New Material Of Alagomyidae (Mammalia, Glires) From The Late Paleocene Subeng Locality, Inner Mongolia Author MENG, JIN Author NI, XIJUN Author LI, CHUANKUI Author BEARD, K. CHRISTOPHER Author GEBO, DANIEL L. Author WANG, YUANQING Author WANG, HONGJIANG text American Museum Novitates 2007 2007-12-12 3597 1 1 32 journal article 20869 10.1206/0003-0082(2007)3597[1:NMOAMG]2.0.CO;2 28be5e72-6557-478f-a50f-aa8fe9822be6 0003-0082 4735366 Neimengomys , new genus TYPE SPECIES : Neimengomys qii , new species TABLE 4 Tooth Measurements (mm) of Tribosphenomys cf. T. secundus (Length/Width) ETYMOLOGY: Nei-Meng is Chinese (in pinyin) for ‘‘Inner Mongolia’’; mys is Greek for ‘‘mouse’’, in analogy with Alagomys and Tribosphenomys .
Specimens L/W Specimens L/W
M1 (V14709.1) 1.08/1.94 dp4 (V14710.1) 0.98/0.94
M2 (V14709.2) 1.02/1.60 dp4 (V14710.2) 0.90/0.89
M3 (V14709.3) 0.79/1.27 m2 (V14710.3) 1.06/1.00
M3 (V14709.4) 0.80/0.96 m2 (V14710.4) 1.19/1.00
M3 (V14709.5) 0.79/1.24 m3 (V14710.5) 1.43/0.98
DIAGNOSIS: Differs from Alagomys but resembles Tribosphenomys in having a buccal shelf and a hypocone on upper molars, a more transverse M3 with conical cusps, and a narrower talonid basin. Differs from Tribosphenomys in having a P4 with a weak buccal shelf, a more inflated protocone on upper molars, a more inflated and buccally positioned hypocone, and a smaller hypoconulid on lower molars.