Deltosoma Thomson, 1864 of French Guiana (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Author Dalens, Pierre-Henri Author Giuglaris, Jean-Louis text Insecta Mundi 2014 2014-01-24 2014 336 1 9 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5178559 1942-1354 5178559 D2D38E4A-1D61-4671-9947-ACBF6C6AB194 Deltosoma lacordairei Thomson, 1864 ( Fig. 1, 2, 3 , 10, 13, 14 , map A) Material examined : ( 23 specimens : 4 males and 19 females ). Holotype female labeled from Cayenne , ex Coll. James Thomson , MNHN (fig. 13-14). Kourou , Montagne des Singes , female, 2-X-2006 , emergence chamber, J. Touroult leg . ( JTC ); Macouria , Matiti ZA Wayabo , female, 12-VIII-2011 , banana trap , J.-L. Giuglaris leg . ( JLGC ); Roura , Montagne des Chevaux , female, 10-VIII-2013 , banana trap , SEAG leg . ( PHDC ); road to Kaw pk 16, female, 01-IX-2008 , on leaf, P. Ducaut leg . ( JLGC ); Régina , Tibourou forest trail pk 7, female, 30-V-2006 , emergence chamber, P.-H. Dalens leg . ( PHDC ); male, 7-VI-2006 , P.-H. Dalens leg. ( PHDC ); forest trail of Bélizon pk 15+17, male, 23-VII-2006 , emergence chamber, J.-L. Giuglaris leg . ( JLGC ); female, 29-VII-2006 , J.-L. Giuglaris leg. ( JLGC ); RN2 pk 125 forest trail of Kapiri , male, 26-VII- 2007 , interception trap , J.-L. Giuglaris leg . ( JLGC ); male, 05-VII-2009 , emergence chamber, J.-L. Giuglaris leg. ( JLGC ); Nouragues NR Inselberg Station , female, 12-VIII-2010 , flying, J. Touroult leg . ( JTC ); Saül , female, 14-VIII-1980 , flying, M. Maylin leg . ( IRD ); Grand Boeuf Mort , four females , 15-IX-2007 , wine trap , P.-H. Dalens leg . ( PHDC ); female, 10-X-2007 , P.-H. Dalens leg. ( PHDC ); Montagne Pelée , four females , 15-VIII-2006 , P.-H. Dalens leg. ( PHDC ); female, 19-VIII-2006 , P.-H. Dalens leg. ( PHDC ). Diagnosis. Species smaller than D. humeralis sp. nov. and D. fernandezi sp. nov. with elytra less expanded towards apex and rectilinear sides. Integument darker than in D. humeralis and lighter than in D. fernandezi . Head with coronal suture finely bordered with orangish setae and no vertex maculae. Antennae short in both sexes (segment XI barely surpassing elytral apex in males). Pronotum with lateral orangish margin rather narrow at anterior portion, the black maculae largely reaching anterior and posterior margins. Humeral maculae thin but surpassing elytral margins, with no discal extension. Transverse elytral band yellowish; elytral carinae rather strong. Legs black except base of femora and base of meso- and metatibiae. Redescription. Male ( Fig. 1, 3 ). Head prognathous, with fine, dense punctation; most of head and apex of mandibles black; remainder of head orangish toward base of antennal tubercles, vertex; underside of head orange; temps brown; mandibles orangish on inner side, laterally brown, black at apex. Last segment of palpi subcylindrical, barely flattened, truncate at apex. Labium notched with golden setae on anterior border. Clypeus weakly notched. Frons transverse, with narrow, transverse lateral dimples. Antennal tubercles brown, prominent, rounded. Coronal suture glabrous between upper ocular lobes, shortly bordered with orangish setae between antennal tubercles. Superior interocular space as wide as 3.5 times upper lobe thickness. Antennae dark–brown; setae denser on antennomere III and on inner side of remaining antennomeres; antennomere XI surpassing elytral apex; scape conical; remainder antennomeres slightly flattened; III to VI slightly sulcate on dorsal side between two soft longitudinal carinae, with external side of apex slightly stretched into short spine. Antennal formula based on scape: I = 1.0; II = 0.2; III = 1.3; IV = 1.2; V = 1.4; VI = 1.3; VII = 1.2; VIII = 1.0; IX = 1.0; X = 0.9; XI = 1.0. Graph 1. Phenology of the three species of Deltosoma of French Guiana . Prothorax transverse (width/length = 1.7); sides regularly rounded; maximum width at second third of length. Pronotum orange, laterally with two large black bands; space between black bands distinctly wider on center of disc; margins with long, yellow setae; surface deeper and sparser punctate than head, mostly on basal half of disc; sexual punctation distinct on lateral parts of disc. Scutellum orange, subquadrate, largely rounded at apex, covered with orangish setae. Prosternum orange with deep, sparse punctures, and golden setae. Hypomeron brown. Prosternal process as wide as procoxa, truncate at apex, ending before posterior limit of procoxae. Mesosternum orangish-brown on middle, laterally brown, finely punctate, with golden setae, laterally denser. Mesosternal process orange, as wide as mesocoxa, largely notched at apex. Metasternum orangish-brown on middle, orange near metacoxae, laterally darker. Posterior two-thirds of metasternal sulcus distinct. Elytra relatively elongate (length/humeral width = 2.6) wider towards apex (maximum width/humeral width = 1.5), borders sub-rectilinear; surface flattened; disc slightly convex, with two longitudinal depressed carinae extending to distal five-sixths of elytron; pre-marginal space on sides and last sixth, entirely flat; punctuation slightly conspicuous; surface pubescent, with sparse, erect black setae; transverse band on elytra yellowish, wide, shortly serrated anteriorly and posteriorly; remainder of elytron dark-brown; margins with fringe of black setae, denser towards apex. Legs reddish-brown with sparse, short golden setae; integument orangish close to articulations. Anterior tibiae distinctly curved and dorsally clearly carinate, thicker towards apex; meso- and metatibiae slightly curved. Femora orange on first third, swollen at middle.Ventrites finely punctate, gradually decreasing in length, with golden setae except on center of apical margins; last ventrite truncate at apex. Aedeagus (fig. 10). Median lobe short and wide; apex rounded and obtuse. Parameres triangular with short and subparallel setae, decreasing on sides, apex slightly acuminate. Female (fig. 2, 13). More robust shape (length/width at humeri = 2.7). Antennae shorter and segments broader. Prothoracic shape more triangular, laterally slightly less rounded. Dimensions in mm (male/female): total length, 14.5-15.6/11.8-15.8; width at humeri, 4.3-4.6/3.5-4.7. Phenology (graph 1): Species active during dry season (July – October), with 40% of data in August. Few specimens were obtained at the end of the rainy season (May – June) with emergence chambers, in which artificial environmental conditions can explain early emergence. Chorology (distribution Map A). Discreet species with large distribution in French Guiana as well as near the shore and deeply into the south.