Neotropical Copestylum (Diptera, Syrphidae) breeding in Agavaceae and Cactaceae including seven new species Author Rotheray, Graham E. Author Marcos-García, Maria-Angeles Author Hancock, Geoff Author Pérez-Bañón, Celeste Author Maier, Chris T. text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2009 2009-08-31 156 4 697 749 journal article 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2008.00503.x 0024-4082 5443474 COPESTYLUM HAAGII (JAENNICKE, 1867) Larva and puparium: Larva length 11–12 mm ( Fig. 23 ), puparium 7–9 mm long. Head skeleton relatively sclerotized throughout, mandibular lobes relatively small, vertical plate strongly sclerotized at base, dorsal apodeme weakly indicated, large grinding mill present ( Fig. 39 ). Anterior spiracles short, not as long as broad with four openings on the outer surface. Anterior fold with wide band of spicules, spicules not extending on to longitudinal folds. Thoracic vestiture of thick, broad based setae, spicules only present at apex of transverse fold bearing sensilla 4. Mesothoracic prolegs with about ten primary crochets in a transverse row and three other rows of smaller crochets. Abdominal vestiture of thick setae with a broad base on middle sections of transverse bands. Vestiture of ventral surface similar but shorter. Prolegs not greatly developed but small crochets, not longer than surrounding vestiture, present on abdominal segments 1–6. No other spicules on the ventral surface. Anal segment with second pair of lappets longer than the first. Posterior section of anal segment nested into the anterior section so that the anal segment appears contracted. Lappets smooth, without vestiture. Posterior breathing tube dark orange, corrugated below TR, matt above except for narrow band of punctures just above TR. AP with a smooth rim, without spikes, short, about 0.5¥ length of the TR ( Figs 74, 75 ). Spiracular plates inclined. Pupal spiracles slightly curved with openings on indistinct bands mostly on the underside. Pupal spiracles about 1.2¥ length of AP and separated by 2.5¥ their length. Taxonomic notes: The adult of C. haagii is similar to adults of the Pica group in general form. The early stages of C. haagii are easily distinguished from other species studied here by the vestiture of thick, broad based setae, contracted anal segment with lappets without vestiture and inclined spiracular plates. It bears some similarities to Isabellina group larvae in having a contracted anal segment and posterior breathing tube but the lappets of the Isabellina group are setalose, at least basally, and the apex of the AP bears spikes. Material examined (SI): Two puparia, two larvae MEXICO Nogales No. 65617, Lot No. 47-1625 CT Greene 25.ii.1946 ex ‘maguey’ plant, (probably Agave americana L. Thomas Medland 1799 ( Agavaceae ); five KEY TO SPECIES GROUPS 1. Head skeleton inverted into the oral cavity; dorsally, anal segment comprising two sections indicated by impressed transverse lines on the integument, anterior section with two pairs of unequal-sized, fleshy projections or lappets, posterior section with a longer pair of lappets ...................................................................... 2 Copestylum – If head skeleton inverted and anal segment with two sections then lappets on anterior section either absent or if equal in length then spiracular plates without spiky margins ............................................ rest of Syrphidae 2. Middle pair of lappets longer than the first pair; prolegs not developed, crochets if present, not longer than surrounding vestiture ....................................................................................................................... 3 – Middle pair of lappets shorter than first pair; prolegs developed with crochets longer than surrounding vestiture .................................................................................................................................................... 4 3. Posterior breathing tube short, almost as long as broad with inclined spiracular plates; lappets smooth without setae; larva about 10 mm long .................................................................................... Copestylum haagii – Posterior breathing tube long, longer than broad; spiracular plates level at apex; lappets coated in setae; larva 6–8 mm long ................................................................................................ Key 1, Chalybescens group 4. Rim of spiracular plates with spikes; larva> 20 mm long; anal segment contracted, shorter than abdominal segment 6.........................................................................................................Key 2, Isabellina group – Rim of spiracular plates smooth without spikes .................................................................................... 5 5. Small, larva about 6 mm long; pupal spiracles separated by> 3¥ their length ................... Copestylum smithae – Larger, larva more than 6 mm long; pupal spiracles separated by <3¥ their length.....................................6 6. Anterior spiracles reduced to being pale and inconspicuous or absent....................................................... 7 – Anterior spiracles present, usually with a brown base............................................................................8 7. Dorsum of anal segment setalose; small larvae about 11 mm long; base of lateral lips not densely coated in branched setae...............................................................................................Key 3, Marginatum group – Dorsum of anal segment with reduced vestiture or bare; large larvae 20+ mm; base of lateral lips covered completely with branched setae...........................................................................Key 4, Apiciferum group 8. Anal lobe (on anterior margin of anus) with spicules; spicules between prolegs on some abdominal segments.... ..........................................................................................................................Key 5, Pictum group – Anal lobe without spicules; no spicules between prolegs..........................................................................9 9. Anterodorsal margin of mesothorax with central group of large setae; dorsal vestiture with swollen bases........ ................................................................................................................... Key 6, Scutellatum group – Anterodorsal margin of mesothorax lacking central group of large setae; vestiture without swollen bases ........ 10 10. Anterior spiracles with ten + openings, pupal spiracles straight and long, longer than distance apart................. ...................................................................................................................................... C. bequaerti – Anterior spiracles with fewer than ten openings; pupal spiracles shorter than distance apart ........................ 11 11. Prolegs with two rows of crochets; middle lappets nearly as long as first pair; anal segment with both sections equal in length; larva> 15+ mm long; pupal spiracles curved...................................................Key 7, Dispar group