Revision of genus Repipta Stål 1859 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Harpactorinae) with new species and distribution data Author Martin-Park, Abdiel Author Delfín-González, Hugo Author Coscarón, María Del Carmen text Zootaxa 2012 3501 1 54 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.213795 3fe7b113-c219-4a34-8305-91cea92bb76a 1175-5326 213795 A1555675-3A47-46FA-9DAB-4B5DBDE365B8 Repipta brailovskyi Martin-Park & Coscarón , sp. nov. Figs 1 , 5 , 8–10 , Map 1 Description. General coloration brown and light brown. Head: brown pigmented with red except labrum, this brown; eyes surpassing inferior margin of head; antenna I brown; II brown basally and dark brown toward apex; rostrum I brown pigmented with red; II and III light brown laterally, brown dorsally and ventrally. Pronotum: anterior lobe, anterolateral angles and collar brown pigmented with light brown; submedian carina beginning in middle of anterior lobe and ending less than half length of posterior lobe; anterior lobe with abundant short and long hairs laterally; posterior lobe brown, lighter in posterior margin. Scutellum: brown pigmented with red; posterior process long, acute and flat. Pleura: light brown pigmented with red; pro-, meso-, and metasterna light brown. Legs: coxae, trochanters and femora brown pigmented with red; tibiae light brown pigmented with red; tarsus brown. Abdomen: connexival segments: brown; unarmed; urosternites brown pigmented with red. Macropterous form: brown, external margins lighter. Hemelytra: corium and clavus brown, internal margins light brown; hemelytron 1.32 mm longer than abdomen; membrane hyaline-brownish. Male genitalia: pygophore globose, longer than wide, median process developed, quadrangular with abundant short hairs ( Fig. 8 B), parameres short, curved with a few long hairs distally ( Fig. 9 B). Phallus: articulatory apparatus quadrangular, basal plates bridge long and thin, pedicel wide ( Fig. 10 B). TABLE 4 . Selected measurements (mm.) of Repipta brailovskyi Martin-Park & Coscarón , sp. nov.
Male (Holotype) N=1
Total length 12.7
Head length 2.16
Head width 1.32
Anteocular region 0.60
Postocular region 0.56
Interocular region 0.60
Interocellar region 0.36
Pronotum length 2.32
Pronotum width 2.44
Scutellum length 0.62
Scutellum width 0.70
Scutellum posterior process length 0.25
Abdomen width 2.36
Eye length 0.60
Eye width 0.32
Eye height 0.68
Antennal segment 1 4.40
Antennal segment 2 1.24
Antennal segment 3 -
Antennal segment 4 -
Rostral segment 1 1.24
Rostral segment 2 0.96
Rostral segment 3 0.40
Head spines length 0.76
Posterior lobe of pronotum discal spines length 0.80
Posterior lobe of pronotum humeral spines length -
Distance between head spines 0.92
Distance between discal spines 1.20
Distance between discal/humeral spines 1.68
Distribution : Mexico . Material examined . HOLOTYPE , 1 3 Mexico : Oaxaca : Putla de Guerrero, [ 17°02'N97°56'W ], 02/IX/ 1990 , R. Baranowky leg., ( MZLU ). Measurements . As in Table 4 . Remarks. It superficially resembles R. flavicans but can be differentiated by the lack of inverted “V” coloration pattern on posterior lobe of pronotum, and genitalia traits. Etymology . Named for Dr. Harry Brailovsky, in honor of his contributions to the study of Heteroptera in Mexico . MAP 2. Distribution of R. brasiliensis sp. nov. , R. coccinea , R. costarrisensis sp. nov. , R. ecuadorensis sp. nov. and R. flavicans .