A review of the Nemacheilinae genus Oreonectes Günther with descriptions of two new species (Teleostei: Balitoridae) Author Du, Li-Na Author Chen, Xiao-Yong Author Yang, Jun-Xing text Zootaxa 2008 1729 23 36 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.181269 c43ca315-e20f-4b12-aa9d-88e653e05d71 1175-5326 181269 Oreonectes polystigmus sp. nov. Fig. 7 Holotype : KIZ 2001060507, 57.7 mm SL, 68.6 mm TL , from Dabu Village, Guilin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China , June 2001 , donated by Mr. Lan Jiahu, Guangxi Du’an County Animal Husbandry and Aquaculture Bureau, April 2003 . Paratypes : 9 ex. KIZ 2001060502–06, 35.1–53.6 mm SL, 42.2–64.5 mm TL ; KIZ 2001060508–10, 42.0– 46.4 mm SL, 50.2–55.9 mm TL . Location and date are the same as for the holotype . Diagnosis: Anterior and posterior nostrils separated by short distance; anterior nostril elongated into barbel-like structure; tip of anterior nostril reaching middle of posterior nostril; caudal fin rounded; body and belly completely covered by scales; lateral line incomplete, with 6–8 pores; cephalic lateral-line system with 7 supraorbital, 4+7 infraorbital pores; sexual dimorphism observed: males have genital papilla located immediately posterior to anus; gonad opens at end of fleshy prominence. Description: Body elongate and compressed; head compressed; snout pointed; snout shorter than postorbital portion of head; mouth inferior; lip surface smooth; lower lip with notch, completely interrupted by longitudinal groove; jaws completely covered by lips; formalin-preserved specimen has dark brown spots on upper lip; three pairs of barbels, inner rostral barbel reaching vertical of posterior margin of eye, outer barbel reaching almost vertically of branchiostegal rays, maxillary barbel reaching vertical of pectoral-fin origin, barbels with brown spots; anterior and posterior nostrils separated by short distance, anterior nostril tube-like; distal margin of nostril tube truncate, reaching middle of posterior nostril; eyes normal. Distal margin of dorsal fin rounded; dorsal-fin origin posterior to pelvic-fin origin; predorsal length 57.0– 64.1% (59.5) SL; pectoral fin reaches about 1/2 distance to pelvic fin; distal margin of pelvic fin reaches anus; distance from anus to anal-fin origin is 1.5 times longer than eye diameter; less developed caudal-adipose keel on caudal-peduncle; caudal-peduncle length 1.1–1.5 (1.3) times longer than depth; caudal fin rounded; whole body covered by tiny scales, excluding head; lateral line incomplete, with 6–8 pores; cephalic lateral-line system with 7 supraorbital, 4+7 infraorbital pores; vertebra 4+30~33 (3). Air-bladder has two chambers, posterior chamber developed, filling body cavity, connected with anterior chamber by long, slender tube; intestine straight. Fin ray counts: P, 10; D, 6–7; V, 6; A, 5; C 14–15. FIGURE 6. Distribution of O. platycephalus in Jinxiu County, Guangxi. Color pattern (preserved in formalin): Body yellowish brown with many irregularly shaped spots, dorsal fin and caudal fin with irregular spots on rays, other fins hyaline or rays with black. Sexual dimorphism: Males have genital papilla located immediately posterior to anus; gonad opens at end of fleshy prominence. Distribution: Known from the Dabu Village, Guilin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China . Etymology: From Greek poly and stigma , meaning numerous marks, in reference to the presence of numerous dark brown spots on the body of this species. Gender masculine. Remark: From the body shape, this species appears to be most closely related to O. platycephalus and shares the following characteristics: dorsal-fin origin posterior to pelvic-fin origin; body and belly completely covered by scales; cephalic lateral-line system with 2+2 supratemporal and 7 preoperculomandibular pores; caudal fin rounded. However, it can be distinguished from O. platycephalus by the following characteristics: cephalic lateralline system with 7 supraorbital versus 8; 4+7 infraorbital versus 3+10; lateral line incomplete, with 6–8 pores versus 16–18; body with many different spots versus body plain; posterior portion of air-bladder developed, filling the body cavity versus reduced, reaching the vertical of pectoral-fin base.