The Beetle Family Carabidae of Costa Rica: Twenty­nine new species of Agra Fabricius 1801 (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Lebiini, Agrina) Author Erwin, Terry L. text Zootaxa 2002 119 1 68 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.162803 f514e964-2196-461c-84ff-64243643bc81 1175­5326 162803 Agra phallica Erwin , new species ( Figs. 5a, 5 b, 5c, 5d) Holotype . Male. COSTA RICA : Cartago, Tucurrique, 09º51'N 83º 43'W , (P. Schild & Burgdorf)( USNM : ADP10016). Diagnosis. Agra phallica is the only species in Costa Rica whose adults have the following attributes: (See image) Femur concolorous; elytron with sutural apex prolonged, acutely pointed (see figure). Male middle and posterior tibiae excavate, markedly arcuate, and densely setose in apical half; elytral apex shallowly arcuate between lateral and sutural apices; metasternum not pubescent; abdominal sterna 2­5 with 2 bilateral patches. Description. Color and luster: Piceous with bright rufous appendages, head rufinistic, femur concolorous; surface very shiny. Form: Head ( Fig. 5a ) behind eye moderately short, tapered in male, rounded in female. Male middle and posterior tibiae excavate, markedly arcuate, and densely setose in apical half. Elytron ( Fig. 5 b) with apex shallowly arcuate between lateral and sutural apices, lateral tooth small, sutural tooth acute, broad and moderately prolonged. Metasternum not pubescent. Abdominal sterna IV and V with 2 bilateral patches of dense long setae. Abdominal sternum VI ( Fig. 5 c) deeply round­notched in male, V­notched in female. Aedeagus ( Fig. 5 d) with markedly short ostium, apex a simple lobe, phallus ventrally with a longitudinal depression. Size: medium, 15.0 to 17.0mm in length, 3.40 to 4.20mm in width. FIGURE 5. A. phallica , dorsal aspect, male: a) head; b) apex of elytron; c) Sternum VI, male (top), female (bottom), ventral aspect; d) aedeagus, dorsal (top), ventral (middle), left lateral (bottom) aspects. Measures (mm): HL = 2.9; WE = 1.7; male SW = 3.2, female SW = 4.0; AL = 3.0. Other specimens examined. Costa Rica : 7 paratypes , 2 male , 7 females , from the following Conservation Area: Cordillera Volcánica Central. Costa Rica , Cartago, 1f, Monumento Nacional Guayabo, Turrialba, 1100m , LN 217200,570300, June, (G. Fonseca)( INBIO : CRI 001­883189), 1f, Turrialba , 3.0 km SE , CATIE area, 1100m , 83°38'W , 9°53'N , February, (H.F. Howden & A. Howden)( USNM : ADP54792), 1f, June, (J.E. Wappes)( USNM : ADP58562), 1f, April, (E. Giesbert)( CAS : ADP62296), 1m , April, (E. Giesbert)( FSCA : ADP 103111 ), 1f, (M. de Mathan)( MNHP : ADP4859), 1f, Tucurrique, 83°43'W , 9°51'N , (P. Schild & Burgdorf)( USNM : ADP10015), 1m , (WAR: ADP 103113 ). Specific epithet. The specific epithet, phallica , referring to the unique aedeagus, is a manuscript name from Liebke's collection in WAR. I am retaining this name, but I have chosen a different Holotype specimen than he labeled with his manuscript name, one that is in better condition. Notes. This species is presently known from only higher altitudes, in Costa Rican wet forest.