The species group Amabilis of the genus Euplocania Enderlein (Psocodea: Psocomorpha: Ptiloneuridae) Author Vinasco-Mondragón, Andrés Felipe Author González-Obando, Ranulfo Author García-Aldrete, Alfonso N. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-07-06 4444 1 43 65 journal article 29721 10.11646/zootaxa.4444.1.3 f65561ec-cbbc-4c7a-a477-acbcd804a495 1175-5326 1309443 015724CF-1368-42AA-BAF3-2F010045019B Euplocania equorum n. sp. Male Figs 19–24 Diagnosis. It is close to E. badonneli New & Thornton and to E. katios n. sp. It differs from them by details of the phallosome endophallic sclerites, particularly the mesal sclerite. Color (in 80% ethanol). Head pattern ( Fig. 21 ). Compound eyes black, ocelli with ochre centripetal crescents. Clypeus, vertex and labrum pale brown. Genae with longitudinal dark brown stripes. Antennae brown. Forewings veins brown, with a dark brown spot at wing margin surrounded by a clear window. Pterostigma dark brown ( Fig. 19 ). Hindwings hyaline, veins brown, with a brown spot at wing margin ( Fig. 20 ). Central sclerite of hypandrium pale brown, with median Y-shaped dark brown area; postero-lateral processes ochraceous with clear border. Epiproct pale, paraprocts with a dark semi-circular band partially limiting the sensory fields. Morphology . Head ( Fig. 21 ): H/MxW: 1.49, vertex concave; compound eyes large, H/d: 3.06; H/D: 2.03; IO/ MxW: 0.47. Outer cusp of lacinial tip broad, with six denticles. Forewings ( Fig. 19 ): L/W: 2.54. Pterostigma: lp/ wp: 3.53, areola postica with rounded apex: al/ah: 1.96. Hindwings ( Fig. 20 ): l/w: 2.77. Central sclerite of hypandrium convex anteriorly with a slight notch in the middle, deeply concave posteriorly, latero-posterior processes distally curved inward, side sclerites triangular ( Fig. 24 ). Phallosome ( Fig. 23 ) anteriorly V-shaped, with slender side struts; external parameres membranous, distally broad and rounded; two pairs of endophallic sclerites, and one posterior transverse mesal sclerite, the latter one with two pairs of postero-lateral process and one pair of antero-lateral process, making the sclerite looks like two horses. Paraprocts ( Fig. 22 ) almost elliptic, with a dense setal field distally; sensory fields with 27 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Epiproct ( Fig. 22 ) broad, triangular, rounded posteriorly, setal field on sides and anteriorly; two pairs of large setae, one median and one preapical. Measurements. FW: 4500, HW: 2975, f1: 960, IO: 520, D: 540, d: 360, IO/d: 1.44, PO: 0.66. Specimen studied . Holotype male. BRAZIL . Pará , Rio Araguaia S. Cenuldo e Conceicudo , Araguaia. 08°20’58.92’’S : 49°18’31.32’’W . 15 m . XI.1982 . J. Arias. CDC light trap . Treetop I. 15 m. INPA . Etymology. The specific name refers to the symmetrical lateral projections in the mesal endophallic sclerite that look like two horses.