Bolivian Rhinotragini Vii: Provisional Report Of Higher Altitude Species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) With Descriptions Of New Taxa Author Clarke, Robin O. S. . Hotel Flora & Fauna, Casilla 2097, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. E-mail: hotelfandf @ hotmail. com text Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 2013 2013-12-31 53 28 373 406 journal article 10.1590/S0031-10492013002800001 1807-0205 13153121 Ephippiotragus thomasi sp. nov. Figs. 5A, 5B , 11B Holotype male: 9.15 mm . Deposited at MNKM . Diagnosis: See description of Ephippiotragus wappesi . Description of holotype : General colour opaque. Body and mouthparts black. Front margin of prosternum and antennae pale chestnut. Elytra semi-translucent testaceous; except the following: apical third somewhat rufous; most of apical lobes blackish. Legs chestnut (coxae and protibiae pale chestnut), pro- and mesofemoral peduncles yellow; tarsi black. General pubescence: Most of body densely clothed with short, recumbent pubescence (the hair grey with a golden reflection), as follows: upper side of head; most of prothorax (especially thick and lustrous laterally), but almost glabrous on anterior part of prosternum and disc of pronotum (to leave a broad, contrasting, glabrous rectangle on its basal two-thirds, with only a small patch of pubescence opposite scutellum); scutellum; and meso- and metasterna. Abdominal pubescence renders surface with unusual matt aspect, the hairs grey and recumbent, but fine and long (on each segmental half lying obliquely towards midline, only directed posteriorly laterally); urosternite V with two rounded patches of, stiff, black pubescence to either side of midline. Elytra finely pubescent throughout, the hairs rather fine, lying transversely on apical half, and only dense towards apices; basal half with sparse, erect, long hairs. Surface ornamentation: Since dense pubescence hides most of surface detail on body, description of puncturation (which is non-alveolate) is limited to those parts almost glabrous, as follows: area of mentum-submentum (with rectangular patch of dense, small, round punctures, these mostly of equal size and deep); small, rectangular path on apical third of prosternum (the punctures contiguous, but separated into groups, and from rest of prosternum, by transverse carinas); disc of pronotum (closely punctured, the interstices smooth, the punctures round and deep, larger on and around calli, smaller adjacent to midline and towards sides); and elytra (moderately densely and regularly punctured, the punctures deep and rounded with smooth interstices, denser at base of epipleur and towards apices). Sexual puncturation can only be intimated by slight differences in the density of pubescence at sides of pronotum. Structure: Rostrum wide ( 0.80 mm ) and very short (about 0.15 mm ), about one third length of inferior lobes. Labrum small and short. Frons deeply depressed adjacent to clypeus (leaving clypeus inclined with respect to labrum and genae). Width of one inferior lobe ( 0.35 mm ) equal to the interocular distance; the latter lying below the level of the lobes. Superior lobes: interocular distance ( 0.40 mm ) about 2.5 width of one lobe. Antennae passing elytra at apex of antennomere IX ; VIII arcuate; measurements: scape ( 0.55 mm ), III ( 1.05 mm ), IV ( 0.65 mm ), V ( 0.80 mm ), VI ( 0.90 mm ), VII ( 0.75 mm ) VIII (arcuate) and IX ( 0.65 mm ), X ( 0.50 mm ), XI ( 0.65 mm ). Prothorax about 1.5 longer ( 1.75 mm ) than wide ( 1.15 mm ); sides weakly rounded; apical constriction represented by shallow, broad depression occupying apical third of pronotum (but hardly detectable laterally); basal constriction narrow at sides, widening to middle. Front margin with narrow, prominent border, narrower ( 0.90 mm ) than basal margin ( 1.15 mm ). Pronotum with the following protuberances: midline marked by narrow, impunctate callus occupying middle half of disc; paired calli weak (anteriorly nearly touching midline). Prosternum with apical third moderately declivous with basal two-thirds. Elytra three times longer ( 4.35 mm ) than width of humeri ( 1.45 mm ); nearly reaching apex of urosternite II ; apical lobes not strongly defined, tumid at midline, preceded by weak transverse depression, sides subparallel, and apex rounded-truncate. Abdomen widest at urosternites I and II , III very slightly narrower; only I slightly elongate, II-IV almost quadrate; V weakly transverse. Apical tergite slightly constricted before apex; apical margin weakly rounded. Legs: Ratio of front leg to hind leg 1.0:1.7:2.2. Front leg: relatively short ( 3.50 mm ); peduncle short but distinct; clave fusiform, robust, abrupt, mesally only moderately flattened. Middle leg: long ( 5.90 mm ), hind leg relatively short ( 7.80 mm ), shorter than body; apex of metafemora reaching middle of urosternite IV ; metatibia shorter (3.00 mm) than metafemora. Metatarsomere I short ( 1.20 mm ), about 1.1 longer than II + III ( 1.05 mm ). Genitalia ( Fig. 11B ): Tegmen very similar to that of E. wappesi ; but lateral lobes weakly widened at apex, and distinctly longer than basal piece. Variation: Two male paratypes are paler in colour, especially one that seems to have recently emerged from its pupa; and several have legs paler than holotype . Description of female ( Fig. 5B ): Example size 10.30 mm ; general colour paler than male; saddle on prothorax chestnut; elytra yellowier (and apical lobes hardly infuscate); antennae and legs ochraceous (pro- and mesofemoral claves less contrasting with peduncles), and antennomeres VIII and IX white. Pubescence and puncturation much as in male, except: short, dense pubescence somewhat reduced in extent and density (but see elytra), especially on underside (exposing the puncturation not visible in males); pronotum not so densely punctured (with some smoother areas to side of basal third), and short, dense pubescence encroaching less on to disc; elytra punctures slightly larger, and pubescence more apparent. Puncturation of underside: mentum-submentum and apical third of prosternum as male; basal two thirds of prosternum with large contiguous, somewhat scabrous punctures; mesosternum with small, round, moderately sparse punctures; metasternum almost impunctate on disc and towards hind margin, larger, shallow, dense punctures towards sides, and on metepisternum; abdomen finely reticulate and uniformly micropunctate. Structure: Rostrum much as in male, hardly any longer ( 0.20 mm ). Frons not deeply depressed; interocular flat and almost planar with inferior lobes, only slightly wider ( 0.40 mm ) than male. Superior lobes with 9-10 ommatidia. Antenna reach middle of urosternite III , more robust than male, especially antennomeres VIII-XI ; X and XI not narrowed; formula much the same as male; measurements: scape ( 0.65 mm ), antennomere III ( 1.15 mm ), IV ( 0.70 mm ), V ( 0.90 mm ), VI ( 0.95 mm ), VII ( 0.70 mm ) VIII and IX ( 0.65 mm ), X and XI ( 0.50 mm ). Prothorax not as elongate as in male, about 1.4 longer ( 1.80 mm ) than wide ( 1.30 mm ); callus at midline slightly wider than in male, and paired calli slightly stronger. Prosternum less inclined towards its process than in male, and apex of latter less vertical. Mesosternal declivity abrupt but not deep. Elytra very similar to those of male, slightly less dehiscent (lobes less divergent) than in male; each elytron broader for apical two-thirds; apical lobes preceded by distinct transverse depression, and tumid at midline. Abdomen widest at apex of urosternite II ; sides not rounded; apical margin of V very weakly acuminate; abdominal process slightly less inclined than in male. Apical tergite not constrict- ed before apex; apical margin weakly subacuminate. Ratio of front leg to hind leg 1.0:1.5:2.2 (middle leg proportionately shorter than that of male); metatarsomere long ( 0.65 mm ), 1.3 longer than II + III (the latter pair of tarsomeres smaller than in male). Measurements (mm): 31 males / 9 females : total length 7.85-9.65/8.60-10.80; length of pronotum 1.50-1.80/1.65-2.00; width of pronotum 1.15-1.30/1.25-1.50; length of elytra 3.85-4.50/4.05-4.60; width at humeri 1.25-1.55/1.35-1.75. Type material: Holotype male, BOLIVIA , Santa Cruz , Provincia Florida , Floripondio (west), 18°08’S / 63°45’W , 1893 m , on/flying to flowers of “Sagüintillo”, 02.XI.2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( MNKM ). Paratypes with nearly same data as holotype : 1 male , 1 female , 01. XI .2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( MZUSP ); 2 males , 1 female , 02. XI .2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ ). Paratypes with nearly same data as holotype, but different host flower: On /flying to flowers of “Lloque colorado”, 2 males , 01. XI .2009, Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ ) . Paratypes with slightly different locality from holotype , and different host flowers: Floripondio (east), 18°08’S / 63°44’W , 1914 m , on/flying to flowers of “ Sotillo , 1 male , 26. XI .2009, Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ ); on/flying to flowers of “ Llave , 1 male , 25. XI .2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ ). Paratypes with locality not far from that of holotype : Amboró Rd , above Achira , 18°07’43”S /63°47’98”W, 1768 m , beaten, 1 male , 10-11.X.2006 , Nearns , Wappes & Eya col. ( ACMT ) ; 1 female , 12-13.X.2000 , Wappes & Dozier col. ( ACMT ) ; beaten, 1 male , 09-11.X.2004 , Morris & Wappes col. ( ACMT ) ; 1700 m , beaten, 1 male , 09-11.X.2004 , Morris & Wappes col. ( ACMT ) ; 1700 m , 1 female , 09-11.X.2004 , Morris & Wappes col. ( MNRJ ) ; 1 female , 21-22.X.2000 , Wappes & Morris col. ( FSCA ) ; 1 female , 22. XI .2000 , M.C. Thomas col. ( FSCA ) ; 2 males , 09-11.X.2004 , Morris & Wappes col. ( FSCA ) . Achira , 18°09’S / 63°49’W , 1317 m , 1 male , 25. XI .2004 , on flowers of Acacia, Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ ) . Bicoquin , 18°07’S / 63°47’W , 1820 m , on/flying to flowers of “ Sagüintillo ”, 5 males , 1 female , 29.X.2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ ); on/flying to flowers of “ Khuro-Khu ”, 1 male , 1 female , 30.X.2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ ); 1 male , 31.X.2009 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( MNRJ ). 3 km S Santa Cruz-Samaipata Highway , 19 km E Samaipata , Comunidad Palermo , 1400 m , on/flying to flowers of “ Khuro-Khu , 1 male , 05.X.2012 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ ) . Paratypes from different Department : Chuquisaca , Incahuasi , 1600 m , E Muyupampa , 5 females , XII.1984 , L.E. Peña col. ( MZUSP ) . Paratypes from lower altitude ( 750-795 m ) Chaco forest : Chuquisaca , Semi-Dry and grazed Foothill Chaco Forest , 21 km N Machereti , 20°36’S / 63°17’W , 750 m , on/flying to flowers of “Tipilla”, 1 male , 15.XII.2011 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ ) . Tarija , 48 km S Villamontes , 5 km W Santa Cruz-Yacuiba Highway , Comunidad Sanandita-La Granja , 21°40’S / 63°38’W , 793 m , 5 males , 2 females , 14.XII.2011 , Clarke & Zamalloa col. ( RCSZ ) . Etymology: This species is dedicated to Dr. Michael Thomas ( FSCA ), who collected specimens of this new species; and in recognition of his work on the Cucujidae .