Georg Bojung “ Scato ” Lantzius-Beninga and his contributions on the anatomy of moss capsules: a transliteration from the original German texts Author Maier, Eva chemin des Cottenets 8, 1233 Bernex-Sézenove, Switzerland Author Price, Michelle J. Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève, case postale 60, 1292 Chambésy, Switzerland text Boissiera 2014 2014-12-31 67 1 79 journal article 978-2-8277-0083-7 10.5281/zenodo.5729519 TRICHOSTOMUM . Agrees entirely in structure and peristome with Barbula . Only, the peristome teeth are weaker and more frail than in Barbula and the inner, more tender half may separate easier from the outer one than in that genus *). Trichostomum tortile , which I could examine more exactly, has an immensely delicate construction of the annulus similar to that I will describe under Aulacomnion palustre . Only briefly could I examine Rhacomitrium ericoides . In this moss too the teeth are con- structed as in Barbula .