Miscellaneous Families of Guam Coleoptera Author Swezey, O. H. Experiment Station, Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association, Honolulu text 1942 1942-06-01 Bernice P. Bishop Museum Honolulu, Hawaii Insects of Guam I 150 171 book chapter http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5167701 5f279ac2-63c6-4bd8-be9e-0e3d82b73ab2 5167701 2. Bradymerus acuticostis Gebien (?), Philip . Jour. Sci . 26 : 563 , 1925 . Yona, April 27, among dead leaves, Bryan; Agana, May 4, in rotten Pandanus log, Swezey; Piti, May 30, under cow clung, Swezey; Piti, Aug. 4, Sept. 16, under rotten board, Swezey; Piti, Sept. 15, in dead stem of Barleria cristata, Swezey; Piti, Oct. 27, in rotten bamboo stumps, Swezey. Described from the Philippines . I have found no other record. Very abundant in Guam under rotten boards, etc. The Guam material appears to agree more nearly with this species than with the more abundant Philippine species, B. clathratus Schaufuss.