A taxonomic revision of the genus Tentyria Latreille, 1802 in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) Author Bujalance, José L. 0009-0000-7804-4124 jlbujalan@gmail.com Author Ferrer, Julio Author Cárdenas, Ana M. 0009-0000-7804-4124 jlbujalan@gmail.com text Zootaxa 2023 2023-07-28 5320 1 1 88 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5320.1.1 journal article 263653 10.11646/zootaxa.5320.1.1 134d459e-45b6-4434-94a7-ac8816f3eb78 1175-5326 8203747 3528C88E-8802-416D-8C47-1FEE65CEF751 Tentyria striatorugosa sp. nov. ( Figs. 5 , 40 , 73 , 110 , 142 , 158 , 190 , 251 ) Tentyria rugosostriata Rambur in litt. Dejean, 1837: 204 . Tentyria elongata ssp. sinuatocollis sensu Koch 1944a: 226 , L̂bl & Smetana 2008: 206 , Martínez 2018: 58 . Tentyria elongata ssp. sinuat i collis sensu Español 1960: 405 , Palmer 1998 (part). Tentyria sinuat i collis ssp. sinuat i collis sensu Viñolas 1986: 102 and 1991: 44 , Viñolas & Cartagena 2005: 79 , Fig. 355c. Tentyria curculionoides (Herbst) sensu Steven 1828: 89 . Types designated: Holotype (♁): Tentyria sinuaticollis Rosh., A. Viñolas det. 1984 / Playa de la Hacienda , 31- VII-1983 / San Roque ( Cádiz ) Hispania , J. de Ferrer leg. (excoll. CJdeF in MNCN ) . Paratypes : Cádiz : Tentyria sinuaticollis Rosh., A. Viñolas det. / San Roque (Cádiz) Hispania / VIII-1974 (1♁, excoll. CJdeF in CJLB ) ; Tentyria sinuaticollis , A. Viñolas det. / Playa Torreguadiaro , 2.VIII.1982 - San Roque , Cádiz , R. Ramirez leg. ( 1♀ , excoll. CJdeF in CJLB ) ; Fide Schuster, J . Ferrer / Andalusien , Algeciras / Stockholm (12 exx, NRMS ) ; Tentyria subcostata , San Roque , Sª Carbonera VI.1901 , Escalera leg. ( 1 ex , MNCN ) . Granada : Punta Jolucar , Torrenueva 4.IV.2006 , A. Castro Tovar leg. ( CACT ) . Málaga : Tentyria corrugata Ros. / Marbella , Málaga VI.1981 ( 1 ex , CJF ) ; Hispania , Málaga , Casares-costa 5.III.1994 , BastazoVela leg. ( 1♀ , CB & V ); Fuengirola , Málaga / rugoso-striata / (1♁, NRMS ) ; Estepona IV.1995 , N. Gyllensvärd / (2♁♁, NRMS ) . Andalucía : Tentyria rugosostriata Ramb., Andalus Ramb., Zool. Mus . Berlin , Hist.-Coll. ( Coleoptera ), Nr. 45534 (6 exx, NMUHB), one of them also carries two old labels: one handwritten; Tentyria subrugosa / AndalusiaD.H. Müller / Hispania / (1♁, NRMS). Tentyria sinuatocollis Rosenh. Description: Holotype ( Fig. 190 ): Body elongated and robust with shiny black tegument. Size: 14.3 mm long and 6.3 mm maximum width at the elytra. Head ( Fig. 5 ): large and not convex, 2.8 mm maximum width at the eyes, which are large, slightly convex, and hardly protruding from the lateral outline, subparallel sides, supraorbital fold very little marked, fine but dense punctures, epistome almost straightly truncated on the anterior edge, gular groove ( Fig. 40 ) consisting of a small depression restricted to the central area. Filiform antennae, not exceeding the base of the pronotum, 1 st antennomere robust, 2 nd small and somewhat longer than wide; 3 rd 3.2 times as long as wide, almost as long as the next two together, from 4 th (1.8 times longer than wide) to the 8 th longer than wide, but progressively decreasing in length, 9 th almost as long as wide, 10 th slightly transverse and 11 th conical at the apex and slightly longer than wide. Pronotum like that of T. subcostata ( Fig. 73 ), very slightly convex and with very fine punctures (points smaller than those of the head), somewhat transverse, 1.3 times wider than long ( 4.4 mm wide, 3.4 mm long), with maximum width in the middle, curved sides, somewhat narrower towards the base, rear angles very obtuse and not indicated in dorsal view. Base prolonged backwards into an unmargined central lobe, slightly sinuate in the middle. Prosternal apophysis ( Fig. 110 ) longitudinally furrowed, subparallel sides, tapering in the posterior third in straight line towards the apex, which ends in a blunt tip, slightly surpassing the procoxae. Propleurae and prosternum smooth and shiny, with fine but well-marked punctures; legs very slender, the protibiae 3.5 mm long, almost straight on the inner edge, but somewhat dorsoventrally curved near the apex, as long as mesotibiae, which are dorsoventrally somewhat sinuous, and both shorter than the metatibiae, also sinuous, of 5 mm long. Elytra elongate, ovoid, flattened around the median suture, 1.48 times longer than wide ( 9.3 mm long, 6.3 mm wide), maximum width before the middle, very acuminate towards the apex, about 2.8 times longer than the pronotum; striate-rugose, with the ribs little enhanced, broad and usually somewhat blurred by very shallow transverse wrinkles with a tuberous appearance, the punctures even finer than that of the pronotum, only visible at high magnification; the base narrow and curved in an arc, with the margin effaced before the scutum ( Fig. 142 ). Abdominal sternites shining and finely punctured, except the first which has coarser dots in the anterior part, around the metacoxae, as the metasternum; anal sternite truncate at the apex. Aedeagus ( Fig. 158 ) 4 mm long, with the phallobase barely longer than the parameres which have the sides slightly sinuous sides and with the maximum width in the middle, very acuminate at the apex which is finely denticulate. Paratypes : Size 12.2–16.3 mm length ( 13.5 mm average, 13.1 mm males and 14.3 mm females) and 5.1–7.3 mm maximum width of elytra ( 5.8 mm average, 5.5 mm males and 6.3 mm females). Pronotum transverse, 1.2–1.37 times wider than length (1.3 times average: 1.27 times males and 1.33 times females), maximum width at the middle (3.5–5-0 mm wide and 2.7–3.7 mm long). Elytra 2.63–3.04 times longer than the pronotum (average 2.8 times), shape in oval slightly elongated, 1.36– 1.64 times longer than wider (average 1.47 times). Aedeagus of 3.4–3.7 mm in length ( 3.61 mm average), with the phallobase 1.0–1.24 times (1.14 average) longer than the parameres. Females of average size evidently higher than males, prothorax more transverse. Protibiae somewhat thicker and straighter, elytra stubbier and somewhat depressed at the disc, and with ribs and wrinkles more raised. Variability of Paratypes : The variability of the paratypes mostly concerns the size and the width of pronotum and elytra; the latter vary from flat to slightly depressed at the suture; exceptionally the median lobe of the pronotum is very finely marginated, as the base of the elytra, which in some specimens is almost completely marginated. Differential diagnosis: T. striatorugosa sp. nov. differs to T. subcostata , in the larger average size, elytra strongly striate-rough, with the lateral grooves deeper, less narrowed towards the base and more acuminate towards the apex, flattened or depressed in the suture line, with the base cut in a more closed arch and with the margin almost always interrupted before the scutellum. The prosternal apophysis is narrower and more elongated, with the end not bent downwards in ventral view, but generally ending in a blunt or truncated point. The aedeagus somewhat longer in average and more acute at the apex. Stockier specimens. It differs from T. lateritia mostly in the shape of the pronotum, laterally rounded, not subpentagonal, the noticeable sexual dimorphism in the protibia, the stronger roughness in the elytra, and by the aedeagus, with the penis not thickened between the parameres nor strongly constrained before the apex. Finally, it differs of T. sinuatocollis mainly in the base of the pronotum, with rear angles obtuse, almost unnoticeable, and the basal margin erased in the middle; aedeagus less slender, and the prosternal apophysis not bent at the end. Comments: T. striatorugosa sp. nov. ( = T. rugosostriata Rambur in litt., Fig. 251 ), has been confused since Koch (1944a) with T. sinuatocollis Rosenhauer. However , it is an unpublished taxon, clearly distinguishable from T. sinuatocollis Rosenhauer. The study of the Rambur’s material has made feasible the clarification of this taxon. Geographical distribution: This species is widespread along the Mediterranean coast of the provinces of Cádiz (Bay of Algeciras), Málaga and Granada . Etymology: the specific epithet “ striatorugosa refers to the Latin terms striatus -rugosa meaning “with furrows and wrinkles”, alluding to the striations and wrinkles on the surface of the elytra.