Revision of the Palaearctic and Oriental species of the genus Naarda Walker, 1866 (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Hypeninae). Part 5. Description of 13 new species from Asia Author Tóth, Balázs Author Ronkay, László text Zootaxa 2015 3925 2 179 201 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3925.2.2 66d99618-4396-47bd-ae66-89bf89404d4b 1175-5326 232614 1C440345-E190-41BF-977B-DCA5DFE705A9 Naarda leptosigna sp. n. male: fig. 40, female: fig. 41 Type material. Holotype . ♂: Sri Lanka : “Colombo; 10. 03”; “2988”; “Mackwood Coll.; B.M.1927–341”; “slide No. 7686♂; det. L. Ronkay ‘02”; slide No. BM Noct. 21614♂ (coll. BMNH ). Paratypes . Sri Lanka : 1 ♂ , 1 ♀: “ Ceylon ; Madarász”; slide No. TB660f (coll. HNHM ). Diagnosis . Naarda leptosigna is externally similar to the (partially) sympatrically occurring N. huettleri Tóth & Ronkay, 2015a ( Sri Lanka ) but the hindwing of the new species is conspicuously lighter and the cornutus in the aedeagus is thicker. In comparison with N. lancanga Deng & Han, 2011 , the transtilla is less developed, the valva is less tapering. The new species has well-developed costal lobe and strong cornutus in the vesica which are completely absent from N. lancanga . Description . Wingspan 13–14 mm , length of forewing 5.5–6.5 mm . Antennae filiform, ciliate and setose, setae 1.5 times, cilia twice longer the diameter of flagellum in male; setae apparently absent, cilia less than half as long as the diameter of flagellum in female. Labial palps in male slightly less than four times, in female four times longer than diameter of eye, in both sexes convex, dorsal edge rounded, 3rd segment tiny, broadest section broader than eye in male, as broad as eye in female. Scale-hood of vertex broad-based, relatively long, rounded in both sexes. Characteristic wing pattern features: sexes similar; ground colour of forewing dark greyish brown; subterminal line indistinct, jagged; postmedial dark, conspicuous, with more or less strong indentation towards reniform stigma, bent inwards beyond cell, slightly sinuous; medial line broad but indistinct, antemedial line slightly sinuous, similar to postmedial line in colour and intensity; reniform stigma bright ochreous, relatively narrow, triangular, its lower third nearly entirely filled by a black dot; orbicular stigma half as long as reniform, with similar ground colour; hindwing grey, much lighter than forewing, transverse lines more distinct than on forewing. Male genitalia (fig. 9). Uncus medium long, broad, slightly curved, basal ¾ part roughly evenly broad, apical quarter abruptly tapering towards hooked tip. Scaphium straight, as long as uncus. Tegumen considerably longer than vinculum; saccus broad-based, long, gradually tapering to its rounded tip. Juxta rhomboid, 1.5 times broader than long, plain. Valva narrow-based, elongate, slightly tapering; apical quarter (i.e. the fused structure of costa, cucullus and harpe) narrower than rest of valva, tapering, pointed, slightly curved dorsally, somewhat clawlike. Costa with small, short lobe just proximally to base of fused apical structure. Sacculus narrow, medium long. Aedeagus stout, curved, not tapering; vesica globular, with strong, long, slightly curved, pointed cornutus and scobinate field between cornutus and carina, composed from big grains. Female genitalia (fig. 21). Simple. Ovipositor lobes angular. Sternum A7 simple. Ductus bursae medium long; posterior half ca three times broader than anterior one; former part sclerotised, latter part membranous. Corpus bursae smooth, ovoid, elongate, apparently with no cervix. Distribution . Sri Lanka . Etymology . Leptosigna = with narrow patch; the name refers to the narrow reniform stigma. Taxonomic remarks . Naarda leptosigna is in sister-relationship with the N. secretaN. huettleri species-pair.