Remarks on the genus Homogryllacris Liu, 2007 (Orthoptera: Gryllacrididae: Gryllacridinae) Author Shi, Fu-Ming Author Guo, Li-Ying Author Bian, Xun text Zootaxa 2012 3414 58 68 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.281950 736a1cb5-18c7-4917-b3e2-b7113d8565a5 1175-5326 281950 6. Homogryllacris brevispina sp. nov. (Map 1, Figs. 6 , 7 : A) Male. Body medium. Fastigium of vertex obtusely rounded, about 1.5 times as broad as scape. Eyes oval; ocelli indistinct. Anterior margin and posterior margin of pronotum subparallel, lateral lobes of pronotum trapezoid, longer than high, humeral sinus inconspicuous. Tegmina nearly reaching abdominal apex, base of M vein not united with R vein. Hind wings slightly longer than tegmina. Fore and middle tibiae with 4 pairs of movable long spines and a pair of short apical spurs on ventral margin separately; middle tibiae with an inner apical spur on dorsal margin. Hind femora with 9 12 inner spines and 4 11 outer spines on ventral margins; hind tibiae with 6 7 inner spines and 7 outer spines on dorsal margins, a pair of ventral spurs near apex, a pair of dorsal apical spurs and 2 pairs of ventral apical spurs. Ninth abdominal tergite short, trapezoid, posterior margin semicircularly concave. Tenth abdominal tergite very short, in the middle with a pair of long and slender processes, which shorter, subapices or apices decussate ( Fig. 6 : F). Subgenital plate subquadrate, posterior margin with 1 nearly triangular concavity in the middle, the lateral lobes nearly obtuseangled triangular. Styli slender, cylindrical, inserted on both sides of subgenital plate near apex. Cerci long conical, slightly longer than subgenital plate. FIGURE 6. Homogryllacris brevispina sp. nov. : A. head in frontal view; B. pronotum in dorsal view; C. stridulatory teeth in lateral view; D. apex of male abdomen in lateral view; E. apex of male abdomen in dorsal view; F. processes on male tenth abdominal tergite in ventral view; G. apex of male abdomen in ventral view; H. subgenital plate of male in ventral view. FIGURE 7. Habitus lateral view of Homogryllacris : A. H . brevispina sp. nov. ; B. H . ascenda sp. nov. ; C. H . gladiata Liu, 2007 ; D. H . yunnana sp. nov. ; E–F. H . rufovaria Liu, 2007 ; G–H. H . anelytra sp. nov. A–E, G: male; F, H: female. Coloration. Body light yellow. Antennal sockets, base and apex of scape, base of pedicel, and fastigium of vertex with blackish spots; eyes and inner margin of mandibles black. Pronotum with reddish marks. Veins on tegmina purplish red, cells hyaline. Apical part of processes on male tenth abdominal tergite brown. Female. Unknown. Measurements(mm) . Body: 319.7 22.7; pronotum: 33.7 4.1; tegmina: 316.9 17.1; hind femora: 311.0 11.8. Type material. Holotype , 3, Maoershan, Xing'an, Guangxi, 26 September , 2011, collected by Xun Bian. Paratypes , 13, Nanling, Ruyuan, Guangdong, 24 August , 2010, collected by Zhi-Jun Zhou. Discussion. This new species is very similar to Homogryllacris yunnana sp. nov. , but differs from the latter in: the processes on male tenth abdominal tergite much shorter, subapices or apices decussate. Distribution. China (Guangxi, Guangdong). Etymology. The name of the new species is derived from the processes on male tenth abdominal tergite short.