Sertania gen. nov., a new genus of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) from the South American dry diagonal Author Freitas, André V. L. text Zootaxa 2017 2017-08-28 4312 1 165 179 journal article 32284 10.11646/zootaxa.4312.1.8 2a0ebabd-a207-48f7-a202-7e4c83ba1840 1175-5326 852271 B4C23258-B83E-44Ba-80C3-Fbf07Aa81311 Sertania lambedor (P. Jauffret, J. Jauffret & Pessôa, 2008 ) , comb. nov., stat nov. ( Figs 9–12 , 25–26 , 31–32 , 42–44 ) Emesis jaibensis lambedor P. Jauffret, J. Jauffret & Pessôa, 2008 . Lambillionea CVII(4):506–508. Figs. 13–16 . Type locality: Fazenda Lambedor, Santa Quitéria, Ceará, Brazil. Holotype male, Allotype female: MPEG. Diagnosis. Forewing length: males 10–13 mm (n = 3), females 13–14 mm (n = 2). Sertania lambedor comb. nov., stat nov. is more similar and closely related to S. jaibensis , however, differences in the DNA barcode are appreciable (2.67%, Table 2 ) and adults can be easily distinguished from the latter by the bright yellow coloration in males and females ( Figs. 9–12 ). Furthermore, S. jaibensis presents an infusion of red-orange scaling on the male dorsal surface and light yellow scaling on the female. The ventral FW discal area of the male is brick red and the HW discal area lighter white with reddish scaling, and the post-medial area darker with black scaling. The submarginal row of brown spots is more apparent. The female ventral surface has light orange ground color on the FW and darker orange infused with white scaling on HW. Margin of uncus straight in S. lambedor ( Fig. 25 ), in S. guttata and S. jaibensis the margin of uncus present a dorsal projection ( Figs 21, 23 ). Female genitalia of S. jaibensis present ostium bursae with oval opening and pointed signa ( Figs 29–30 ), while S. lambedor has the ostium bursae with circular opening and less pointed signa ( Figs 31–32 ). Biology and distribution. Sertania lambedor was observed flying rapidly about a meter above the ground along a dry stream bed in the caatinga. Adults landed on small flowers for short periods of time, being difficult to approach, thus making capture difficult ( Jauffret et al . 2008 ). This species was recorded in six localities of caatinga ( Fig. 37 ) in northeast Brazil , including the Parque Nacional do Catimbau, Pernambuco , and Parque Nacional da Serra das Confusões, Piaui ( Kerpel et al . 2014 , Nobre & Schlindwein 2016 ). Material examined. BRAZIL : Ceará : Fazenda Lambedor ( 200m ), Santa Quitéria , 1♂ , 1♀ , , ( MPEG ). Pernambuco : Trilha do Camelo - Serra Branca , Parque Nacional do Catimbau , Ibimirim , 1♂ , 1♀ , 15.x.2008 , E.C. Nobre leg . (CJC); Ibimirim , 1♂ , 1♀ , 13.iii.2015 , D. Melo leg ., DNA-voucher BLU888, BLU890 ( ZUEC ), Custódia , 1♂ , 06.v.2015 , D. Melo leg ., DNA-voucher BLU889 ( ZUEC ).