006; Chappell et al . 2015 ), it is therefore the first record of this species for Colombia and the entire South America.