Parapsyche species (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae: Arctopsychinae) of western North America Author Givens, Donald R. text Zootaxa 2015 4057 4 451 489 journal article 39282 10.11646/zootaxa.4057.4.1 08e70942-bc73-4f70-96bd-4250d2638f36 1175-5326 238562 1EF572F1-5038-4032-9065-F6FD3D51DC0F Parapsyche turbinata Schmid 1968 Figures 8a–c ; 9a, b; 13; 18; 26; 27; 28; 33; 38a–e. Parapsyche turbinata Schmid 1968 , 69 figs. 103–105, 70–71, 73, 74 fig. 119 (male and female). Holotype male: Oregon, Jackson Co., Prospect, 06-vi-1965 , deposited in the Canadian National Collection, (CNIC); Allotype female: Oregon, Hood River Co., Bennett Pass 24-vi-1965 ; CNC No 9383 (CNIC). Givens & Smith, 1980 , 8, 9, 15 figs. 1a–c, 19 figs. 15a– c (male and female genitalia). Male . Description. See Schmid (1968, 69 figs. 103–105, 70–71, 73) ; Givens & Smith (1980 , 8, 15 figs. 1a–c). Female . Diagnosis. As stated by Givens & Smith (1980, 8) in a discussion of the male, P. turbi nat a is most similar to P. extensa . This observation is supported by the similarity of the female genitalia ( Figs. 8a–c , 5a–c ). The internal chitinous sinuous structures ( ist ; best seen in cleared genitalia) within the fused sternites IX and X are similar to those of P. extensa ; however, the sternites VIII of P. turbinata are ellipsoidal, not ovoid as in P. extensa . Tergite IX in P. turbinata is expanded ventrolaterally in lateral view ( Fig. 8a ) and in P. e xt e ns a tergite IX is tapered ventrolaterally to a rectangular stem in lateral view ( Fig. 5a ). Females of P. turbinata are separated from P. almota , P. e l s i s , and P. spinata by tergum IX ( Fig. 8a ), which is divided on each side by a vertical suture, lacking in these latter 3 species. Description. See Schmid (1968, 70, 74 fig. 119) ; Givens (1976 , 55, 95 figs. 7a–c); Givens & Smith (1980 , 8, 19 figs. 13a–c). Pupa . Diagnosis. The P. turbinata pupa can be distinguished from known pupae of other Parapsyche species by the shape of the apical processes ( Figs. 9a, b ). In caudal view, the lateral apices are rounded, the mesal apices acute, but not as acute as in P. al m o t a and P. elsi s . The apices of the apical processes of P. t u r bi n at a ( Fig. 9b ) and P . almota are subequally long, distinguishing them from P. spinata and P. e l s i s , on which the apices are unequal, the lateral apices longer than the mesal apices ( Figs. 4a, b , 7a, b ). The presence of a pair of sclerotized plates on segment IV, position IVp may be diagnostic for P. t u r bi na t a . The form of the caudoventral and anal areas of the apical processes of the male pupa will also serve to separate P. turbinata from P. a l m o t a ( Figs. 2b , 9b ). Sternum VIII may have a pair of remnant submesal single gill filaments, that will separate P. turbinata from P. a l m o t a , which lacks gills on sternum VIII. Pupal mandibles ( Fig. 13 ) are similar to those of P. almota ( Fig. 10 ). FIGURES 8a–c. Parapsyche turbinata Schmid , female genitalia. 8a, left lateral (from Givens & Smith 1980); 8b, caudoventral; 8c, dorsal. FIGURES 9a–b. Parapsyche turbinata Schmid , male pupal apical processes. 9a, left lateral; 9b, caudoventral. Description. Length 9.0 mm (N=2). Apical area of left pupal mandible with 4 subapical teeth, first 3 subequal, basal tooth larger; right mandible with 3 similar teeth subapically, with very small serrations basal to first basal tooth ( Fig. 13 ). Hook plates ( Fig. 28 ) present anteriorly on segments III–VII, posteriorly on segments III, IV and V. Hook plates IIIa each with 8–14 hooks, IIIp with 18–36, IVa with 3 or 4, IVp with 0, Va with 3–4, Vp with 14–18, VIa with 3–5, and VIIa with 4–7. Hook plates Vp oval with hooks very stout, pointing anterad; hook plates IIIp with hooks smaller, less stout ( Fig. 26 ). Abdominal apical processes yellowish brown, bifid, posterior lateral margins and concave caudal surfaces with numerous short spines, these spines on caudal surfaces increasing gradually in size apically ( Fig. 9b ). Patch of black ls setae laterally at bases of apical processes. Several hl setae present on the anterodorsal margin of apical processes ( Fig. 9a ). In caudal view apical margins of apical processes moderately concave ( Fig. 9b ). Apical processes recurved anterodorsad slightly less than 90° to axis of body ( Fig. 9a ). Apices of apical processes ( Fig. 9b ) subequally long; in caudal view, lateral apices rounded, mesal apices acute. Pupal case . Case length 10–13 mm , width 4 or 5 mm (N=4). Case constructed entirely of small pebbles, gravel and sand, all tightly packed into an apparently continuous layer. The inner silk puparium enclosing pupa attached to smooth inner surface of stones. Case cylindrical with ends rounded ( Fig. 33 ). Larva. Diagnosis. The larva of P. t u r bi n at a can be distinguished from that of P. extensa by the absence of long, slender, tubular sh setae ( ls-ts ) ( Figs. 36a , 38b ) and the structure and arrangement of lateral line gills ( Figs. 19 a, b, 21, 27). The presence of short, fluted, scale-hair setae ( f-sh ) ( Figs. 38a–d ) distinguish P. turbinata from all other western Parapsyche species. The longer scale hairs ( sh ) of P. turbinata are twisted ( tw-sh ) ( Fig. 38b ), unlike the long, cross-striated sh ( ls-ts ) of P. spinata ( Figs. 37a, 37c ). The broad and subrectangular ventral apotome of P . turbinata ( Fig. 18 ) is similar to that of P. spinata ( Fig. 17 ), and distinctly different from the narrower subrectangular to triangular ventral apotomes of P. extensa and P. e l s i s ( Figs. 15, 16 ) and ventral apotome with the flared posterior margin of P. a l m o t a (fig. 14). Lateral line gills of P . turbinata are similar to those of P. al m o t a and P. spinata ( Figs. 19 a, b), however the number of filaments per gill appears to be more variable in P. turbinata than in the other western North American Parapsyche species, most variable on abdominal segment VII ( Fig. 27 ). FIGURES 10–13. Parapsyche spp ., pupal mandibles, dorsal. 10, Parapsyche almota Ross ; 11, Parapsyche elsis Milne (from Given & Smith 1980); 12, Parapsyche spinata Denning ; 13, Parapsyche turbinata Schmid. Description. Head: Concolorous dark brown, quadrate. Anterior margin convex. Dark (black to reddish) primary setae in positions 7, 9, 12 and 14. Primary setae at position 16 and 17 pale, translucent (whitish), barely visible, best observed from lateral aspect. Setae 16 much longer than setae 17. Primary setae on anterolateral corners of frontoclypeus in positions 2 and 3. Frontoclypeus with indistinct muscle scars. Frontoclypeus with pair of single pale, translucent (whitish) setae in position 5, near tentorial pits. Dorsum of head sculptured, rugose, with many muscle scars evident; dorsal posterior areas of parietals rugose; lateral surfaces of parietals generally with distinct muscle scars, sometimes occurring in 2 or 3 distinct longitudinal rows; ventral surfaces of parietals rugulose with transverse striations; muscle scars evident on ventral surfaces of parietals; lateral surfaces of parietals with appressed hl setae. Submental sclerite dark brown, with anterior margin straight or nearly straight; anterolateral corners each with 3 dark ls seta. Labrum yellowish brown, clothed with clear ap seta; primary setae in positions 5 and 6. Posterolateral corners of labrum with light brush-like setal tufts curving mesad. Ventral apotome rectangular, lateral margins parallel, with no mesal indentation or lateral flaring posteriorly; 2–3½× as long as wide mesally in mature larvae. Thoracic nota: Pronotum dark brown, mesonotum brown to yellowish brown and metanotum yellowish brown. All 3 nota with appressed clear to dark hl setae. Pronotum with pair of pale, translucent (whitish, barely visible), short, erect, submesal, primary setae at midlength. Meso- and metanota each with single primary setae in positions sa 1 and sa 2. FIGURES 14–21. Parapsyche spp ., 14–18, larval ventral apotomes, 14, Parapsyche almota Ross ; 15, Parapsyche elsis Milne ; 16, Parapsyche extensa Denning ; 17, Parapsyche spinata Denning ; 18, Parapsyche turbinata , Schmid. 19(a–b)–21, lateral line gills, 19a, 19b, Parapsyche almota Ross ; 20, Parapsyche elsis Milne ; 21, Parapsyche extensa Denning. FIGURE 22. Parapsyche extensa Denning , larval head, dorsal, with primary setae numbered. Legs: Meso- and metathoracic legs typical of genus; brownish yellow, with elongate femora, tibiae, and tarsi. Foretrochantins brown, each with 2–4 dark acuminate setae on anterolateral corners. Coxae with ls setae and sl setae on distal lateral surfaces. Forecoxae each with primary seta in position 1. Meso- and metacoxae each with primary setae in positions 2 and 3. Coxal sclerites with 6–17 black ls seta on posterior margin of each sclerite. Mesotrochanters each with dark primary setae in positions 2, 3, and 5, sometimes absent in position 5. Metatrochanters each with dark primary setae, primarily in positions 2 and 3, sometimes absent in position 2. Trochanters, femora, tibiae, tarsi with tan to reddish sl setae along distal ventral margins of meso- and metathoracic legs. Posterolateral surfaces of meso- and metathoracic tibiae each with row of 5–10 short reddish sl setae. Primary setae occurring in positions 2, 3, and 4 on femora of meso- and metathoracic legs. Abdomen: Segments I–VII each with 2 pairs of dark setal tufts of short truncate setae at sa 2 and sa 3; abdominal segment VIII with pair of setal tufts of dark (reddish brown), short setae at sa 3; setal tufts each with 10– 18 setae. Many setal tufts also each with single primary seta. Terga in this species with 4 distinct types of setae: black appressed hl setae intermingled with reddish to tan, short, fluted sh setae ( f-sh) ; dark (reddish brown), basally tapered, tubular (clavate), semi-erect sh setae ( c-sh ); and few erect, scattered, long black to reddish, cylindrical, twisted sh setae ( tw-sh ) ( Fig. 38b ). Few scattered hl setae sometimes on abdominal sterna. Sternum VII with 2 short, black, submesal, primary setae. Sternum VIII with medial ovoid sclerite bearing 11–16 dark ls setae on posterior margin of sclerite. Tergum IX with yellow lateral sclerites with appressed hl setae and 1 or 2 long, black ls setae on posterior margin of each sclerite. Sternum IX with pair of yellow ventral sclerites bearing tan sl setae with prominent setal sockets and appressed hl setae; 15–25 dark ls setae arising from posterior margin of each sclerite, sclerites separated by glabrous meso-longitudinal membrane. Lateral line gills on segments III–VII ( Figs. 19 a, b, and 27), each with gill filaments at terminus of basal tuberous stalk; single lateral line gills on each side of segment III with either 1 or 2 gill filaments per gill stalk; 2 lateral line gills on segment IV with 2 filaments per stalk consistently on mature larvae; 2 lateral line gills of segment V variable, dorsal gill with 2 filaments, ventral gill with either 2 or 4 gill filaments on basal stalk; gills of segment VI with similar pattern, dorsal gill with 2 gill filaments on basal stalk, ventral gill with either 3 or 4 filaments; single gill on segment VII generally with only 2 gill filaments, but sometimes with 3 gill filaments ( Fig. 27 ). Sternum VIII with pair of submesal single gill filaments. Anal prolegs: Yellowish brown, each with basolateral tuft of 3–10 long, black setae. Dorsal and lateral aspects of anal prolegs with numerous dark, long ls setae intermingled with short, dark appressed hl setae. Inner mesal surfaces of prolegs glabrous. Caudal lobe dorsal surface glabrous; ventral surface (basal area) with dark appressed hl seta. Dorsal and lateral areas of prolegs with appressed hl setae. Tan to reddish sl setae on lateral surface of each proleg sclerite; setal sockets prominent. Anal gills 0–4 in number. FIGURES 23–24. Parapsyche spp ., pupal hook plates. 23, Parapsyche almota Ross ; 24, Parapsyche elsis Milne ; Abbreviations: III–VII = abdominal terga III–VII; a = anterior; p = posterior. Distribution. Parapsyche turbinata has been collected in the Cascade Range in Oregon and California and in the Sierra Nevada of California, south to Yosemite National Park. Bionomics. Parapsyche turbinata has been collected at 62– 2,135 m elevation. Emergence is from mid-March to late July. In general, emergence of adults of P. t u r bi n at a occurs at lower altitudes in March, April, and May, at higher altitudes in June and July. Water temperatures in June, July and early August of 2011, 2012, and 2013 ranged from 7.7o C–11.6o C at higher elevations. August temperatures at lower elevations (near sea level) averaged 12o C. Parapsyche turbinata generally occupies streams that are shallow (7.6–30.5 cm deep) and narrow (0.61–3.05 m wide), and slow moving ( Givens & Smith 1980 ). The substratum is composed primarily of gravel, sand, and mud, with a matrix of mixed plant debris (leaves, twigs, bark, wood). Parapsyche turbinata is sympatric with P. elsis and P. spinata . FIGURES 25–26. Parapsyche spp ., pupal hook plates. 25, Parapsyche spinata Denning ; 26, Parapsyche turbinata Schmid. Abbreviations: III–VII = abdominal terga III–VII; a = anterior; p = posterior. Material examined. CALIFORNIA : Butte Co ., Humboldt Rd. above Colby Cr., 40 o11.138'N 121o 49.526'W , 25-v-2014 , 2 F (B. Kondratieff and C. Verdone) ( CSUC ). El Dorado Co ., Bacon Cr., "upstream" site Blodgett Nat'l. Forest, Blodgett Research Sta., 04-x-1996 , 4 L (R. Leech) ( EMEC ); Bacon Cr., Blodgett Exp. Forest, 12-vii-1999 , 2 M (M. Myers) ( EMEC ); Bendorf Spring NE Grizzly Fist, 18-vi-2009 , 1 M (BK and RB) ( CSUC ); Blodgett Nat'l. Forest 20.9 km E Georgetown, 22-vi-1967 , 4 M ( EMEC ); Blodgett Nat'l. Forest 29 km E Georgetown, 24-vi-1967 , 4 M ( EMEC ); Mutton Cr., Blodgett Nat'l. Forest, Blodgett Forest Research Sta., 05-x- 1996 , 17 L (R. Leech) ( EMEC ); South Fork. Silver Cr., (Forest Rd. 3), 19-vi-2009 , 1 F (BK and RB) ( CSUC ). Humboldt Co ., Boise Cr., spring No. 1, tributary to Trinty R., 25-iii-2013 , 1 F, 2 L (JL) ( JLPC ); Jolly Giant Cr., 8–14 18–36 3–4 0 3–4 14–18 3–5 4–7
Parapsyche almota Ross Meso Meta I II III 2 IV 2 4 V 2 4 VI 2 4 VII 4 VIII
S S S D(4) S S S D(4) S D(4) S D(4) S or 3 D(4) S or 2 D(4)(2)
Parapsyche elsis Milne Meso Meta I II III 1 IV 1 1 V 1 1 VI 1 1 VII 1 VIII
1 S S D 4 S S D S D S D S D S D
Parapsyche extensa Denning Meso Meta I II III 1 IV 2 2 V 2 2 VI 2 2 VII 2 VIII
S S S D(4) S S S D(4) S D(4) S D(4) S D(4) 2 D(4)(2) 1
Parapsyche spinata Denning Meso Meta I II III 2 IV 2 4 V 2 4 VI 2 4 VII 4 VIII
S S or 4 S D(4) S or 4 S S D(4) S D(4) S D(4) 4 or 2 D(4) 4 or 2 D(4)(2) 1
Parapsyche turbinata Schmid Meso Meta I II III 2 IV 2 2 V 2 4 VI 2 4 VII 2 VIII
S S S D(4) S S S D(4) S D(4) S D(4) S D(4) 1 or S D(4)(2) or D(4) or D(2) 1
FIGURE 27. Parapsyche spp ., larval schematic gill diagrams, left side with anterior on left. Parapsyche almota Ross , Parapsyche elsis Milne , Parapsyche extensa Denning , Parapsyche spinata Denning , Parapsyche turbinata Schmid. Abbreviations: meso- and metathorax and abdominal segments I–VIII. Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 = number of apical filaments on a gill stalk; S = 5 or more gill filaments on a stalk; D = 2 gill stalks arising contiguously; D(4) = 2 gill stalks arising contiguously, 1 with 5 or more apical gill filaments and 1 with 4 apical gill filaments. Top row = above lateral line, second row = immediately below lateral line, bottom row = sternal gills.
I II P. almota 6–13 8–14 1–3 III IV 1–3 9–13 2–6 V VI 3–5 VII VIII
I II P. elsis 8–27 16–38 3–14 III IV 5–11 7–20 4–16 V VI 4–17 VII VIII
I II P. spinata 7–9 6–9 2–4 III IV 4–5 8–9 3–4 V VI 2–4 VII VIII
I II III IV V VI VII VIII P. turbinata FIGURE 28. Parapsyche spp ., pupal schematic hook plate diagrams, dorsal. Parapsyche almota Ross , Parapsyche elsis Milne , Parapsyche spinata Denning , Parapsyche turbinata Schmid. Abbreviations: I–VIII = abdominal terga I–VIII, Arabic numerals = the range in number of hooks per plate. FIGURES 29–33. Pupal cases. 29, Parapsyche almota Ross ; 30, Parapsyche elsis Milne (from Givens & Smith 1980); 31, Parapsyche extensa Denning; 32, Parapsyche spinata Denning ; 33, Parapsyche turbinata Schmid. Arcata, Arcata Community Forest, 16-iii-2011 , 1 M, 1 F (JL) ( JLPC ); 26-i-2012 , 1 L (JL) ( JLPC ); 22-iii-2013 , 6 L (JL) ( JLPC ); Jolly Giant Cr., Arcata, Humboldt State University, 03-iv-2010 , 1 M, 1 F, 3 L (JL) ( DGPC ); 20-vii- 2011 , 11 L (JL) ( DGPC ); 18-viii-2012 , 7 L (JL) DGPC ); 22-vii-2013 , 2 L (DRG) ( DGPC ); Red Mt. Cr., (Rd. 10N12), 6 L, (JL) ( JLPC ); Trinity R., 49.9 km E Arcata, (Hwy. 299), 02-v-2007 , 1 M, 1 F (JL) ( JLPC ); 09-iv-2011 , 3 L (JL) ( DGPC ); 18-v-2011 , 1 M, 1 F (JL) ( DGPC ); 25-iii-2013 , 1 L (JL) ( JLPC ). Mariposa Co ., 11.3 km NE Fish Camp, 11-vii-1946 , 1 M (H.P. Chandler) ( DGPC ). Plumas Co ., Wolf Cr., 4.8 km N Greenville, 27-v-1973 , 1 M (DRG) ( DGPC ). Sierra Co ., 3.2 km E Bassetts, San Francisco State University Campus, 26-vi-2000 , 2 M (PO) ( DRPC ); 26-vi-2006 , 2 M (PO) ( DRPC ); 30-vi-2006 , 1 M (PO) CSUC ); Mossey Falls (Hwy. 49), near junction Indian Cr., 02-vi-1983 , 1 F (J. S. Penny) ( DRPC ). Tehama Co ., Headwaters Gurnsey Cr., (Hwy. 789) E Childs Meadow, Lassen Nat'l. Forest, 30-v-1991 , 1 M (R. Baumann and Stark) ( DRPC ); small creek, 3.9 km NE Mineral (Hwy. 36), Lassen Nat'l. Forest, 29-vi-2011 , 4 M, 2 PP, 4 L (DRG) ( DGPC ); 30-vi-2011 , 2 M, 1 F, 2 L (DRG) ( DGPC ); 12-vii-2011 , 1 M (DRG) ( DGPC ); 18-vii-2012 , 1 L (DRG) ( DGPC ); 19-vii-2012 , 3 L (DRG) ( DGPC ); 26-vii-2012 , 2 L (DRG) ( DGPC ); 07-vii-2013 , 1 L, (DRG) ( DGPC ); 08-vii-2013 , 1M (DRG) ( DGPC ); 09-vii- 2013 , 2 P, 4 L (DRG) ( CSUC ); 19-vii-2013 , 1 F (DRG) ( DGPC ); 08-ix-2013 , 1 L (DRG) ( DGPC ); small creek, 4 km NE Mineral (Hwy. 36) Lassen Nat'l. Forest, 23-vii-2012 , 15 M (DRG) ( DGPC ); 26-vii-2012 , 8 L; (DRG) ( DGPC ); 13-viii-2012 , 8 L (DRG) ( DGPC ); 30-vi-2013 , 2 L (DRG) ( DGPC ); 06-vii-2013 , 1 M (DRG) ( DGPC ); 19-vii-2013 , 1 PP, 7 L (DRG) ( DGPC ); 08-ix-2013 , 5 L (DRG) ( CSUC ). Trinity Co ., Bidden Cr., (Hwy. 299) 12- iv-1981 , 1 L (RW) ( CSUC ); 20-viii-2012 , 39 L (JL) ( DGPC ); 18-iii-2013 , 1 M (JL) ( JLPC ); tributary of Stewart Fork nr. Trinity Alps Resort, 28-iv-1984 , 4 L, (RW) ( CSUC ). OREGON : Benton Co ., creek at Jct. Old Growth trail, Lewisberg, Saddle, Corvallis, 44o 64.23'N 123o 28.91'W , 29-iii-2013 to 23-iv-2013 , 4 M, 2 F (F. Fitzgerald) ( CSUC ); 23-iv-2013 , 4 M, 6 F (F. Fitzgerald) ( CSUC ). Clackamas Co ., headwater tributaries of Still Cr. and W Fork Salmon River, Mt. Hood, Zigzag Ranger District, Timberlodge Ski area (old Timberline Rd.), 09-vii-2010 , 3 L ( CSUC ). Douglas Co ., Bulldog Cr., Umpqua Nat'l. Forest, 10-vi-1998 , 4 L ( CSUC ); headwaters Bulldog Cr., 19- iv-1998 , 2 L ( CSUC ); headwater tributaries to Jackson Cr., Umpqua Nat'l. Forest, 43° 3'N 22° 30'W , 14-vi-1990 , 4 L (RW) ( CSUC ); headwater tributaries to Squaw Cr. & Donagan Cr., Umpqua Nat'l. Forest (Jackson Cr. watershed), 27-ix-1980 , 7 L (RW) ( CSUC ). Hood River Co ., tributary to Still Cr., 17-v-1967 , 1 M (Jewett) ( CSUC ). Lane Co . Hayseed Cr., Will. N. F. Rigden Ranger District, 21-vi-1990 , 2 M, 1 F (RW) ( CSUC ).