First description of imago and redescription of nymph for Cloeodes irvingi Waltz & McCafferty, 1987 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae)
Lima, Lucas R. C.
Jacobus, Luke M.
Pinheiro, Ulisses
journal article
Cloeodes irvingi
Waltz & McCafferty, 1987
Figs. 1–17
: 1) antenna about 1.5 × length of head capsule; 2) labrum with dorsal arc of setae composed of 2 + 0 + 2 long, spine-like setae (
Fig. 6
); 3) segment III of labial palp subquadrangular (
Fig. 11
); 4) fore femur with apex not projected, with 2 blunt setae (
Fig. 13
); 5) tarsal claw 0.4 × length of tarsi; 6) abdominal segments I–II brown with blackish transversal mark on the posterior margin; segments III, V–VII and IX–X brown with whitish marks (
Fig. 5
); 7) paraproct with 10−13 marginal spines (
Fig. 17
); 8) caudal filaments with posterior margin of segments with short spines on each segment and long spines on every four segments.
Male imago
: 1) turbinate eyes with inner margins parallel (
Fig. 1
); 2) abdominal terga I–II brown with blackish transversal mark on the posterior margin; segments III, V–VII and IX–X brown with whitish marks; 3) marginal intercalary veins paired, except between veins ICu1–ICu2, ICu2–CuP single, and between Sc–R1 and CuP–A absent (
Fig. 2
); 4) segment II of forceps with medial constriction (
Fig. 4
); 5) segment III of forceps elongated; 6) posterior margin of subgenital plate rounded.
Male imago
: Length. Body:
3.3–4.2 mm
; antenna:
0.7–0.8 mm
; fore wing:
3.8 mm
; tibia I:
1.6 mm
; tibia II:
0.7 mm
; tibia III:
0.6 mm
; caudal filament: broken off.
Head (
Fig. 1
). Brownish. Turbinate portion of compound eyes dorsally dark brown, stalk reddish brown. Antennae light brown. Dorsal portion of turbinate eyes oblong; length 1.6 × width; stalk height 0.8 × length of dorsal portion; inner margins parallel (
Fig. 1
Thorax (
Fig. 1
). General coloration brown. Metanotum with grayish margins. Anteronotal protuberance rounded. Metascutellar protuberance pointed and projected dorsally.
Legs. General coloration translucent brown; all femora with transversal blackish mark. Leg I: tibia 2.7 × length of femur; tarsi 2.5 × length of femur and four segments decreasing on length apically. Leg II: 1.4 × tibia length of femur, tarsi 0.8 × length of femur. Leg III: tibia 1.0 × length of femur, tarsi 0.8 × length of femur.
Fore wing (
Fig. 2
). Membrane hyaline. Longitudinal and cross-veins pale yellow. Stigmatic area with four cross veins touching subcostal vein. Marginal intercalary veins paired, except between veins ICu1–ICu2 and ICu2–CuPsingle, and between Sc–R1 and CuP–A absent; length of each intercalary vein between IMA and IMA2 0.5 × distance between adjacent longitudinal veins; length of fore wing about 2.3 × width.
wing present (
Fig. 3
). Membrane hyaline; veins pale yellow; with 2 complete longitudinal veins. Costal process hooked; located on basal third.
Abdomen (
Fig. 1
). Tergum I brown; terga with segments II −VI whitish translucent and VII −X brown. Tergum I with transversal blackish line on posterior margin; terga II and IV–VII with blackish line interrupted at middle on posterior margin. Tergum IV with medio-postero transversal spots. Tracheation blackish. Sterna with segments II −VI whitish translucent, I and VII −X light brown.
Genitalia (
Fig. 4
). Light brown. Forceps segment I subrectangular; 0.3 × length of segment II; distance between the base of forceps 0.3 × distance between lateral margins of forceps. Segment II of forceps with medial constriction; inner margin undulated. Forceps segment III 1.7 × longer than wide, 0.1 × length of segment II. Posterior margin of subgenital plate rounded.
Length. Body:
4.1−5.5 mm
; antenna:
1.3−1.6 mm
; cerci: 1.0−1.2; terminal filament: 1.3−1.5.
Head. Light brown with a narrow median longitudinal band brown along the length of vertex; compound eyes and ocellus of male surrounded yellow. Frons with area between antennal bases yellowish. Turbinate portion of compound eyes of male dark brown. Antenna light brown; 1.5 × length of head capsule.
Male imago of
Cloeodes irvingi
. 1. Dorsal habitus; 2. Fore wing; 3. Hind wing; 4. Genitalia (ventral view).
Labrum (
Fig. 6
). Rectangular, broader than long, length about 0.7 × maximum width; dorsal surface flat; distal margin with medial emargination and small process. Dorsally with many short, fine, simple setae scattered over surface; dorsal arc of setae composed of 2 + 0 + 2 long, spine-like setae. Ventrally with submarginal row of setae decreasing in length toward medial region, composed of lateral and anterolateral bifid and frayed setae, medial setae simple and bifid; ventral surface with 3 short, blunt setae near the anterolateral margins; lateral margin with fine simple setae.
Right mandible (
Fig. 7
). Inner and outer set of incisors respectively with 3 + 3 denticles. Prostheca slender, bifurcated at middle, inner lobe long, pectinate, outer short and frayed. Margin between prostheca and mola almost straight; tuft of setae between prostheca and mola absent; tuft of spine-like setae at base of mola present; tuft of setae at apex of mola present, reduced to bifid seta. Lateral margins almost straight and bare; basal half bare.
Left mandible (
Fig. 8
). Inner and outer set of incisors respectively with 3+ 3 denticles. Prostheca robust, apically denticulate and with comb-shape structure at apex. Margin between prostheca and mola almost straight, without crenulations; tuft of setae absent; tuft of spine-like setae at base of mola present; subtriangular process wide, above level of area between prostheca and mola; denticles of mola not constricted; tuft of setae at apex of mola absent. Lateral margins almost straight and bare; basal half bare.
Nymph of
Cloeodes irvingi
. 5. Dorsal habitus; 6. Labrum (right: ventral view; left: dorsal view); 7. Right mandible (ventral view); 8. Left mandible (ventral view); 9. Hypopharynx (ventral view); 10. Maxilla (ventral view); 11. Labium (right: ventral view; left: dorsal view).
FIGURES 12–17.
Nymph of
Cloeodes irvingi
. 12. Fore leg (anterior surface); 13. Apex of fore femur (anterior surface); 14. Subtending bristle (anterior surface); 15. Posterior margin of tergum IV; 16. Gill IV, with detail of margin; 17. Paraproct.
Hypopharynx (
Fig. 9
). Lingua subequal in length to superlingua; apex with anteromedial lobe rounded, with short, fine, simple setae; medial tuft of short setae present; distal half laterally expanded. Superlingua not expanded; fine, simple setae scattered over lateral and distal margin and basal half of lateral margin with short, spine-like setae.
Maxilla (
Fig. 10
). Crown of galea-lacinia with 3 denticles and one denti-seta; inner dorsal row of setae with 3 pectinate denti-setae. Medial protuberance of galea with 1 short, spine-like setae + 5 long setae. Maxillary palp reaching apex of galea-lacinia; two-segmented; setae on maxillary palp, short, fine and simple, scattered over surface, a simple setae at apex of segment II; palp segment II 1.3 × length of segment I; apex of last segment not constricted at base.
Labium (
Fig. 11
). Glossa basally broad, narrowing apically and subequal in length to paraglossa; base of glossa well expanded (reaching more than 2/3 of paraglossa); inner margin with 11−14 spine-like setae increasing in length apically, outer margin with 10−12 long, spine-like setae increasing in length apically; ventral surface with a row of 5−6 spine-like setae near inner.Paraglossa sub-rectangular, curved only at apex; apex with 2 rows of spinelike setae; outer margin with a row of 15−16 long and spine-like setae; ventrally with a row of 5 spine-like setae near to inner margin; dorsal surface bare. Labial palp with segment I 0.9 × length of segments II and III combined; segment I covered with short, simple setae and micropores near to outer margin; inner margin of segment II bare; outer margin with short, fine setae; dorsally with row of 4−5 spine-like, simple setae; ventrally with short, fine, simple setae scattered over surface; segment III subquadrangular length 1.2 × width; covered with spine-like simple setae on ventral surface; dorsally with a row of blunt, spine-like, long setae near to apex and inner margin.
Thorax (
Fig. 5
). General coloration brown with yellow marks. Fore wing pads light brown.
wing pad. Present; light brown.
Fore leg (
Fig. 12
). General coloration yellowish; femora with a central light brown spot on anterior surface; tarsal claw yellowish brown. Ratio of fore leg 1.4:1.0 (
0.5 mm
Fore femur. Length about 3.9 × maximum width; dorsally with a row of 7 blunt setae (in lateral view they look like spine-like setae); length of setae about 0.1 × maximum width of femur; apex not projected with 2 blunt setae (
Fig. 13
); ventrally with 5 simple setae; anterior surface with abundant scale-bases and scales near to ventral margin.
Tibia. Dorsally with row of abundant, long, fine, simple setae; ventrally with a row of 6 short, spine-like setae; two lanceolate setae subapically; anterior surface with abundant scale bases and scales near to dorsal margin; tibiopatelar suture present. Subtending bristle present (
Fig. 14
Tarsus. Dorsally with a row of abundant long, fine setae; ventrally with row of 11 spine-like setae and a lanceolate setae near the apex; anterior surface with scale bases and scales scattered over surface; tarsal claw bare, 0.4 × length of tarsi.
Mid and hind leg similar to fore leg.
Abdomen (
Fig. 5
). General coloration brown. Segments I–II brown with blackish transversal mark on the posterior margin. Segments III, V–VII, and IX–X brown with whitish marks. Segments IV and VIII clearer; male mature nymphs showing two spots in medial area of segment IV. Terga surface with abundant scale bases and micropore; posterior margin of terga with regular spines, 1.7 × as long as wide (
Fig. 15
). Spines present in posterior margin of segments III −X (in some species present spines on segments II–X, but weakly developed on segment II). Sterna with spines present in posterior margin of segments III −IX.
Gills (
Fig. 16
). Opaque, trachea dark gray; inner and outer margins light brown. Margin with broad spines and short, fine, simple setae on the apex. Trachea extending from main trunk to inner margin. Gill I about 1.0 × length of segment II; oval. Gill IV about 0.5 × length of the segment V and VI combined; oval. Gill VII about 1.0 × length of segment VIII, oblong.
Paraproct (
Fig. 17
). With 10−13 marginal spines; surface with abundant scale-bases and micropores; posterolateral extension with blunt marginal spines and scale-bases scattered on surface.
Caudal filaments. Yellowish-brown. Posterior margin of segments with short spines on each segment, and long spines on every four segments.
Life cycle association.
Rearing male imagos from nymphs.
: states of Ceará, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo (
et al.
et al.
et al
. 2012
Material examined.
, male larva,
, Paraguari, Parque Nacional Ybicui, Arroyo Mina, edge,
, Bonace RT (
). 14 nymphs,
, state of Pernambuco, Amaraji, Rio Amaraji,
320 m
, Lima LRC, Nicacio G cols. (
); five nymphs, same as preceding except
, Lima LRC coll. (
); six nymphs and three male imagos (reared), same as preceding except
(six nymphs
, two male imagos
, and one male imago
); three nymphs and one male imago (light trap),
, state of Pernambuco, Amaraji, Rio Amaraji, Poço do Carreiro,
269 m
, Lima LRC coll. (
); one male imago (light trap),
, state of Pernambuco, Correntes, Rio Correntes, Cachoeira Encontro das Águas,
513 m
, Lima LRC, Souza WRM cols. (
); two nymphs,
, state of Pernambuco, Correntes, Rio Correntes, Barragem da Compesa,
, 36°19'
386 m
, Lima LRC, Souza WRM cols. (
); one nymph,
, state of Pernambuco, Cortês, Sirinhaém, Banho da Ilha,
223 m
, Lima LRC, Nicacio, G cols. (
); same as preceding except
Additional material.
, slide mounted in Euparal (head capsule and fore leg missing),
, Departamento. Amambay, Parque Nacional, Cerro Cora, Arroyo Panamy, riffle sample,
, Bonace RT (