Pygmy grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) of Vietnam: the genus Bolivaritettix Günther, 1939 Author Storozhenko, Sergey Yu. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-01-22 4374 4 497 523 journal article 30953 10.11646/zootaxa.4374.4.3 e42a2d2a-7828-4072-9062-42699a949956 1175-5326 1156733 599CDCC2-81D0-4C05-B699-C94042906659 Bolivaritettix vietnamensis Storozhenko , sp. nov. Figs 6 , 19–22 Material examined. Holotype—female , Vietnam : Dak Lak Province , Chu Yang Sin National Park , 12o23’48’’ N , 108o21’ E , Krong Kmar River upper flow, 1000 m , 19 March–2 April 2013 , coll. D.N. Fedorenko ( ZISP ) . Paratype : 1 female , same data as for holotype ( ZISP ) . (Altogether 2 females). Description . Female. Body medium-sized for this genus. Antennae broken (except for the two basal segments). Antennal grooves situated between lower margins of eyes. Fastigium of vertex 1.5–1.6 times as wide as one compound eye seen from above; anterior margin of vertex rounded, not protruding beyond eyes; lateral margins of vertex gently curved; median carina of fastigium reaching the middle of eyes; transverse carinae not reaching anteriorly the median carina; supraocular lobes small; fossulae deep. Compound eyes not elevated above pronotum in lateral view. Lateral ocelli situated between middle of eyes. Frontal ridge in lateral view gently excised between lateral ocelli, broadly rounded between antennal grooves and distinctly excised below median ocellus; in frontal view, this ridge gently diverging downwards and narrow (ridge near base of antennae as wide as first antennal segment). Pronotum in dorsal view with almost straight anterior margin; posterior process of pronotum narrow, surpassing apex of hind femora by 3.1–4.0 mm. Disc of pronotum with a pair of shallow depressions situated behind shoulders; posterior process of pronotum with a few pimples; apex of this process blunt. Lateral sides of shoulders broadly rounded in dorsal view. Median carina of pronotum in profile slightly raised before and behind shoulders, but excised between shoulders; behind apex of tegmen this carina low and straight. Prozonal carinae well defined, almost parallel; prozona transverse, 1.8–1.9 times as wide as long. Humero-apical carinae distinct; interhumeral carinae strong, distinctly elevated and almost parallel. Tegminal sinus deep; lower part of lateral lobe of pronotum in dorsal view forming broadly triangular lobule directed outwards. Infrascapular area short. Tegmina ovate with broadly rounded apex; visible part of tegmen 2.4–3.6 times as long as wide; this part of tegmen as wide as mid femur. Hind wings surpass apex of posterior process of pronotum on 0.2– 0.4 mm . Fore femur 3.6–4.0 times, mid femur 3.7 times as long as wide; upper and lower side of fore and mid femora weakly sinuate. Hind femur 3.3 times as long as wide. Upper side of hind tibia with 5–7 outer and 5–6 inner spines, with margins finely serrated in basal part. First tarsal segment of hind leg as long as third one; ventral side of first tarsal segment with three equal triangular pads; third tarsal segment not swollen. Epiproct triangular, with pointed apex. Subgenital plate as longs as wide; posterior margin of plate weakly excised and with angular posterior process near middle. Cerci conical, with pointed apices, three times as long as wide near cercal base. Valves of ovipositor narrow, dentate; length of upper valve 3.5 times as great as its maximum width; length of lower valve 6.2 times as great as its maximum width. FIGURES 19–22. Bolivaritettix vietnamensis sp. nov. , female. 19, body, lateral view; 20, the same, dorsal view; 21, head, frontal view; 22, male body, lateral view; 18, apex of abdomen, ventral view. General colouration of the female holotype body blackish brown. Head blackish brown; eyes brown. Disc of pronotum dark brown; lateral lobes blackish brown with brownish lower parts. Tegmina brown; hind wings black. Fore and mid femora brown with indistinct blackish marks. Fore and mid tibia brown with blackish ring in basal quarter and distinct black ring in apical part. Hind femora brown with black marks; median external area with a few black spots; ventral external area black with indistinct light spots. Hind tibiae black with three brown rings situated near the base, slightly behind the middle and at apex of tibia. Fore and mid legs with first tarsal segment black and second segment light brown with blackish apex; hind legs with light brown tarsal segments, but second segment and apex of third segment blackish. Tergites, sternites, epiproct and subgenital plate blackish brown. Cerci brown. Ovipositor dark brown. Variability . General colouration of paratype female light brown with blackish marks. Head light brown; eyes brown. Disc of pronotum brown; lateral lobes light brown. Tegmina light brown. Hind wings, fore and mid legs as in holotype . Hind femora light brown with black marks situates as in holotype . Hind tibiae and tarsal segments, abdomen and ovipositor coloured as in holotype . Male unknown. Measurements (mm). Length of female body 8.6–8.7; pronotum 11.6–12.9; tegmen 1.4–1.6; fore femur 2.0; mid femur 2.2; hind femur 5.9–6.0; ovipositor 1.2. Distribution . Southern Vietnam ( Dak Lak Province ). Comparison . The new species differs from the Vietnamese congeners by transverse prozona (in other species known from Vietnam , prozona almost as long as wide). B. vietnamensis sp. nov. is similar to B. abruptus sp. nov. in parallel prozonal carinae but in later species tegmina are very narrow, visible part of tegmen 0.5–0.7 times as wide as mid femur. The new species is similar to B. insignis (Kirby, 1914) from North India in relatively narrow vertex and almost parallel prozonal carinae, but differs from the latter species in the shape of median carina of pronotum (in B. insignis , the median carina in profile slightly raised but not excised between shoulders). Habitus of B. vietnamensis sp. nov. is also similar to B. luteolineatus Zheng, Li et Shi, 2003 from Southern China ( Guizhou ) and B. tuberdorsalis Liang, 2002 from China ( Hainan ) but in both above mentioned species the prozonal carinae constricted backwards. Etymology . This name is originated from Vietnam , the type locality of a new species.