Novelties in Pitcairnia (Bromeliaceae; Pitcairnioideae): three new species from Mexico Author González-Rocha, Edith 0000-0002-3839-3757 Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, División de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud, Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud, Ciudad de México, México & Herbario Metropolitano Ramón Riba y Nava Esparza (UAMIZ), Departamento de Biologi ́ a, División de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa, Apartado Postal 55 - 535. 09310, Ciudad de México, México Author López-Ferrari, Ana Rosa 0000-0003-1071-7075 Herbario Metropolitano Ramón Riba y Nava Esparza (UAMIZ), Departamento de Biologi ́ a, División de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa, Apartado Postal 55 - 535. 09310, Ciudad de México, México Author Espejo-Serna, Adolfo 0000-0001-7192-4612 Herbario Metropolitano Ramón Riba y Nava Esparza (UAMIZ), Departamento de Biologi ́ a, División de Ciencias Biológicas y de la Salud, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Iztapalapa, Apartado Postal 55 - 535. 09310, Ciudad de México, México Author Carrillo-Reyes, Pablo 0000-0001-9278-0208 Herbario Luz María Villarreal de Puga (IBUG), Instituto de Botánica, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Universidad de Guadalajara, México text Phytotaxa 2024 2024-07-23 660 3 205 224 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.660.3.1 1179-3163 13218162 Pitcairnia pugana Gonz. –Rocha et P. Carrillo, sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 , 6 ) Type:— MEXICO , Jalisco : municipality of Mazamitla, cascada Los Cazos, 3.5 km aprox. al SW de Mazamitla, sierra del Tigre, 19º53’35.9’’N , 103º02’29.8’’W , bosque de Quercus alterado, 2100 m , 14 June 2017 , E. González-Rocha & P. Carrillo-Reyes 403 ( holotype UAMIZ!, isotypes IBUG!, MEXU!). Diagnosis:Pitcairnia pugana is similar to P. jaliscana but differs in the inflorescence direction (curved vs. erect), in the size and indument of the peduncle ( 16–25 cm long, densely white-lepidote vs. 12–40 cm long, sparsely white-lepidote to glabrescent) and in the size of the peduncle bracts ( 12–29 cm long, barely surpassing the peduncle vs. 12–57 cm long, much longer than the peduncle). Description:Plant saxicolous, cespitose, 23–54 cm high in flower. Roots fibrous. Stem bulbous, 3–5.5 cm long, 2–4 cm diameter. Leaves not petiolate; sheath brown abaxially, light brown adaxially, widely ovate to ovate, 2–4.3 cm long, 1.3–3 cm wide, entire; leaf blades of three different kinds: the first and main ones foliaceous, green, linear, 21–40 cm long, 6‒10 mm wide, entire except on the persiting base, conspicuously nerved, glabrous adaxially, densely white-lepidote abaxially, not present during flowering season, deciduous by a transverse line of abscission well above the sheath and the persistent portion denselly white-lepidote adaxially, sparselly white-lepidote abaxially and with antrorse spiny-teeth ca. 1 mm long on the margins; the second ones reduced and sheath like, papiraceous, 5–6 cm long, 1–1.5 cm wide, lanceolate to narrowly oblong, entire, acuminate, conspicuously nerved, sparsely lepidote adaxially, white lepidote abaxially; the third ones non-photosynthetic, with a stiff persistent brown linear blade, 1.5–4.5 cm long, ca. 1 mm wide, glabrous adaxially, densely white-lepidote abaxially, with retrorse spiny-teeth ca. 1 mm long on the margins. Inflorescence racemose, curved; peduncle red, 16–25 cm long, 1.5–4 mm diameter, densely white-lepidote, totally covered by the peduncle bracts in the basal portion, partly visible in distal portion; peduncle bracts green, lanceolate, entire, acuminate, glabrous adaxially, densely white-lepidote abaxially, the basal ones foliaceous, 12–29 cm long, 8–11 mm wide, much exceeding the internodes, almost as long as the peduncle; the distal ones green, 2–4.2 cm long, 6–8 mm wide, longer than internodes, nearly completely covering the peduncle; raceme 7–22 cm long, with 10–27 flowers loosely to subdensely and polystichous arranged along the rachis, internodes up to 1.8 cm long; rachis visible, densely to sparsely white-lepidote, green to reddish; floral bracts green with reddish tones towards the base, ovate-lanceolate, 1.5–3.5 cm long, 6–10 mm wide, entire, acuminate, glabrous adaxially, densely white-lepidote abaxially, longer than pedicels, never surpassing the sepals, decreasing in size distally; flowers erect to divaricate at anthesis, slightly zygomorphic, pedicellate; pedicels slender, erect to divaricate, 3–23 mm long, white-lepidote; sepals red, narrowly triangular-ovate, 2–2.7 cm long, 5–7 mm wide, acuminate, glabrous adaxially, sparsely white-lepidote abaxially especially on the keel, the two adaxial ones carinate; petals red, very narrowly oblong, 5.4–6.2 cm long, 6–12 mm wide, rounded then obtuse, turning to one side forming a cap over the stamens, short unguiculate, the claw 4–6 mm long, white, without a nectary scale at the base; stamens 4.8–5.9 cm long, shorter than petals; filaments white, linear, 4–5 cm long; anthers yellow, linear, 7–9 mm long, basifixed; ovary 7–8 mm long, 3–4 mm diameter, ovoid; style 4.5–5.6 cm long. Capsules light brown, ovoid, trigonous, 13–15 mm long, ca. 5 mm diameter, rostrate; seeds reddish brown, fusiform, without appendages ca. 2 mm long, bicaudate, the caudae filiform, ca. 0.5 mm long. Habitat, distribution and phenology: Pitcairnia pugana is known so far only from the state of Jalisco , in the biogeographic Transmexican Volcanic Belt, Sierra Madre del Sur and Chihuahuan Desert provinces ( Fig. 1 ); it grows on rock walls, near streams, in coniferous forests and Quercus forests with elements of tropical deciduous forest, at elevations between 1200 and 2200 m . The especies flowers during May to June and has immature fruits in August and September. Etymology: —The especies honors Luz María Villarreal de Puga (1913–2013) ( Fig. 4C ), an outstanding professor and dedicated botanist who carried out extraordinary work as a teacher and educator, and promoted studies on the flora and vegetation in the state of Jalisco for many years, and contributed noticeable in expanding the herbarium of Instituto de Botánica de la Universidad de Guadalajara (IBUG). TABLE 1. Morphological differences between Pitcairnia aleserratoae , P. gracielae , P. pugana , P. jaliscana , P. karwinskyana , P . micheliana , P. palmeri , and P. pteropoda .
Characters Pitcairnia aleserratoae Pitcairnia gracielae Pitcairnia pugana Pitcairnia jaliscana Pitcairnia karwinskyana Pitcairnia micheliana Pitcairnia palmeri Pitcairnia pteropoda
Plant length in flower 22–55 cm 21–48 cm 23–54 cm 20–80 cm 25–53 cm 27–56 cm 7–39 cm 20–52 cm
Indument on the main green leaves glabrous adaxially, densely white-lepidote abaxially glabrous on both surfaces, except the white-lepidote margins glabrous adaxially, densely white-lepidote abaxially glabrous adaxially, densely white-lepidote abaxially glabrous on both surfaces, except the sparsely white- lepidote margins glabrous adaxially, densely white-lepidote abaxially glabrous adaxially, sparsely white- lepidote abaxially glabrous on both surfaces, except the sparsely white-lepidote margins
Presence/absence of the main leaves during the flowering season present missing missing missing missing present missing missing
Inflorescence type and orientation spike, erect raceme, curved raceme, curved raceme, erect raceme, erect spike, erect raceme, curved raceme, erect
Peduncle length, and indument 11–31 cm, densely white-lepidote 13–34 cm, sparsely to densely white-lepidote at the internodes 16–25 cm, densely white-lepidote 12–40 cm, sparsely white- lepidote 9–31 cm, sparsely white- lepidote to glabrescent 16–28 cm, sparsely white- lepidote 3–24 cm, densely to sparsely white- lepidote 10–31 cm, glabrescent to glabrous
Basal peduncle bracts 6‒8.5 × 0.9‒1.6 cm, ovate-lanceolate 4–11 × 0.8–1.2 cm, narrowly trangular 12–29 × 0.8–1.1 cm, linear 12–44–(57) × 0.5–1 cm, linear 4–40 × 1–1.2 cm, linear to lanceolate 5.5‒10 × 0.8‒1.3 cm, lanceolate 2‒9 × 0.3‒0.8 cm, lanceolate 3.5‒12–(24) × 0.6‒1.7 cm, linear-lanceolate
Inflorescence fertile part length 16–27 cm 7–17 cm 7–22 cm 8–40 cm 10–29 cm 12.5–25 cm 2–24 cm 7–26 cm
Arrangement of flowers on the rachis of inflorescence during anthesis not secund and densely arranged secund and loosely arranged not secund and loosely arranged not secund and loosely arranged not secund and loosely arranged not secund and more or less densely arranged secund and loosely arranged not secund and loosely disposed
Flowers per inflorescence 19–34 9–24 10–27 7–43 10–30 18–45 3–24 6–52
Floral bracts 22–35 × 8–15 mm, triangular-ovate 13–26 × 4–11 mm, ovate 15–35 × 6–10 mm, ovate-lanceolate 20–50 × 6–14 mm, very widely ovate 22–67 × 10–22 mm, narrowly triangular-ovate 17–33 × 5–7 mm, triangular 10–28 × 2–5 mm, narrowly triangular 16–28 × 8–13 mm, ovate
Position of flowers during anthesis ascending to appressed spreading to nutant erect to divaricate ascending ascending ascending to appressed erect to ascending ascending to divaricate
Sepals size 19–27 × 4–5 mm 20–27 × 3–7 mm 20–27 × 5–7 mm 17–30 × 3–6 mm 20–36 × 3–7 mm 23–25 × 3–5 mm 14–25 × 3–4 mm 15–24 × 4–6 mm
Petals 46–60 × 7–10 mm, oblanceolate 53–61 × 8–12 mm, very narrowly oblong 54–62 × 6–12 mm, very narrowly oblong 50–62 × 6–9 mm, very narrowly oblong to very narrowly elliptic 45–65 × 9–12 mm, very narrowly oblong to lanceolate 50–56 × 6–8 mm, narrowly elliptic to very narrowly oblong 37–56 × 6–9 mm, lanceolate 51–53 × 7–9 mm, very narrowly oblong
Distribution Guerrero, Morelos, and Puebla Morelos, and Estado de México Jalisco Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, Jalisco, and Zacatecas Guerrero, Estado de México, and Morelos Colima, Jalisco, and Michoacán Chihuahua, Durango, Jalisco, Nayarit, Sinaloa, and Zacatecas Guerrero, and Michoacán
Flowering time September–December March–June May–June July–October May–August September–December May–August June–August
FIGURE 6 . Pitcairnia pugana , A) floral bract and flower, lateral view, B) flowering plant, C) inflorescence and flowers detail, D) dissected flower: D1 floral bract, D2 sepals, D3 petals, D4 stamens, D5 pistil and flower base, E) plant flowering in habitat, F) inflorescence in habitat, E. González-Rocha & P. Carrillo-Reyes 403, 404 (UAMIZ!). Photos: E. González-Rocha (A, B, D, F), and P. Carrillo-Reyes (C, E). Comments: —Specimens of the new species had previously been identified as P. karwinskyana , P. pteropoda and/or P. jaliscana . However, the detailed analysis of the material allowed us to conclude that it was novelty. The new species here proposed, which is distinguished by the presence of a dense and white indument that covers almost all vegetative and floral structures, a character not present in any of the afore mentioned species (see Table 1 ). Examined specimens ( paratypes ): —JALISCO. Chapala . Sin localidad, E.W.D. Holway No. A (GH). Jocotepec . San Juan Cosalá, serranía Tecuán, L.M. Villarreal de Puga 440 (ENCB); Sierra del Tecuán, San Juan Cosalá, L.M. Villarreal de Puga 3203 (IBUG). Mazamitla . Jardín Encantado, ca de 2.5 km al SW de Mazamitla, E. González-Rocha & P. Carrillo-Reyes 404 (UAMIZ); a 4 km al sur de Mazamitla, R. Hernández M. 406 (MEXU); sierra del Tigre, 3 miles south of Mazamitla, R. McVaugh 13091 (MEXU, MICH, TEX, US ). Quitupan . Cerro de Quitupan, J.F. Barragán C. 47 (IBUG); 22 km al E de la Puerta del Zapatero, brecha al Montoso, J. Villa C. & I. Tejeda P. 766 (IEB, IBUG, MICH). Tlajomulco de Zúñiga . Cerro Viejo, frente a San Miguel Cuyutlán, J.A. Machuca N. 5855 (XAL). Tolimán . Rancho San Pedro Toxín, A. Rodríguez C., C. Ramírez S. & H. Arreola 2051 (IBUG). Zapotlán el Grande . Barrancas near Zapotlán, C.G. Pringle 5372 (MEXU).