Glyceriformia Fauchald, 1977 (Annelida: “ Polychaeta ”) from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia Author Böggemann, Markus text Zootaxa 2015 4019 1 journal volume 10.11646/zootaxa.4019.1.7 0b1bed86-d67e-4fa2-937b-e7b043b59c8a 1175-5326 240217 7E7B2CC8-91FB-4724-A4E2-ED74307CDCD5 Goniada cf. brunnea Treadwell, 1906 ( Fig. 12 ) Goniada brunnea Treadwell, 1906 : 1174 , figs 67–70. Synonyms see Böggemann 2005 Material examined. AM W.46207, Lizard Island, Watsons Bay, 400 m off Chinaman's Ridge, filamentous algae, 12 m , 13 Oct 1978 , af/6.5/ca.29/0.7/0.4. Diagnosis. Prostomium usually with blunt tip; proboscis with slightly different types of papillae; only four inverted Y-shaped dorsal micrognaths; 4–20 pairs of chevrons; lower neuropodial prechaetal lobe developed from parapodium 2–6; 36–53 uniramous chaetigers, following biramous with notopodia subdivided into pre- and postchaetal lobes; notochaetae capillaries, neurochaetae compound spinigers. Description. Anterior fragment 6.5 mm long with about 29 chaetigers. Segments uni-annulate, but median part of dorsum sometimes appears to be bi-annulate. Conical prostomium consisting of about ten rings; terminal annulus with four biarticulate appendages and blunt tip, basal one with pair of nuchal organs. Eyes absent ( Fig. 12 A). FIGURE 12. Goniada cf. brunnea Treadwell, 1906 , AM W.46207. A. Anterior end, dorsal view; B–D. Anterior parapodia, posterior view, aciculae suggested, chaetae omitted. Proboscis with predominantly heart-shaped papillae on short stalks in more or less longitudinal rows. Macrognaths quadridentate; dorsal arc with four smaller, simple inverted Y-shaped micrognaths with bifid tips, ventral arc with three H+v/w-shaped compound micrognaths. Four (left side) respectively five chevrons (right side) on proboscis. First chaetigers with only one neuropodial pre- and one postchaetal lobe; second, lower prechaetal lobe developed from chaetiger four; both prechaetal lobes digitiform, upper one slightly broader and longer than lower one; conical to triangular postchaetal lobe always distinctly shorter ( Fig. 12 B–D). Dorsal cirri on anterior chaetigers broadly conical to digitiform, about as long as neuropodial postchaetal lobes ( Fig. 12 B–D). Ventral cirri in anterior parapodia digitiform, about as long as neuropodial postchaetal lobes or slightly longer ( Fig. 12 B–D). Noto- and neuropodia each with a single acicula ( Fig. 12 B–D). Notochaetae capillaries. Neurochaetae compound spinigers with blades of different lengths. Remarks. Only uniramous parapodia are present on the short anterior fragment and therefore the specimen is uncertainly referred to Goniada brunnea . However, the prostomium have a typical blunt tip and the species is known from this general area (see Böggemann 2005 ). Distribution. Lizard Island; 12 m .