New Species Of Tubixaba And Enchodelus (Nematoda: Dorylaimida) From Romania Author Popovici, Iuliana BAQRI,Q.H.&JAIRAJPURIM,.S.(1974).NematodesofhighaltitudesinIndia.V.FivenewspeciesofthegenusEnchodelusThorne,1939(Dorylaimida).Nematologica20,131-146. text Nematologica 1995 1995-01-01 41 435 448 journal article 57879 10.1163/003925995X00396 1f9513e2-ab59-4a2c-a5ff-adc973a61423 8125586 Enchodelus saxifragae sp. n. ( Fig. 4 A-E ; measurements in Table III). Female (n = 5): Body slightly curved ventrad upon fixation. Cuticle 2.5-5 Jlm thick at midbody, 7-9.5 pm on dorsal side at tail base, 7-12 J. 1m on tail tip. Lateral chord one-fifth to one-sixth of body diameter. Lips rounded, hemispheroidal, distinctly set off from body ( Fig. 4 A-B ). Amphids stirrup-shaped, their aperture 7.5-10 J. 1m . Guiding ring "double", 1.2 head-widths from anterior end. Odontostyle long, 1.8-2 widths of lip region, its aperture occupying 1 / 10 of its length ( Fig. 4B ). Odontophore 1.1-1.3 the odontostyle length with well developed basal flanges, maximum flange width 5-8 pm at its base. Nerve ring surrounds the anterior part of oesophagus at 40-44% of its length from anterior end. Cardia short, hemispheroidal, 12.5-19 gm long. The oesophagus ( Fig. 4 A ) begins to widen at 38-41 % of its length from anterior end. Maximum oesophagus width 31-35 gum, half the corresponding body diameter at the base of oesophagus. The distance DO-DN is 12.5-15 gm, or 3.5% of the oesophagus length. Locations of the oesophageal gland nuclei as follows (n = 5): DO = 62.4 (60.7-65.2); DN = 67.6 (64.4-68.9); S1N1 = 74.6 (73.1-77.1); SIN2 = 76 (74.8-77.8); S2N = 86.7 (86-87.4); K = 85.5 (83.6-92.1). Reproductive system didelphic: gonads opposed, reflexed 44-65%, oocytes in a single row ( Fig. 4C ). A sphincter separates oviduct and uterus. Eggs measuring 110 x 48 pm and 112.5 x 42 J.1mare present one at a time in the uteri in two specimens . Vulva a transverse, pre-equatorial slit, vagina with sclerotized walls extends to 40-55% of the corresponding body width, with well sclerotized heart-shaped pieces at vulva-vagina junction. Rectum 0.6-1.1 and prerectum 4-5 anal body widths long ( Fig. 4D ). Tail smoothly rounded, 0.6-0.8 anal body width long, with two pairs of caudal pores. Male (n = 9): Body similar to female but with the posterior part more curved ventrad. Diorchic with testes oppposed. Spicules arcuate, fairly stout ( Fig. 4 E ). Lateral guiding pieces almost straight, 9-12.5 gm long. Supplements consisting of an adanal pair and a row of 13-16 regularly spaced ventromedian ones, one to three of them within the range of spicules. Juvenile (second stage?) (n = 4): L = 1.08-1.40 mm ; a = 19.8-33.3; b = 3.5-4.8; c = 43.2-57.7; c' = 0.67-1; odontostyle = 20-32.5 gum; odontophore = 32.5-40 gum; replacement odontostyle = 25-44 pm. TABLE III Morphometric data of Enchodelus saxifragae sp. n.
Hol 6 tyP° Paratypes
females (n = 5) males (n = 9)
L (mm) 1.96 2.18 (205 - 235) 2.01 (1.66-2.21)
a 25.5 51.2 501 342 31 244 521
'D o 5.3 3.5 5.6 3.0 (14 4.8-6- -0 6.1.) 5.3 (5.159)
n u I n v 75.3 (65.9-91.1) 0.72 (06-078) 65.4 (5352- 68) 0 _74 07 033
‘H 7 0 /. v / u 45.4 46.5 44 454
Gym, rw 0 / U 2 / o 19.2 24.5 194 144 213 22 20 224
Ijip region width odonmsıyıe 19 39 20.4 (19.5- 22) 39 (375-40) 19 (15 -20) 35.8 (275-40)
Odontophore 4 U ... 49 45 525 . - n 114 - _ - n - 1 ‘l’ I.. W - 1'4! 'I- 'f/ 'H w .. -., ....,,
Total spear Guiding ring from anterior end nn z xu n uu": 01 LA 33 (325-925) 92 19 ') *LOA R) u _ u (55.5 5 ...” H šì-' 'í ì ì I Ihfi-H‘ íñåjfì) fl`l _,- .. (w _.-..,, 21 _ 6 (16524)
Nerve ring from anterior end v- 152.5... z \ 11575- \ 18131I \ I] 14811341725)
Oesophagus expands Body width I ... J _ ... 153 (144- 1625) 70 (67.5 - 75) 151 110- 169) 65 (58 -69)
Tail length 26 29 (25- 325) 31.4 (30- 34)
Anal body diameter 39 40 (375-42) 41 $ 7.544
Prerectum 215.5 199 (169- 250) 258 (1 a7.5-313)**
Prerectum/ anal body diameter 5.5 4.6 (4-5)* 6 (4.2 - 7.4)**
Rectum 40.5 37 24 44 52 (40560)
Cuticle thickness at:
midbody 2.5 'l '1 IO R R \ J-J`L.J" ~ J} 3.4 (25.5)
tail base 7.5 7 I I 717l - I-H6 “ ff I) (. „. „, 6.3 (5 - 7.:›)
tail tip \ I \: u 10 (9- 12) 7 _ 7 (7-95)
E 33 110 × 48 112.5 × 42"*
Spiculum 64.5 (56- 70]
Supplements 13- 16
Lateral guiding pieces 12 (3- 125)
Juvenile (third stage) (n = 1): L = 1.76 mm ; a = 32; b = 5.5; c = 56; c' = 0.86; odontostyle = 30 gm; odontophore = 45 replacement odontostyle = 37.5 pm.
Type habitat and locality : Type population collected in June, 1987 from a subalpine grassland on limestone, under Saxifraga moschata Wulf. , at 1950-2000 m altitude, in the Retezatul Mic Mountains (Piatra Iorgovanului and Albele) (the Southern Carpathians), Romania . Type specimens : Holotype and two paratypes ( female , male ) on slides no. 49997 and 49998 deposited in the Collection of the Natural Historical Museum " Gr. Antipa " Bucharest, Romania. One female and one male in the Nematology Department , Agricultural University Wageningen, the Netherlands; two males at Rothamsted Experimental Station , Harpenden, England; other specimens deposited in the Department of Ecology, Biological Research Institute, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Fig. 4. Enchodelussaxifragaesp . n. A, Anterior part ofbody; B, Lateral view of head; C, Vulva, vaginal region and posterior genital branch; D, Posterior end (female);E, Posterior end (male). Diagnosis : The species Enchodelus saxifragae sp. n. is distinguished by its long body, about 2 mm , lip region distinctly set off, lips rounded, odontostyle fairly long, 1.6-2 head-widths long, vulva pre-equatorial, tail short, smoothly rounded. Males have long spicules (56-70 pm) and 13-16 ventromedian supplements. Differential diagnosis : Enchodelus saxifragae sp. n. is close to E . distinctus Ahmad & Jairajpuri, 1980 , E . hopedoroides Altherr, 1963 and E . ponorensis sp. n. by having lip region distinctly set off from body. It differs from E . distinctus by its longer body (L = 1.85 mm , only one female , in E . distinctus ), longer odontostyle (37.5-40 pm vs 36 gm), lack of oesophago-intestinal disc (present in E . distinctus ), vulva pre-equatorial vs post-equatorial, and by the presence of male (not found in E . distinctus ). The new species differs from E . hopedoroides by its longer body ( 1.42-1.85 mm in E . hopedoroides ), hemispheroidal lips (angular in E . hopedoroides ), longer odontostyle (37.5-40 vs 33 J. 1 m ) and odontophore (45-52.5 vs 43 pm) and by the presence of male (not found in E . hopedoroides ). E . saxifragae sp. n. can be distinghuised from E . ponorensis sp. n. by its longer body (L = 2.03-2.35 mm vs L = 1.65-2.07 mm ), odontostyle and odontophore (37.5-40 vs 23-25 Ujn, respectively 45-52.5 vs 32.5-37.5 J. 1 m ), wider and more set off lip region, a more posterior position of fixed guiding ring (see Tables II and III) as well as shorter and smoothly rounded tail (25-32.5 vs 35-45 J. 1 m ), and in the presence of male (absent in E . ponorensis sp. n. ). Remarks : Enchodelus saxifragae sp. n. was found together with E . macrodorus (de Man, 1880) Thorne, 1939 , but it could be easily distinguished from this cosmopolitan species by its longer body, distinctly set off lip region and males with more numerous ventromedian supplements.