Bolivian Rhinotragini Vii: Provisional Report Of Higher Altitude Species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) With Descriptions Of New Taxa Author Clarke, Robin O. S. . Hotel Flora & Fauna, Casilla 2097, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. E-mail: hotelfandf @ hotmail. com text Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 2013 2013-12-31 53 28 373 406 journal article 10.1590/S0031-10492013002800001 1807-0205 13153121 Amborotragus vestigiepimeron sp. nov. Fig. 6A, 6B , 11C Holotype male: 9.5 mm . Deposited at MNKM . Diagnosis: See diagnosis under description of genus. Description of holotype : Elongate, narrow species; forebody ( 4.25 mm ) 1.2 shorter than abdomen ( 5.20 mm ). General colour opaque, shining black, without metallic reflection; centre of elytra paler and somewhat translucent (but not at all vitreous); the following yellow: maxilla (except apical palpomere); narrow rings on base of antennomeres VI-XI; basal third of metafemora; and extreme base of metatibia. Surface ornamentation: Above: frons densely punctured, each puncture with short suberect, white hair. Pronotum with scattered erect, long and short hairs, as found on frons (these in male forming indistinct patches of pubescence laterally); paired sulci with simple, smaller punctures. Elytra punctate (each puncture with very short hair), punctures dense, confluent and alveolate on apical third; and basal third moderately clothed with long, erect pubescence. Below: mentum-submentum multicarinate, and densely punctured, the punctures non alveolate, moderately large, and deep. Prosternum multicarinate with dense, moderately large, transverse punctures. Meso- and metasterna with recumbent, grey pubescence (on sides of mesosternum, mesepimeron, base of metasternum, and metepisternum). Abdomen hardly punctate (slightly denser towards sides); pubescence recumbent, very short to short (with scattered suberect hairs towards sides); punctures shallow, transverse, and slightly beveled. FIGURES 4‑6: 4, Ephippiotragus wappesi sp. nov. : A = male holotype, B = female paratype. 5, Ephippiotragus thomasi sp. nov. : A = male holotype, B = female paratype. 6, Amborotragus vestigiepimeron sp. nov. : A = male holotype, B = female paratype. Structure: Head width with eyes ( 1.15 mm ); rostrum moderately narrow (width 0.85 mm , length 0.30 mm ), much shorter than length of inferior lobes ( 0.60 mm ), sides slightly narrowed to apex. Maxillary galea very narrow, twice as long as lacinia, and much longer ( 0.80 mm ) than palp ( 0.50 mm ). Labrum projecting, rectangular, depressed apically; apical margin almost straight. Clypeus short, prominent transversely, declivous with both labrum and frons, punctate towards centre. Eyes moderately convex; inferior lobes with interocular distance ( 0.10 mm ) much narrower than width of one inferior lobe ( 0.55 mm ); superior lobe with 6-7 ommatidia, width of lobe ( 0.15 mm ) about one-third interocular distance ( 0.40 mm ). Antennae reach apex of urosternite II ; moderately narrow; antennomeres III-VI filiform, VII wider at apex, VIII-XI uniformly widened, XI with short cone at apex. Scape ( 0.60 mm ), III ( 0.90 mm ), IV short ( 0.60 mm ), V ( 0.80 mm ), VI and VII ( 0.60 mm ), VIII ( 0.50 mm ), IX and X ( 0.45 mm ), XI ( 0.50 mm ). Prothorax 1.2 longer ( 1.50 mm ) than wide ( 1.25 mm ), sides converging; width (1.00 mm) of front margin narrower than width ( 1.15 mm ) of hind margin (the former with narrow, raised border); apical constriction feeble, basal constriction short but stronger. Pronotum: paired calli not overhanging basal constriction, nor hiding sides of hind angles. Elytral length 4.40 mm , 3.0 longer than width of humeri; width of elytron measured at beginning of apical third 0.30 mm ; apex of elytron not bordered, sutural angle with minute tooth, lateral angle unarmed and almost square. Legs: Front leg relatively short ( 3.65 mm ); peduncles short; underside of clave slightly spiculate. Middle leg longer ( 4.45 mm ), femora bisinuate; peduncle about two-thirds length of clave; underside of clave spiculate towards apex; tibia gradually widening to apex. Hind leg comparatively long ( 8.40 mm ), about twice length of middle leg; peduncle almost straight; clave rather narrow, its apex reaching middle of urosternite IV . Pro- and mesotarsi similar, tarsomeres short, I slightly elongate, II trapezoidal, III wide and strongly bifid. Metatarsomere I long ( 1.30 mm ), 1.4 longer than II + III ( 0.90 mm ); II and III as mesotarsus, except II slightly more elongate. Variation: Colour variation absent, but less opaque panels on elytra may be much reduced (in holotype extend from well behind humeri to apical fifth), or slightly more extensive. Mouthparts may be browner; apical antennomeres may be chestnut with cinnamon coloured pubescence; apical half of elytra may be bronzy. Suture of elytra may lack border for apical quarter. Prothorax may be more cylindrical, the sides less convergent (but still 1.2 longer than wide); prosternal process may be more arced, and apex sub-trapezoidal (with broadly rounded apical angles). Width of elytron measured at beginning of apical third varies from 0.30 mm (as in holotype ) to 0.45 mm ; and apex may be slightly lobed. Description of female ( Fig. 6B ): Example size 10.30 mm ; elongate, antennae and legs much as male, but body more robust; forebody ( 4.50 mm ) slightly shorter than abdomen ( 4.75 mm ). General colour as male (including colour of pubescence), or as follows: opaque, shining black, without metallic reflection; disc of elytra (from base to apical third) distinctly paler and less opaque; the following yellow: base of antennomeres IV-XI yellow ( IV-VII very narrowly yellow, VIII-XI more obviously), pronotum (except paired calli), prosternum in one female entirely black, in other yellow, basal half of metafemora, extreme base of mesofemur, and all tibiae. The puncturation also similar to male except: frons less densely punctured; on pronotum more uniform, lacking the small- er, simple punctures present in the male; and elytra, also uniformly, but more densely punctured, and less rugose anteriorly. Mentum-submentum uniformly carinate, with sparse, deep punctures. Structure: The female shows the following structural differences from the male: rostrum 2.3 wider ( 0.90 mm ) than long ( 0.40 mm ), shorter than length of inferior lobes ( 0.55 mm ); clypeus not declivous with both labrum and frons; eyes less convex; inferior lobes with interocular distance ( 0.45 mm ) equal to width of one lobe ( two females from the Department of Chuquisaca have a narrower interocular ( 0.35-0.40 mm ); interocular flat and planar with eyes, with uniform, dense, small, round punctures; frontal suture just traceable from well behind superior lobes, where it is prominent, to middle of frons, where it is superficial; superior lobe of eye with 8-9 ommatidia; antennal structure similar to that of male, with the following differences: apex reaches middle of urosternite II ; VII-XI uniformly widened, X distinctly shorter than IX and XI . Antennal measurements: scape ( 0.60 mm ); antennomere III ( 0.80 mm ) ; IV ( 0.55 mm ) ; V ( 0.75 mm ); VI ( 0.60 mm ); VII ( 0.55 mm ); VIII ( 0.50 mm ); IX ( 0.45 mm ); X ( 0.40 mm ); XI ( 0.50 mm ). Prothorax distinctly longer ( 1.55 mm ) than wide ( 1.25 mm ); base of prosternal process wider ( 0.20 mm ) than in male, and sides of apical triangle more raised; mesosternal process moderately narrow (about 0.15 mm ), about one third width of coxal cavity, mesepimeron not as narrow (about 0.07 mm at its widest) as in male. Elytra reaching middle of urosternite III ; each elytron rather wider than those of male. Ratio of length from front to hind leg 1.0:1.3:2.4 slightly different to that of male; tibiae less sinuate; and metatarsomere I longer than in male, about 1.5 longer than II + III . Measurements (mm): 10 males / 7 females : total length 8.30-9.75/7.2-10.3; length of pronotum 1.35-1.5/1.30-1.75; width of pronotum 1.10-1.25/1.10-1.55; length of elytra 3.75-4.40/3.90-5.00; width at humeri 1.20-1.35/1.25-1.70. Type material: Holotype male, BOLIVIA , Santa Cruz , Provincia Florida , Floripondio (west), 18°08’S / 63°45’W , 1893 m , on/flying to flowers of “Lloque colorado”, 02.XI.2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col., ( MNKM ). Paratypes with nearly same data as holotype : 1 female , 01. XI .2009 ( RCSZ ) ; 1 male , 02. XI .2009 ( RCSZ ) . Paratypes with same locality as holotype, but different host flowers: On /flying to flowers of “Sagüintillo” , 1 male , 1 female , 01. XI .2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ ); 1 male , 01. XI .2009, Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( MNRJ ); on/flying to flowers of “ Sotillo , 2 males , 1 female , 26. XI .2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ ); 1 male , 27. XI .2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( MZUSP ). Paratypes with slightly different localities from holotype , and different host flower: BOLIVIA , Santa Cruz , Provincia Florida , Bicoquin , 18°07’S / 63°47’W , 1820 m , on/flying to flowers of “Khuro-Khu”, 2 males , 29.X.2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ ) . Rd to Amboró above Achira , Rd to Floripondio , 18°09’S / 63°47’W , 1900 m , 2 males , 27-28.X.2011 , Wappes & Skillman col. ( ACMT ) . Paratypes with slightly different localities from holotype , and no host flower: BOLIVIA , Santa Cruz , Amboró Rd above Achira , 18°07’43”S /63°47’98”W , 1767 m , 1 female , 09-11.X.2004 , Wappes , Nearns & Eya col. ( MZUSP ); ditto, 1940 m , 2 females , 14-15.X.2006 , Wappes , Nearns & Eya col. ( ACMT ). Refugio Los Volcanes , 18°06’S / 63°36’W , 1036-1280 m , 3 females , 16-20. IX .2012, Wappes , Skelley , Bonaso & Hamel col. ( ACMT ) ; 1 female , 16-20. IX .2012, Wappes , Skelley , Bonaso & Hamel col. ( RCSZ ) . Paratypes with different locality from holotype , and no host flower: Chuquisaca , Incahuasi , E Muypampa , 1600 m , 2 females , XII.1984 , L.E. Peña col. ( MZUSP , RCSZ ) . Etymology: Vestigiepimeron (a noun phrase in apposition) refers to the very narrow, almost vestigial mesepimeron in the male of this species.