A taxonomic note on the genus Lactobacillus: Description of 23 novel genera, emended description of the genus Lactobacillus Beijerinck 1901, and union of Lactobacillaceae and Leuconostocaceae Author Zheng, Jinshui Author Wittouck, Stijn Author Salvetti, Elisa Author Franz, Charles M. A. P. Author Harris, Hugh M. B. Author Mattarelli, Paola Author O’Toole, Paul W. Author Pot, Bruno Author Vandamme, Peter Author Walter, Jens Author Watanabe, Koichi Author Wuyts, Sander Author Felis, Giovanna E. Author Gänzle, Michael G. Author Lebeer, Sarah text International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2020 2020-04-15 70 2782 2858 journal article 7136 10.1099/ijsem.0.004107 c650e745-85a1-48ca-b29a-b1714f644bae 4730536 DESCRIPTIONOF COMPANILACTOBACILLUS FUTSAII COMB. NOV. Companilactobacillus futsaii (fut.sai’i. N.L. gen. n. of futsai , the Taiwanese fermented mustard product from which the type strain was isolated). Basonym: Lactobacillus futsaii Chao et al . 2012 , 489 VP . Two subspeciesof C. futsaii , C. futsaii ssp. futsaii ’ and ‘ C. futsaii ssp. chongqingii ’ weredescribed [ 125 ] buthavenotyetbeenincluded on the Validation Lists. The two subspecies are highly similar with respect to DNA–DNA hybridization values, 16rRNA and recA genesequencesimilarityand wereestablished on thebasis of a divergent pheS sequence, requiring further confirmation. Growthis observed between 15 and 30 °C; hexoses anddisaccharides but not pentoses support acid formation [ 126 ]. The genome size is 2.53 Mbp. The mol% G+C content of DNA is 35.6. Isolatedfrom traditional fermentedmustard products, fu-tsai and suan-tsai; it has been used experimentally for fermentation of shrimp waste [ 127 ]. Thetypestrainis YM 0097 T =BCRC 80278 T =JCM 17355 T . Genome sequence accession number: AZDO00000000 16S RNA gene sequence accession number: HQ322270 .S