The ant genus Tetraponera (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Afrotropical region: taxonomic review and key to species Author Ward, Philip S. text Zootaxa 2022 2022-02-23 5102 1 1 70 journal article 94528 10.11646/zootaxa.5102.1.1 ad30faa6-eab1-4dae-b686-9e5fee56f55c 1175-5326 6245602 BEA963B7-F7B9-458A-92EE-A4740AC390AC Tetraponera natalensis (F. Smith) ( Figs 3 , 28 , 44 ) Pseudomyrma natalensis F. Smith 1858: 160 . Syntype , 1 dealate queen, “ Pt. Natal ”, South Africa (BMNH) [examined]. Imaged on AntWeb : CASENT0902819. Pseudomyrma capensis F. Smith 1858: 160 . Syntype (s), worker(s), Cape of Good Hope , South Africa (types apparently lost, not in BMNH) [not examined]. Syn . nov. Sima natalensis var. obscurata Emery 1895b: 22 . Syntypes , 2 workers , Cape of Good Hope [as “Capo di Buena Esp.”] (MSNG) [examined]. 1 syntype worker imaged on AntWeb : CASENT0904031. Syn . nov. Sima mocquerysi v. lutea Stitz 1911: 381 . Syntypes , 1 dealate queen, 1 worker , Ins. Kwidschwi , Kiwusee , Democratic Republic of Congo ( A. Friedrichs ) (ZMHB) [examined]. Imaged on AntWeb : FOCOL1160, FOCOL1158. Syn . nov. Sima Prelli Forel 1911a: 365 . Syntype , 1 worker , Monga , Tanzania (Prell) (MHNG) [examined]. Imaged on AntWeb : CASENT0907474. Syn . nov. Sima natalensis var. usumbarensis Forel 1911a: 367 . Syntype , 1 worker , Monga , Tanzania (Prell) (MHNG) [examined]. Imaged on AntWeb : CASENT0907452. Syn . nov. Sima natalensis subsp. cuitensis Forel 1911a: 368 . Syntype , 1 worker , Cubango-Cuito , Angola (Baum) (MHNG) [examined]. Imaged on AntWeb : CASENT0907453. Syn . nov. Sima angusta Arnold 1949: 266 . Syntypes , 2 workers , Bulawayo , Zimbabwe (SAMC) [examined]. Syn . nov. Sima natalensis r. cuitensis v. Bulawayana Forel 1913: 112 . 5 workers , Bulawayo , Zimbabwe (Arnold) (MHNG) [examined]. Unavailable name. Sima natalensis st. cuitensis v. quaniama Santschi 1937b: 218 . 1 worker , Kamba, Angola ( D. Monard ) (NHMB) [examined]. Unavailable name. Tetraponera natalensis (F. Smith) ; F. Smith 1877: 69 . Combination in Tetraponera ; revived from synonymy. Sima natalensis (F. Smith) ; Emery 1892: 237 . Combination in Sima . Sima natalensis (F. Smith) ; Emery 1895b: 22 . Description of worker. Sima natalensis (F. Smith) ; Emery 1899b: 6 . Description of larva. Tetraponera natalensis (F. Smith) ; Wheeler 1922b: 798 . Combination in Tetraponera . Tetraponera natalensis (F. Smith) ; Wheeler & Wheeler 1973: 208 . Description of larva. Tetraponera natalensis (F. Smith) ; Chomicki et al. 2015 : figure S1. Placement in molecular phylogeny. Sima capensis (F. Smith) ; Mayr 1866: 906 . Combination in Sima . Pseudomyrma capensis F. Smith ; Gerstäcker 1871: 355 . Senior synonym of P. natalensis . Tetraponera capensis (F. Smith) ; Wheeler 1922b: 797 . Combination in Tetraponera . Sima natalensis race obscurata Emery ; Arnold 1916: 177 . Description of queen, male. Tetraponera natalensis var. obscurata (Emery) ; Wheeler 1922b: 799 . Combination in Tetraponera . Tetraponera natalensis obscurata (Emery) ; Ward 1990: 489 . Subspecies of T. natalensis . Tetraponera mocquerysi var. lutea (Stitz) ; Wheeler 1922b: 798 . Combination in Tetraponera . Tetraponera mocquerysi lutea (Stitz) ; Ward 1990: 488 . Subspecies of T. mocquerysi . Sima ( Tetraponera ) prelli Forel ; Emery 1921: 28 . Combination in Sima ( Tetraponera ) . Tetraponera prelli (Forel) ; Wheeler 1922b: 800 . Combination in Tetraponera . Sima natalensis var. usumbarensis Forel ; Santschi 1914a: 70 . Description of queen. Tetraponera natalensis var. usumbarensis (Forel) ; Wheeler 1922b: 799 . Combination in Tetraponera . Tetraponera natalensis usumbarensis (Forel) ; Ward 1990: 489 . Subspecies of T. natalensis . Tetraponera natalensis subsp. cuitensis (Forel) ; Wheeler 1922b: 799 . Combination in Tetraponera . Tetraponera angusta (Arnold) ; Ward 1990: 487 . Combination in Tetraponera . Worker measurements (n = 23). HW 0.92–1.29, HL 1.07–1.55, LHT 0.74–1.10, CI 0.77–0.91, FCI 0.09–0.12, REL 0.41–0.45, REL2 0.48–0.56, SI 0.51–0.55, SI3 0.95–1.11, FI 0.42–0.46, PLI 0.64–0.80, PWI 0.50–0.75, LHT/ HW 0.78–0.89, CSC 3–18, MSC 3–25. Worker diagnosis . Small to medium-sized species, with somewhat elongate head (CI 0.77–0.91) and moderately large eyes (REL 0.41–0.45, REL2 0.48–0.56); posterior margin of eye not attaining the level of the lateral ocelli; frontal carinae relatively closely adjacent, the minimum distance between them about 0.10× head width (FCI 0.09–0.12) and about one-fifth of scape length (MFC/SL 0.18–0.23); scapes of moderate length (SI 0.51–0.55, SI2 0.42–0.47), subequal to eye length (SI3 0.95–1.11); anterior clypeal margin broadly and weakly convex, with a short median denticle, flanked by 2–3 smaller denticles on each side, sometimes ill-defined ( Fig. 28a ); profemur relatively slender (FI 0.42–0.46); mesonotum bounded posteriorly by a simple transverse impression, often quite faint; distinct metanotal plate not present, although anterior extremity of propodeum with a weakly differentiated arched-transverse area in some individuals; dorsal face of propodeum flattened, laterally submarginate, longer than declivitous face and rounding insensibly into the latter; petiole of moderate length and height (PL/HW 0.64–0.80; see also PLI and PWI values), dorsolaterally submarginate, and with an anteroventral tooth; in profile, petiolar node typically with relatively steep anterodorsal face, followed by a somewhat flattened dorsum, sloping gradually downward posteriorly at a gentler incline than the anterodorsal face ( Fig. 28b ), but anterodorsal face more gently sloping in some workers; in dorsal view, petiole narrowly obovate to subtrapezoidal, with more or less straight sides (as in Fig. 25b ); postpetiole longer than broad. Head and mesosoma densely punctulate-coriarious, matte; vertex sometimes more weakly sculptured, sublucid. Standing pilosity sparse to moderately common (CSC 3–18, MSC 3–25, HTC+MTC 0–5); fine but dense pubescence covering most of body, with a tendency to be come uplifted (suberect to subdecumbent) on the mesosoma and petiole, and in some populations (e.g., Usambara Mountains, Tanzania ) grading into short standing pilosity. Typically yellow- to orange-brown, with tip of gaster infuscated, but body of darker complexion (medium to dark brown) in some populations. Comments . T. natalensis workers can be characterized by their small to medium size (HW 0.92–1.29, LHT 0.74–1.10), scapes and eyes of moderate length (SI 0.51–0.55, REL 0.41–0.45), relatively slender profemur (FI 0.42–0.46), and a petiolar profile typically consisting of a steep anterodorsal face followed a more gently sloping posterodorsal face ( Fig. 28b ), although deviations from this pattern occur. Individuals are usually yellow- to orange-brown in color, with relatively sparse standing pilosity. There are three other yellowish to orange species in the T. natalensis group. Two of these can be readily distinguished from T. natalensis : T. schulthessi by its larger size, and T. caffra by its shorter scapes and more robust profemur. The third species, T. redacta , is closely similar to T. natalensis , differing primarily by the lack of a differentiated mesonotum in the worker and by a petiole that is shorter and higher than that of T. natalensis workers and queens in nearby populations (see further discussion under T. redacta ). Some workers of T. natalensis are duskier in color—corresponding to the forms described as T. natalensis obscurata and T. prelli —and these could be confused with those of T. mocquersyi ; the latter, however, differ in petiole shape and pilosity (see key). Such darker morphs of T. natalensis have been recorded from Angola , Namibia , South Africa , and Tanzania . Distribution and biology . Ranging from Kenya (excluding the coastal region) to Mozambique and South Africa , thence west to DR Congo , Angola and Namibia ( Fig. 44 ), T. natalensis has been recorded from a diversity of (mostly drier) habitats including savanna woodlands, shrublands, bushveld/grassland, semideciduous forest, coastal thicket, riparian forest, tropical moist forest and rainforest. It is a generalist dead-twig inhabitant, and has been recorded nesting in dead twigs or branches of a wide variety of woody plants, including Cedrela odorata , Dombeya , Ficus sycomorus , Maesopsis eminii , Rubus , Senna didymobotrya , Terminalia , Vachellia tortilis , Vachellia karroo (thorn), and unidentified vines and trees. Material examined ( AMNH , ANIC , BMNH , CASC , CUIC , FHGC , FSCA , HZIC , KUBC , KUEC , KUES , LACM , MCZC , MHNG , MNHN , MSNG , MZLU , NHMB , NHMW , NMKE , NMWN , PSWC , SAMC , UCDC , UMSC , USNM , ZMAS , ZMHB ). Angola : Cunene : Kamba (Monard, D.); Huambo : Mont. Moko, 1970 m (Fisher, B. L.); Kuando Kubango : Cubango-Cuito (Baum); Luanda : Luanda to Catete, km. 13, T-512 (Kistner, D. H.; Swift, R. J.); Botswana : North West : Okavango Delta, Smiti (Russell-Smith, A.); Smiti (Russell-Smith, A.); South East : Kgale Hill, 3 km SW Gaborone , 1300 m (Ward; Stronkhorst); DR Congo : Haut-Katanga : 37 mi NE Elisabethville, 1225 m (Ross, E. S.; Leech, R. E.); Mbulula [as “Mbalula”] (Whitcomb, W. H.); Kasaï Oriental : Kasende (Bequaert, J.); Sud-Kivu : Ile Idjwi [as “Ins. Kwidschwi”] (Friedrichs, A.); Eswatini : Manzini : Mlilwane Wildlife Sanct., 750 m (Ward, P. S.); Kenya : Kajiado : Emali Range, 1650 m (Hamud, S.); Ngong, 2440 m (van Someren, G.); Oloitokitok [as “Loitokitok (= Oloitok.)”], 1800 m (Zettel, H.); Laikipia : Ewaso Ng’iro River , nr. Mpala Research Centre, 1600 m (Snelling, R. R.); Mpala RC, Ewaso Ng’iro, 1600 m (Snelling, R. R.); Mpala Research Centre, 1650 m (Snelling, R. R.); Makueni : Kibwezi (Clifton, M. P.); Murang’a : Tana River (Clark, J. L.); Nairobi City : Nairobi, 1600 m (Ward, P. S.); Nairobi (Meneghetti); Nairobi (Patrizi, S.); Taita Taveta : Voï, 600 m (Alluaud; Jeannel); Malawi : Thyolo : Thyolo [as “Cholo”] (Wood, R. C.); Mozambique : Cabo Delgado : 15.4 km 47° from Pemba, 40 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); 24.5 km 346° from Pemba, 20 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); 9.5 km 297° from Pemba, 20 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); P.N. Quirimbas, 325 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); P.N. Quirimbas, Mareja Res., 125 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); P.N. Quirimbas, Mareja Res., 240 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); P.N. Quirimbas, Taratibu, 300 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); P.N. Quirimbas, Taratibu, 325 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); P.N. Quirimbas, Taratibu, 360 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); P.N. Quirimbas, Taratibu, 505 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); Quiterajo forest, 100 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); Gaza : Nuanetsi R. [as “Wanetsi R.”] (Marley, H. B.); Maputo : Delagoa (Staudinger); Inhaca Island, 1 m (Alpert, G. D.); Umbelusi (c.u.); Sofala : 1 km S Chitengo, Gorongosa Natl. Park, 40 m (Ward, P. S.); 3.5 km SE Chitengo, Gorongosa Natl. Park, 40 m (Ward, P. S.); Gorongosa Park, Chitengo, 30 m (Hauser, M.); Tete : 30 km NW Tete , 500 m (Alpert, G. D.); Chiuta Dist., Ruoni North , 324 m (Hawkes, P.; Fisher, J.); Zambézia : 30 km E Quelimane, 1 m (Alpert, G. D.); 52 km N Quelimane, 70 m (Alpert, G. D.); 57 km N Quelimane, 70 m (Alpert, G. D.); Milange (Alpert, G. D.); Mt. Mabu, 1200 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); Mt. Mabu, 1400 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); Mt. Mabu, 1600 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); Mt. Mabu, 375 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); Mt. Mabu, 825 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); Mt. Mabu, 960 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); Namibia : Kavango East : Mahango Game Reserve (O’Brien, C. W.; O’Brien, L. B.; Marshall, G. B.); Poppa Valle Rest Camp (O’Brien, C. W.; O’Brien, L. B.; Marshall, G. B.); Kunene : Kaoko Otavi (c.u.); Oshana : Ondongua (Barnard, K. H.); Oshikoto : 40 km WNW Grootfontein, Gaub Farm No. 47 (Hogue, C. L.); Otjozondjupa : Nurugas [as “Nuragas”] (c.u.); Zambezi : 2 km W Hippo Island, East Caprivi (Marais, E.; Pusch, M.); South Africa : Eastern Cape : 2 mi ESE Grahamstown (Daly, H. V.; Farquharson, F.); Albany, Thursford Farm (Robertson, H. G.); Algoa Bay, Capland (Brauns); Algoa Bay, Capland (c.u.); Algoa-Bay (Brauns, H.); Andries Vosloo Kudu Reserve, 12.8 km NNE Fort Brown (Lubertazzi, D.); Februarie Farm, 40.2 km 267° W Kirkwood (van Noort, S.); Fort Beaufort (Samways, M.); Grahamstown (Brown, W. L.); Grahamstown (Weatherill, L.); Katburg, E. Cape Prov. , 1220 m (Turner, R. E.); King Williams Town (Capener, A.); Mount Coke, King Williams Town (Capener, A.); picnic site near Februarie Farm (Robertson, H. G.); Pirie Forest (Capener, A.); Port Elizabeth (Brauns); Port Elizabeth (c.u.); Port St. John, Pondoland (Turner, R. E.); Tsitsikama N.P., Stormsrivier Pass (Danielsson, R.); Umgazi R. Mth. (Bohart, R. M.); Van Stadens Mouth (c.u.); Gauteng : Lemon Tree Tea Garden, Cullinan, 1440 m (Hawkes, P. G.); Pretoria (Grobler, J. H. [as “J. H. G.”]); Pretoria, Garsfontein (Craninx, A.); Pretoria, Lynnwood (Danielsson, R.); KwaZulu-Natal : “Natal” (c.u.); “Pt. Natal” (c.u.); 17 km NE Empangeni, Nseleni River (Danielsson, R.); 2 km S Umfolozi (Brown, W. L.; Brown, D. E.); 30 km N Mtubatuba (O’Brien, C. W.; O’Brien, L. B.; Marshall, G. B.); Abu Madi Game Ranch, 200 m (Ward, P. S.); Berea (Marley, H. W. B.); Dugandlovu Camp, False Bay Park, 10 m (Ward, P. S.); Durban (Barley, H. B.); Durban (c.u.); Durban (Cooper, C. B.); Durban (Marley, H. B.); Durban (Peckham, G. W.); Estcourt (c.u.); Fannes I., St. Lucia (Fletcher, D. J. C.; Crewe, R.); Hilltop Camp, Hluhluwe Game Res., 450 m (Ward, P. S.); Hluhluwe Game Reserve (Brinck; Rudebeck); iSimangaliso Wetland Park World Heritage Site, Sodwana Bay Section, Mgobezeleni catchment (Armstrong, A. J.; Gomez, A.; Ngcamu, L.); Lake Subaya (McDonald, E.); Malvern (Barker); Maputa (Marley, H. B.); Mposa, Lower Umfolozi Dist. (Bradley, J. C.; Leigh, J. R.); Mtunzini (Villet, M.); N of Richards Bay (de Kock, A.; Majer, J. D.); Natal, Umtamvuna Nature Reserve, 160 m (van Noort, S.); Ndumo Game Reserve [as “Indumu Game Park”] (Daly, H. V.); Pongola (c.u.); Pongola (Prins, A. J.); Richards Bay (Danielsson, R.); Richards Bay (Faure, J. C.); Slievyre, Natal (Haviland); Sodwana Bay, 10 m (Ward, P. S.); Sodwana Bay (Car, C.); Sodwana Bay (Nel, J. J.); Sodwana Bay [as “Sordwana”] (c.u.); Sodwana Bay [as “Sordwana”] (Faure, J. C.); St. Lucia (Faure, J. C. [as “J. C. F.”]); Tembe Elephant Reserve, Inspection Headquarters (van Noort, S.; Huntly, P. M.); Umfolozi Game Res. (Crewe, R. M.); Umfolozi R., Umfolozi Game Ref. (Crewe, R. M.); Umkumbaan, Durban (Caldwell, P.); Limpopo : Entabeni (Capener, A.); Entabeni Nature Reserve, 1375 m (Irwin, M. E.; Parker, F. D.; Hauser, M.); Hans Merensky Nat. Res. (Kimsey, R. B.); Kruger National Park, Punda Maria [as “Punda Malia”] (Capener, A.); Lapalala {as “Lapellala”] (Villet, M.); Lapalala {as “Lapellala”] (Weisenbacher, B.); Lephalale, 987 m (Hawkes, P.; Fisher, J.); Olifants Camp, Kruger Nat. Park (Kovalev, O.); Two Rivers Platinum SOC 2, 937 m (Hawkes, P.; Fisher, J.); Warmbaths (Capener, A.); Mpumalanga : Blyderivierspoort Nat. Res., Swadene (Kimsey, R. B.); Crocodile R.E., Transvaal (Lang, H.); Dunstable Farm (Robertson, H.); Lapalala Nat. Res. (Kimsey, R. B.); Mariepskop, 1250 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); Mariepskop, 700 m (Kingman, A.); Mariepskop (Faure, J. C.); Mariepskop, Sybrand Van Niekerk Resort, 700 m (Alpert, G. D.); near Mariepskop (Robertson, H.); Nelspruit (Duvenhage, G.); Nylsvley (Robertson, H. G.); Songimvelo Nature Reserve, Kromdraai Camp cabin area, 800 m (Ubick, D.; Ubick, S.); North West : Hammans Kraal, Transvaal (Simon); Makapan, Transvaal (Simon); Marico-Bosveld, 1080 m (Pedersen, J.); Marico-Bosveld Ontspanningsklub, 1080 m (Ward, P. S.); Zeerust (Stange, L.; Miller, R.); province unknown : “Kereu” (c.u.); Kruger N. Park (Prins, A. J.); Western Cape : Cape of Good Hope [as “Capo di Buena Esp.”] (c.u.); Groot Brak Valley (Macpherson, M. A.; Roux, A.); Grootvadersbos (Prins, A. J.; Prins, A.); Grootvadersbosch (c.u.); Grootvadersbosch (Prins, A. J.); Keurbooms River, Knysna (Barnard, K. H.); Keurboomstrand (de Weerdt, A.); Malgas, 40 m (Danielsson, R.); Mossel Bay (Turner, R. E.); Stinkhoutbos, Flower Valley, 210 m (Slingsby, P.); Storms River Pass, Knysna District (Balfour-Browne, J.); Tanzania : Arusha : Arusha Nat. Park, Momela Lk (Daly, H. V.); Muruangoin, 1080 m (Lamborn, W. A.); Kilimanjaro : above Kisiwani, on Nakombo River (Robertson, H. G.); Kilimandjaro , Kiboscho (Alluaud, C.); Mkomazi Game Reserve, above Ibaya (Robertson, H. G.); Mkomazi Game Reserve, Ibaya (Russell-Smith, A.); Mkomazi Game Reserve, Ibaya Camp (van Noort, S.); Mkomazi Game Reserve, Ibaya Forest (Robertson, H. G.); Mkomazi Game Reserve, Ibaya Hill (van Noort, S.); Mkomazi Game Reserve, Kinondo forest (Robertson, H. G.); Mkomazi Game Reserve, Kisima Hill (van Noort, S.); Mkomazi Game Reserve, Kisima pitfall site (McGavin, G.); Mkomazi Game Reserve, Kisima Plot (van Noort, S.); Nakombo River (Robertson, H. G.); Morogoro : Dutumi [as “Duthumi”] (Loveridge, A.); Kanga Forest Reserve, 820 m (Hawkes, P.; Makwati, J.; Mtana, R.); Pwani : 14 km NW Kisiju, 20 m (Ward, P. S.); 33 km W Dar Es Salaam , 120 m (Ward, P. S.); Rukwa : 39 mi SE Sumbawanga, 1530 m (Ross, E. S.; Leech, R. E.); Kalambo (Gérard); Tanga : 3 km E Amani, 410 m (Ward, P. S.); Amani, 950 m (Ward, P. S.); Amani (c.u.); Amani (Kirby, H.); Amani Hills (Quick, D.); Kange, near Tanga , 50 m (Ward, P. S.); Monga (Prell); Zambia : Central : Lusaka , Leopard Hill, Kapuka Farm, 1300 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); Northern : 5.3 km 247° Senga Hill, 1650 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al .); Zimbabwe : Bulawayo : Bulawayo (Arnold, G.); Bulawayo (c.u.); Bulawayo (Stevenson, R. H. R.); Bulawayo [as “Bulawaya”] (Arnold, G.); Bulawayo , 12 Kent Street (Stange, L. A.); Helenvale (c.u. [probably Arnold]); Hillside, Bulawayo (Arnold, G.); Copperbelt : Makabo (Silvester Evans, H.); Harare : Highlands, Harare (Cumming, M.); Salisbury (Watshaw, A.); Manicaland : Cashel (c.u.); Penkridge, Melsetter District (Stevenson, R. H. R.); Umtali (Arnold, G.); Mashonaland Central : Zambesi Valley, 7 km SE Angwa Bridge (Weyrich, J.); Masvingo : Kyle Dam Wall area (Crewe, R. M.; Fletcher, D. J.); Sabi Valley (c.u.); Matabeleland North : Lukosi Mission, 15 km S Hwange (Miller, R.; Stange, L.); Sawmills (Arnold, G.); Matabeleland South : Plumtree (Arnold, G.); Midlands : Sebakwe (c.u.).