Revision of the " Chloritis delibrata (Benson, 1836) " group (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Camaenidae) Author Pall-Gergely, Barna Plant Protection Institute, Centre for Agricultural Research, Herman Otto Street 15, Budapest, H- 1022, Hungary Author Ablett, Jonathan D. Mollusca Section, Invertebrates Division, Department of Life Sciences, The Natural History Museums, London SW 7 5 BD, UK Author Szabo, Marton Hungarian Natural History Museum, Department of Paleontology and Geology, Ludovika ter 2, Budapest 1083, Hungary Author Neubert, Eike Natural History Museum of the Burgergemeinde Bern, Bernastr. 15, CH- 3005 Berne, Switzerland & Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern, 3012 Bern, Switzerland text ZooKeys 2022 2022-02-15 1086 1 31 journal article 1313-2970-1086-1 0AFF7CFB9400477F81160120C393C4FD BD013F15E39C5B5FBE666837836810E1 Bouchetcamaena fusca Pall-Gergely sp. nov. Figure 12 Type material. Holotype : Munipur [India, Manipur], coll. Godwin-Austen, NHMUK 1903.7.1.391/2 (D: 16.8 mm, H: 8 mm, mixed lot with B. delibrata , NHMUK 1903.7.1.391/1). Paratypes : same data as holotype, NHMUK 1903.7.1.391/3 (1 shell: paratype); Gaziphima, Naga Hills, Munipur frontier line, coll. Godwin-Austen, NHMUK 1903.7.1.385 (2 paratypes); Khasi Hills, coll. Godwin-Austen, no. 183, NHMUK 1903.7.1.381a/2 (1 shell, mixed lot with B. delibrata , NHMUK 1903.7.1.381a/1); Manipur, coll. Godwin-Austen, NHMUK 20191134 (1 shell). Diagnosis. Shell small to medium-sized, with flat dorsal side or very slightly elevated spire; thick, brown, matt periostracum makes hair scars practically invisible, aperture oval. Description. Shell small to medium-sized; depressed-globular, dorsal side flat or spire very slightly elevated; body whorl slightly or relatively strongly but bluntly shouldered; colour brownish due to thick, matt periostracum; protoconch consists of 1.5 whorls, finely wrinkled, with short hairs near suture; in some specimens wrinkles only visible in the middle of whorls, whereas in others hair scars (pits) are also discernible; entire shell consisting of 3.75-4 whorls, suture moderately deep; short hairs visible in the suture and inside umbilicus; hair scars practically invisible due to thick periostracum; in one paratype (NHMUK 1903.7.1.391) periostracum of lighter colour around each hair scar on the ventral side, making the density of scars visible; very few hair scars visible at the parietal callus, but to a much lesser degree than in other species; aperture oval/subrectangular; peristome expanded and slightly reflected in direction of umbilicus; palatal part with a very thin, whitish, semi-transparent layer; hair scars not visible beneath parietal callus; umbilicus open, relatively narrow, peri-umbilical keel only very slightly indicated. Figure 12. Bouchetcamaena fusca Pall-Gergely sp. nov., holotype (NHMUK 1903.7.1.391/2). For positions of close-up images see Fig. 6 (F = DM, G = CA, H: LV, I: PC). Measurements. D = 15.3-18.7 mm, H = 7.8-8.8 mm (n = 5). Differential diagnosis. Bouchetcamaena raripila sp. nov. is most similar to B. fusca sp. nov. in having a relatively small shell, narrow umbilicus and brown periostracum, but it differs in the strong, sparsely standing hair scars. All other Bouchetcamaena species have larger, lighter-coloured shells and a wider umbilicus. Etymology. The new species is named after its dark ( fuscus in Latin) periostracum. Distribution. Seems to be restricted to Manipur, the Khasi and the Naga Hills (India).