Morphology and morphometry of Lycaenid eggs (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Author Munguira, Miguel L. Author Martín, José Author García-Barros, Enrique Author Shahbazian, Gayaneh Author Cancela, Juan Pablo text Zootaxa 2015 3937 2 201 247 journal article 0db28e35-d6a3-49e3-b0a4-d2e430c11268 1175-5326 234855 81C79871-DD3C-4240-9480-529202B5DBD4 Genus Scolitantides Hübner ( Fig. 11 ) The three species of the genus show two very differnt egg morphology patterns which could be held as an argument for splitting this taxon into two distinct genera. Scolitantides orion (Pallas) ( Fig. 11 A, B) has a depressed annular zone and a transition zone whose cells are radial, elongated and with very thick walls. The tubercle-aeropyle zone has equatorially orientated cells with walls equally thick and without tubercles, giving the chorion a robust appearance. S. panoptes (Hübner) ( Fig. 11 C, D) shows an extremely reduced micropylar area, with two or three series of cells and a transition zone formed from very small, triangular or quadrangular cells. The tubercle-aeropyle zone shows a high number of short tubercles. In S. abencerragus (Pierret) ( Fig. 11 E, F) the transition zone is mainly occupied by rhomboidal cells that adjoin the annular area to form a star like pattern. The tubercles are prominent and fewer than in S. panoptes ( 40 on the equator versus 60 in the former species).