A review of the ant genus Adelomyrmex Emery 1897 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Central America Author Longino, John T. text Zootaxa 2012 3456 1 35 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.282199 3e327a0c-9af2-4d20-bd5e-80f6e5f2f250 1175-5326 282199 7F5C6597-DCE6-45CA-9DD8-ED64139177E7 Adelomyrmex silvestrii ( Menozzi, 1931 ) Figure 22 Apsychomyrmex silvestrii Menozzi, 1931 : 270 , fig.6. Holotype worker: Costa Rica , San José ( Tristan ) [presumably DEI] (not examined). Combination in Adelomyrmex : Kempf, 1972 : 18 . See also: Fernández, 2003: 28. Geographic range. northern Mexico (Tamaulipas) to Costa Rica . Description. Queen. Similar to worker except for queen-specific characters of large compound eyes, ocelli, and enlarged mesosoma with queen-typical sclerites; pronotum smooth medially, reticulate rugose laterally; dorsal mesonotum mostly longitudinally rugose, weaker anteromedially; scutellum longitudinally rugose; katepisternum smooth and shining with thin strip of rugosity along posterior border; anepisternum and side of propodeum longitudinally rugose. Biology. Adelomyrmex silvestrii is perhaps the most easily identified Adelomyrmex species, and it is widespread and abundant. It occurs in a wide variety of habitats, mature to secondary, wet to seasonally dry, and sea level to 1700 m elevation cloud forest. It can occur in over 70% of quantitative miniWinkler samples. In spite of its abundance, a nest has never been reported.