Revision of Goniocolletes and seven Australian subgenera of Leioproctus (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Colletidae), and description of new taxa Author Maynard, Glynn Vivian text Zootaxa 2013 2013-09-19 3715 1 1 114 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3715.1.1 1175-5326 6507387 C099D583-4AD5-48EB-8C20-8B6EDE58801D Leioproctus ( Leioproctus ) cupreus (Smith, 1853) Lamprocolletes cupreus *Smith 1853: 13 ; Dalla Torre 1896: 48 . Paracolletes cupreus (Smith) . Cockerell 1905a: 345 ; 1905c: 479 ; 1934: 25 . Paracolletes plumosellus * Cockerell 1905c: 480 ; 1906: 28 ; 1910a: 200 ; 1934: 33 ; Rayment 1930: 50 ( plumosella sic). syn.n Paracolletes roseoviridis * Cockerell 1905d: 270 ; 1934: 34 . syn.n . Paracolletes nigroclypeatus * Cockerell 1910a: 204 , 207; 1934: 31; Rayment 1935: 676. syn.n . Paracolletes chalcurus * Cockerell 1921: 92 ; 1934: 23 . syn.n . Paracolletes nigroclypeatus hardyi * Cockerell 1929d: 310 ; 1934: 31 . syn.n . Leioproctus ( Leioproctus ) chalcurus (Cockerell) . Michener 1965: 50 . Leioproctus ( Leioproctus ) cupreus (Smith) . Michener 1965: 50 . Leioproctus ( Leioproctus ) hardyi (Cockerell) . Michener 1965: 51 . Leioproctus ( Leioproctus ) nigroclypeatus (Cockerell) . Michener 1965: 51 . Leioproctus ( Leioproctus ) roseoviridis (Cockerell) . Michener 1965: 52 . Types Lamprocolletes cupreus South Australia : holotype , Adelaide ( BMNH 17 a.489) . Paracolletes plumosellus holotype , New Holland ( BMNH 17 a,426) . Paracolletes roseoviridis Western Australia : holotype ( BMNH 17 a.441) . Paracolletes nigroclypeatus Victoria : holotype ( BMNH 17 a.441) . Paracolletes chalcurus Western Australia : holotype , Cunderdin , xi.1913 , R. Illidge ( QM T2400 ) . Paracolletes nigroclypeatus hardyi Western Australia : holotype , Perth ( QM T.4088) . The holotypes of Lamprocolletes cupreus , Paracolletes nigroclypeatus , P . chalcurus and P . nigroclypeatus hardyi are all females and show no significant morphological variation. The types of P . plumosellus and P . roseoviridis , which are males and are identical to males associated with Lamprocolletes cupreus by morphological similarity and coincident collection data. Additional material examined: 47♀ , 76♂ Queensland : Edungalba; 39.6 k W Thargominda. New South Wales : Como; Broken Head; Keera; 53 k NW Cobar. Victoria : 117 k N Highway 1 on Pinnaroo Rd; Gorae West; 19 k S Murrayville; Prisley CF; Mt Talyor; Portland; Bot. Garden, Melbourne. South Australia : 25 miles (40 k) E Kyancutta; 21 k NW Minnipa; Moorlands; Dissapointment Caves, Nullabor Plain; 73 k W Emu; Morgan; L. Gilles NP; (vehicle net) 145–170 k N Cook; 48 k NNE Minnipa; 0.5 k S Morganvale Homestead; 1.5 miles (2.4 k) S Illbillee, Everhard Reserve; 8 miles (12.8 k) SW Kimba; Robe near Sea; Eudunda; Illinawortina Pound, N. Flinders Range; Thurlga Stn; Corny Pt; Crofer; 7 k w Sherlock; Botanic Park, Adelaide; Botanic Park, Adelaide; 25 k NE Eucla. Western Australia : Moir's Rock, 42 k NNW Salmon Gums; 35 miles (56 k) W Esperance; 30 miles (48 k) W Coolgardie; 14 miles (22.4 k) E Eucla; 496 Great eastern Hwy, Greenmount; 31 k W Balladonia; 66 k NW Ballaconia; Cundejdin; Weebubbie cave Area WNW Eucla; 496 Great Eastern Hwy, Greenmount. Northern Territory : Corroboree Rock; 30 miles (48 k) N Erldunda. Collection months : January, February, March, April, August, September, October, November, December. Floral visitations : Myrtaceae : Eucalyptus spp. Female Length ca 10 mm ; metasoma metallic gold, purple, blue or olive. Head— Ocelloccipital distance depressed; frontal line weakly carinate in dorsal area; flagellum paler anteriorly; clypeus with polished interspaces; malar space length about 0.3 x width of base of mandible. Mesosoma —Interspaces of scutum and scutellum granular; hair of scutum and scutellum pale brown with long, fine branches; transverse suture of propodeal triangle strong, but depressed medially. First recurrent vein of fore wing enters second submarginal cell slightly basal to middle. Scopa pale except around basitibial plate, hair on posterior area bimodal; inner hind tibial spur with 5–9 teeth. Metasoma —Pygidial plate with apex rounded. Male Length ca 8 mm . Head —F3–11 length greater than width, anterior surface of flagellum dark, except at apex. Mesosoma All tarsi, apex of hind tibia, hind femur, yellow to pale brown. Metasoma —Median area of T7 hairless. Penis valves each with a single large, median ventral spine. S8 median lobe about half total length of segment. S7 apical lobes arched with long, fine spines on inner surface. For S7–8 and genitalia see figs 27–29.