A revision of the neotropical Mucuna species (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) Author De, Tânia M. Research Associate Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, Saint Louis, MO, Missouri 63166 - 0299, USA. & Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, Departamento de Biologia, Rua Simeão Varela de Sá, 03, Vila Carli, Guarapuava, PR, 85040 - 080, Brazil; e-mail: tdmoura @ unicentro. br tdmoura@unicentro.br Author Lewis, Gwilym P. Comparative Plant and Fungal Biology Department, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW 9 3 AB, UK. Author Mansano, Vidal F. Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, DIPEQ. Rua Pacheco Leão, 915, Jardim Botânico, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22460 - 030, Brazil. Author Tozzi, Ana M. G. A. Research Associate Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, Saint Louis, MO, Missouri 63166 - 0299, USA. & Departamento de Biologia Vegetal, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Rua Monteiro Lobato, 255, Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz, Barão Geraldo, Campinas, SP, 13083 - 862, Brazil. & Research Associate Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, Saint Louis, MO, Missouri 63166 - 0299, USA. text Phytotaxa 2018 2018-02-05 337 1 448 450 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.337.1.1 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.337.1.1 1179-3163 13718989 14. Mucuna klitgaardiae T.M. Moura, G.P. Lewis & A.M.G. Azevedo, Kew Bull. 68(1): 149. 2012 . ( Fig. 16 ) TYPE:— ECUADOR . Province Pichincha Road Calacalí-Mindo , 0º10'S ; 78º40'W , 2000m , 2 October 1997 (fl.), B.B. Klitgaard et al. 653 ( holotype : K!; isotypes : AAU !, NY !, QCNE !) . Liana. Leaves 3-foliolate; pulvinus 10–18 × 2.0–4.0 mm; petiole 8.0– 10 cm long; stipels absent; rachis ca. 1.0 cm long; petiolule ca. 5.0–7.0 mm long; lateral leaflets, 8.0–16 × 5.0– 10.5 cm , asymmetric at base, cuspidate at apex; apical leaflet elliptic, 9.0–11 × 5.0– 10 cm , rounded at base, cuspidate at apex; venation eucamptodromous, secondary veins 4–5 pairs per leaflet; dense, erect golden hairs abaxially, these less dense adaxially. Inflorescence axillary, umbel-like pseudoraceme; peduncle 20–40 cm long; bracts 5.0–6.0 × 3.0–4.0 cm, sericeous on both surfaces, persistent; pedicels 1.0–2.0 cm long. Flowers 8.0– 10 cm long; calyx 2.0– 2.5 cm long, 4-lobed, the adaxial lobe formed by two connate sepals, 5.0– 10 mm long, obtuse at apex, the other three lobes 4.0– 10 mm long, acute at apex; corolla reported to be white ( E. Asplund 19206 S), greenish white ( F. Hekker & H.A. Hekking 10377 NY ) or cream ( J.L. Clark 3055 COL , QCNE , US ); standard ovate, 6.4 × 5.0 cm, attenuate at base, rounded at apex, the claw 5.0–7.0 mm long; wings oblong-elliptic, 8.0–10 × 2.0 cm, attenuate at base, obtuse at apex, the claw ca. 1.0 cm long; keel petals oblong, 8.0–10 × 1.5–2.6 cm , attenuate at base, obtuse at apex, the claw ca. 1.0 cm long; wing and keel petals pubescent at base. Stamen filaments 8.0–9.0 cm long, glabrous. Gynoecium 8.0– 10.5 cm long; style 7.0–9.0 cm long, sericeous, except at apex; ovary 10–15 × 4.0 mm, sericeous. Fruits ca. 28 × 5.0 cm, acute at base, caudate at apex; surface not ornamented by lamellae; fruit margins with lignified wings, 5-seeded. Seeds globose, brown, ca. 2.5 × 2.5 × 2.5 cm ; hilum black, circling nearly the total circumference of the seed. Taxonomic notes:— Mucuna klitgaardiae is similar to M. cuatrecasasii and M. cajamarca ; all three species have persistent bracts over 4.0 cm long, white to greenish yellow corollas, and the margins of the fruits have a lignified wing. Mucuna klitgaardiae differs from the other two in lacking transverse lamellae on the fruit surface. It also differs by the presence of golden hairs on the peduncle and abaxial surface of leaflets. Phenology:— Flowering March to December; fruiting January to June. Distribution and habitat:— Mucuna klitgaardiae occurs in Ecuador (provinces of Napo , Pastaza , Pichincha , Morona Santiago , Tungurahua and Zamora-Chinchipe ) and Peru (province Mariscal Caceres: San Martín district ) ( Fig. 3 ). The species usually occurs along rivers or in humid areas along roadsides, between 900 to 2000 m . Conservation status:— Mucuna klitgaardiae is assessed as being of Least Concern (LC). This is an updated assessment; Moura et al . (2013b) considered M. klitgaardiae to be Endangered. Although the species has a restricted area of occupancy ( 64 km 2 , EN), the habitat in which it is found is not considered significantly fragmented, and it has been recorded from more than ten collection localities. No decline, or fluctuation, in known populations is recorded. Vernacular names: Bolantihuasco [ Ecuador , Napo ( B.B. Klitgaard 99502 AAU, GB, MO, QCA, QCNE)]; ‘vaca ñahui’ [ Peru , Mariscal Cáceres ( J.S. Vigo 6990 F, MO)]. 34Phytotaxa 337 (1) © 2018 Magnolia Press MOURA ET AL. FIGURE 16 . Mucuna klitgaardiae . A—Leaf. B—Detail of indumentum on abaxial surface of leaflet. C—Inflorescence, including bract. D—Calyx opened out. E—Standard petal. F—Wing petal. G—Keel petals. H—Ovary, cut open to show the ovules. J—Apex of style and stigma. K—Fruit. Figure first published in Moura et al . (2013b) . Drawn by Margaret Tebbs. A REVISION OF THE NEOTROPICAL MUCUNA SPECIES Phytotaxa 337 (1) © 2018 Magnolia Press • 35 Representative specimens examined:— ECUADOR . Morona Santiago : 5 km N de Yunganza , on Medéz- Limón Road , 18 June 1989 (fl.), L.J. Dorr & I. Valdespino 6352 ( QCA , QCNE , US) . Napo : road from Archidona to Cotundo , 15 December 1976 (fl.), E. W . Davis 459 ( COL , GH , S) ; along river Cosanga , vicinity of village Cosanga , cordillera de Hucamayos , 8 July 1987 (fl.), F. Hekker & W . H.A. Hekking 10377 ( NY ) ; km 36 on road Hollín- Loreto , just passing the bridge over river Huamaní , 8 December 1991 (fl.), B.B. Klitgaard 99502 ( AAU , GB , MO , QCA , QCNE ) . Pastaza : orilla del Rio Pastaza , cercania de Shell , 31 January 1994 (fr.), X. Cornejo & C. Bonifaz 1561 ( NY ) ; between Rio Blanco and Rio Verde along road from Banos to Puyo , 7 January 1962 (fl.), C.H. Dodson & L.B. Thien 1974 ( MO ) . Pichincha : Quito Catón , main road to Los Bancos , 2 km before Tie Polo , Fundacion Tandayapa , 19 October 1996 (fl.), J.L. Clark 3055 ( COL , QCNE , US ) ; road Nanegalito , 5 km N of Tulipe , 22 July 1980 (fl.), L. Holm-Nielsen et al. 24506 ( AAU , MO ) . Tungurahua : Hacienda Rio Verde Grande , 4 February 1956 (fl.), E. Asplund 19206 (S) ; Colonia Mexico , vicinity of El Topo , ca. 10 km northwest of Mora , 4 March 1969 (fl.), H. Lugo 656 ( GB , NY , MO ) . Zamora-Chinchipe : Estacion el Padmi , 03º44'S ; 78º36'W , 900 m , 3 June 1998 (fr.), P. Lozano et al. 1088 (K) . PERU . Mariscal Cáceres : San Martín , district Tocache Nuevo , puerto Pizana , margen derecha del río Huallaga , 300–400m , 22 June 1974 (fr.), J.S. Vigo 6990 (F, MO ) ; vicinity around Tocache , 08º11'03" S ; 76º30'45" W , 400–600m , 25 May 1975 (fl.), J.S. Vigo 8610 ( MO ) ; Rio de la Plata , fundo del Sr. Manúel Fatica , 550–700m , 18 August 1980 (fl.), J.S. Vigo 12165 ( BR , MO ) .