First report on Paratischeria from Asia (Lepidoptera: Tischeriidae)AuthorXu, JiashengAuthorDai, XiaohuaAuthorLiu, PengAuthorBai, HaiyanAuthorDiškus, ArūnasAuthorStonis, Jonas R.textZootaxa20172017-11-1743502331344journal article3140910.11646/zootaxa.4350.2.8fa0832c4-9bfb-409b-90ce-2423d64a1ef41175-53261053206D3CBDBA5-349E-4069-B2B8-F3E9622C77B8Paratischeria jingdongensis
Xu & Dai
sp. nov.(Figs 2–13, 38, 39)Type
Taizhong Town
Jingdong Yi Autonomous County
Pu'er City
Yunnan Province
24.495 N
100.936 E
1478 m
, feeding larvae in leaf-mines
Dalbergia assamica
, adults emerged
, Jiasheng Xu, genitalia slide no. BX16008
: 1 ♂, 2 ♀, same label data as holotype, genitalia slide nos BX16009♀ (allotype), BX16020♂, BX16027♀.
Diagnostics of the
genus. * for more illustrations of anellus see Stonis
et al
. 2017; ** with very rare exceptions, e.g.
Paratischeria jingdongensis
Xu & Dai
sp. nov.
; *** the character has been studied and confirmed in some six
species; however, more research is still needed to determine the applicability of this character in the diagnostics of the
FIGURES 2–6.Paratischeria jingdongensis
Xu &
sp. nov.
, Yunnan Province, China. 2, 3,
habitat, montane subtropical
broadleaf evergreen forest in Jingdong, Yunnan
Province, China; 4, host plant
(Leguminosae); 5, 6, leaf-mines.
. In the male genitalia, the combination of a slender valva, specific anellus, very short vinculum and spiny phallus distinguishes new species from all other known
. In the female genitalia, the combination of very large ovipositor lobes, and a specific prela (
Fig. 10
) distinguishes
P. jingdongensis
from other congeneric
. The
host plant
Dalbergia assamica
also makes this species distinctive.
Fig. 7
). Forewing length:
2.8–3.1 mm
; wingspan:
6.7–7.2 mm
. Head: face and palpi unicolorous, cream ochre; face smoothly scaled, glossy; frontal tuft ochre; antenna slightly longer than 2/3 of the length of forewing; flagellum ochre on upper side (darker distally), pale brown to ochre grey on underside; sensillae very fine, weakly visible. Thorax bright ochre, without dark scales. Forewing ochre, with blackish brown scales along costal margin and on apex; some blackish brown scales also along dorsum; all blackish brown scales are distinctly pale-tipped; underside of forewing fuscous; fringe blackish brown, distally pale brown. Hindwing very narrow, grey on upper side and underside, without spots or androconia; fringe blackish brown to grey brown. Legs ochre, except forelegs which densely covered with blackish brown scales on upper side. Abdomen glossy, ochre to dark brown on upper side, ochre to fuscous on underside; anal plates fuscous, large.
Fig. 8
). Forewing length:
2.9–3.4 mm
; wingspan:
7.1–7.6 mm
. Flagellum without visible sensillae. Forewing dark ochre, with blackish brown scales along costal margin and on apex; there are fewer blackish brown scales on tornus than in male; all blackish brown scales are distinctly pale-tipped; fringe blackish brown, pale distally. Hindwing grey. Abdomen blackish grey on upper side; anal tufts dark grey. Otherwise as in male.
Male genitalia
Figs 12, 13
). Capsule 340–425 µm long, 180–335 µm wide. Uncus with two very large lateral lobes. Valva slender, without lobes, about 330–375 µm long, 40–55 µm wide. Transtilla absent. Anellus long, bifurcated caudally, mostly membranous but with two thickened, semi-rounded lobes laterally. Vinculum very short. Phallus about 395–410 µm long, distally with lateral lobes possessing tiny spines (
Figs 11, 13
Female genitalia
Figs 9, 10
). Total length 1550–1800 µm. Abdominal apex widely rounded. Ovipositor with very large lobes clothed with short, stout and dark modified setae which we refer to as ‘peg setae’ (
Fig. 10
); second pair of ovipositor lobes two or three times smaller, bearing long setae. Anterior and posterior apophyses stout. Additionally, there are three pairs of rod-like projections (collectively referred to as prela by
Braun 1972
): two pairs of very slender processes and one pair of wide, stout processes. Vestibulum without antrum, fully membranous. Ductus bursae very long and slender, slightly wrinkled, without spines. Corpus bursae membranous, very small, about 480 µm long, 150 µm wide, without spines or signum. Ductus spermathaecae probably lost in the dissection (
Fig. 9
(Figs 2–6). Host plant:
Dalbergia assamica
Fabaceae (Leguminosae)
(Fig. 4). Larvae mine leaves from late June to mid-August. Leaf-mine may locate in any part of the leaf; it is an irregular blotch with almost no frass, cream white to pale brown at the early stage of development (Figs 5, 6), but ochre or orange brown at the stage of pupa, with inconspicuous concentric dark brown arcs (Fig. 6). Nidus not apparent at the early stage but distinctive at the final stage of the mining. Pupation inside the leaf-mine without cocoon. Exit slit on upper side of the leaf. Adults known from August.
Figs 38, 39
). Known from a single locality in the Ailaoshan Mountains (
Yunnan Province
) at elevation about
1500 m
, mostly along roadsides in the montane subtropical broadleaf evergreen forest (Figs 2, 3).
The species is named after the region (Jingdong County,
Yunnan Province
) in reference to the species distribution.