A revision of the Oriental species of Bolitogyrus Chevrolat (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Staphylininae)
Brunke, Adam J.
journal article
Bolitogyrus luteus Brunke
sp. n.
Figs 4
, 13A-D, 21A (map)
Type locality.
Banks of Khwae Noi River, near Sai Yok, Kanchanaburi, Thailand.
Type material.
Holotype (♂, cRou): THAILAND r. Kwae Noi, Ban Sai Yok, III.1987, G. de Rougemont [printed] / HOLOTYPE
Bolitogyrus luteus
Brunke, des. A. Brunke 2017 [red label] / AJB0000435 [identifier label].
This species is easily distinguished by the combination of the orange head and pronotum, transverse and raised yellow marking on the elytra (Fig. 4H-I) and the distinctly paler antennomere XI.
Measurements ♂ (n = 1): HW/HL 1.34; PW/PL 1.35; EW/ EL 1.23; ESut/PL 0.84; PW/HW 1.05; forebody length 4.7 mm.
Coloration: body orange, head with small medial darkened spot, pronotum with single median and pair of lateral dark spots, elytra each with large lateral and triangular marking that extends onto epipleuron only apically, elytra each with transverse and raised yellow marking (Fig. 4H); abdominal tergites VI with median dark spot, VII almost entirely dark with apex and base paler; antennomere 1 yellow, 2 -5 reddish, 6-10 dark brown, 11 paler, yellow; palpi yellow with apical segment darker; legs yellow with small ventroapical part of femur darker.
Head distinctly transverse; dorsal surface with moderately dense, clearly separated asetose punctures, frons with only scattered punctures. Antennomeres 6-7 slightly, 8-10 distinctly transverse, 10 slightly asymmetrical.
Pronotum distinctly transverse, about as wide as head, with very few shallow micropunctures scattered on disc, becoming more distinct on anterior angles. Elytra slightly transverse, suture slightly shorter than pronotum at middle; disc of elytron with slightly raised yellow transverse marking.
Abdomen with disc of tergites III-IV distinctly, V narrowly impunctate.
Median lobe in lateral view with apical portion sinuate due to expansion, projected ventrally, with large median tooth arising from median carina (Fig. 13
); median lobe in parameral view subparallel-sided, apical portion slightly acuminate, without basal teeth (Fig. 13C); paramere entire with median suture, distinctly longer than median lobe, with long and narrow apical portion, peg setae arranged in thin marginal row that extends basad to level of suture, thin median row extending basad of marginal row and slightly thicker at base (Fig. 13D); male sternite VIII with extremely shallow emargination and triangular glabrous area medially; male sternite IX moderately expanded at midlength, with distinct emargination.
Female unknown.
Figure 21A. Known only from the type locality in western Thailand.
The specific epithet refers to the warm, reddish-orange body coloration.
The holotype was collected in March along the banks of a large river with several other species of
and many other staphylinids (G. Rougemont, pers. comm.), which may have been flooded out from the forest with heavy rains.
Bolitogyrus luteus
can be recognized by coloration alone.