A review of New World Laemophloeus Dejean (Coleoptera: Laemophloeidae): 3. Nearctic species Author Thomas, Michael C. text Insecta Mundi 2015 2015-12-04 2015 450 1 35 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5182779 1942-1354 5182779 57F953EC-45DC-43FE-A5E4-4871940265B3 Laemophloeus fervidus Casey Fig. 5,6 , 11 , 29-31 Laemophloeus fervidus Casey, 1916:121 Laemophloeus woodruffi Thomas 1993: 62 , new synonym Types: Lectotype male, here designated for nomenclatural stability, with following label data: “Ill.”/ ”Casey bequest 1925”/” TYPE USNM 49154"/” fervidus Csy. ”/” LECTOTYPE Laemophloeus fervidus Casey 1916: 121 ”; two other specimens, male and female, with label data: “Kan”/”Casey bequest 1925”/”fervidus PARATYPE USNM 49154". Examination of series of L. fervidus reveals that L. woodruffi Thomas falls within the range of variation and is here synonymized. Diagnosis. The combination of the following character states is diagnostic for this species: the apparently glabrous dorsal surface; moderately dense punctation; dark dorsal coloration, often with darker infuscate areas, and pale, rather amorphous, elytral maculae ( Fig. 11 ); antennae of males have an elongate, simple scape, and the antennae attain about the apical third of the elytra. The basal plates of the aedeagus are oval, narrowed distally ( Fig. 30 ); the basal primary setae are close together ( Fig. 31 ), and the lateral primary setae are short and fine and located at about the basal third of the lateral margin of each paramere ( Fig. 31 ). There are about two fine setae in the laterobasal region of each paramere ( Fig. 31 ). Length, 2.3mm - 3.7mm . Distribution. Southeastern and Central U.S. from Maryland west to Illinois and south to Texas and Florida . Specimens examined. 174 from the following collections: BYUC, CDFA, FSCA, TAMU, UGAC. USA : ALABAMA : Jefferson Co. : Birmingham, Shades Mountain ; Rocky Ridge; Vestavia; Lawrence Co. : Joe Wheeler State Park ; Walker Co. : Jasper ; ARKANSAS : Garland Co. : Ouachita National Forest , Camp Clearfork ; Polk Co. : Mena ; Pulaski Co. : Little Rock ; FLORIDA : Alachua Co. : Gainesville ; Dixie Co. : 3.5mi. N Old Town ; Gadsden Co. : Appalachicola Bluffs & Ravines Preserve ; Liberty Co. : Torreya State Park ; GEORGIA : Bartow Co. : Cartersville ; Clarke Co. : Athens ; nr. Brooklyn Creek ; nr. Memorial Park; Meriwether Co. : Greenville ; ILLINOIS : Macon Co. : Spitler Woods State Park ; INDIANA : Baltimore Co. : Butler ; Monroe Co. : Bloomington ; Perry Co. : [county only]; Tippecanoe Co. : [county only]; Lafayette ; KENTUCKY : McCracken Co. : 2 mi. W. Paducah ; MARYLAND : Chickasaw Co. : Tombigbee National Forest ; MISSISSIPPI : Sharkey Co. : Delta National Forest ; Winston Co. : Tombigbee National Forest ; MISSOURI : Boone Co. : 3 Creeks Park ; Columbia; Johnson Co. : Knob Noster State Park ; Taney Co. : 2mi. W Ridgedale ; NORTH CARO- LINA: Durham Co. : Duke Forest ; Durham; OKLAHOMA : Latimer Co. : 5mi. W Red Oak ; [county only]; Red Oak ; SW of Red Oak ; Osage Co. : W. Bartlesville ; TENNESSEE : Anderson Co. : Oak Ridge ; TEXAS : Brazos Co. College Station, Lick Creek Park ; College Station ; Jeff Davis Co. : Davis Mountains resort, 5800 '; Robertson Co. : Mill Creek headwater, 6 mi. SE Baden ; Sabine Co. : Mill Creek Cove, “Beech Bottom,” 8.8mi. NE Hemphill ; San Patricio Co. : Welder Wildlife Refuge ; Wood Co. : ca. 18 mi. N Hawkins. Discussion. Southern specimens tend to be lighter in coloration than those from farther north. In paler specimens, the elytral maculae are amorphous ( Fig. 6 ), while darker specimens exhibit maculae that approach those of L. apache , n. sp. , and L. shastanus in their linearity ( Fig. 5 ). The affinities of L. fervidus are uncertain. The noticeable, though not conspicuous, dorsal pubescence of some specimens, the near approximate position of the basal primary setae of the parameres ( Fig. 31 ), and the presence of 1-2 fine setae laterobasally on the parameres ( Fig. 31 ) suggest L. fervidus belongs to the biguttatus species group, although its general habitus does not immediately suggest that.