A taxonomic note on the genus Lactobacillus: Description of 23 novel genera, emended description of the genus Lactobacillus Beijerinck 1901, and union of Lactobacillaceae and Leuconostocaceae Author Zheng, Jinshui Author Wittouck, Stijn Author Salvetti, Elisa Author Franz, Charles M. A. P. Author Harris, Hugh M. B. Author Mattarelli, Paola Author O’Toole, Paul W. Author Pot, Bruno Author Vandamme, Peter Author Walter, Jens Author Watanabe, Koichi Author Wuyts, Sander Author Felis, Giovanna E. Author Gänzle, Michael G. Author Lebeer, Sarah text International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2020 2020-04-15 70 2782 2858 journal article 7136 10.1099/ijsem.0.004107 c650e745-85a1-48ca-b29a-b1714f644bae 4730536 DESCRIPTIONOF LAPIDILACTOBACILLUS DEXTRINICUS COMB. NOV. Lapidilactobacillus dextrinicus (dex.tri ni.cus. N.L. neut. n. dextrinum , dextrin; L. suff. - icus , suffix used withthe sense of belonging to; N.L. masc. adj. dextrinicus , related to dextrin). Basonym: Lactobacillus dextrinicus (Coster and White 1964) Haakensen etal . 2009 , 620 VP . Strainsof L. dextrinicus were previously classified as Pediococcus dextrinicus (Coster and White 1964) Back 1978 (Approved Lists 1980) or Pediococcus cerevisiae subsp. dextrinicus . Cells are spherical, and may occur singly, in pairs or clusters and rarely in chains. Clusters of four may be observed, but they do not divide in two perpendicular directions at right angles. Only L(+)-lactic acid is produced from maltose, dextrin andstarch [ 149 ]. The genome size of the type strain is 1.81 Mbp. The mol% G+C content of DNA is 38.1. Isolatedfrom silage, fermenting vegetables, beer and sliced vacuum-packed cooked sausage. Thetypestrainis ATCC 33087=CCUG 18834 T =CIP 103407 T =DSM 20335 T =JCM 5887 T =LMG 11485 T =NCIMB 701561 T =VKM B-1603 T . Genome sequence accession number: AYYK00000000. 16S rRNA gene accession number: D87679 .