A contribution to the knowledge of the genera Fissocantharis Pic, 1921 and Micropodabrus Pic, 1920 from Taiwan (Coleoptera, Cantharidae) Author Zhang, Lulu 2D7E44B4-1472-43C0-A669-B86433EEA6DE The Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application, College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, Hebei Province, China. & Email: 2940331171 @ qq. com & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 2 D 7 E 44 B 4 - 1472 - 43 C 0 - A 669 - B 86433 EEA 6 DE 2940331171@qq.com Author Yang, Yuxia CA819BAF-F411-4917-9205-4F1C36AC4DC9 The Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application, College of Life Sciences, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, Hebei Province, China. & yxyang @ hbu. edu. cn, & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: CA 819 BAF-F 411 - 4917 - 9205 - 4 F 1 C 36 AC 4 DC 9 & Co-corresponding authors: Author Okushima, Yûichi BB590861-E5AE-438B-AC0E-A8724F8FAAB5 Kurashiki Museum of Natural History, Chûô 2 - 6 - 1, Kurashiki, Okayama, 710 - 0046 Japan. & musoku @ city. kurashiki. okayama. jp & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: BB 590861 - E 5 AE- 438 B-AC 0 E-A 8724 F 8 FAAB 5 & Co-corresponding authors: text European Journal of Taxonomy 2016 2016-11-14 243 1 37 journal article 21861 10.5852/ejt.2016.243 3aa325f2-3f96-4380-8145-ee552b0bd9c9 2118-9773 3850482 F54A0E2E-1399-4A45-8B7A-0027A8713B33 Fissocantharis nigriceps Y. Yang & Okushima sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: B6F2406E-AC8F-4004-A468-A1602747E266 Figs 6 G–I, 12A Diagnosis This species is similar to F. formosana ( Pic, 1910 ) , but can be differentiated from the latter by the black head, eyes strongly protruding, pronotum distinctly widened posteriorly, aedeagus: conjoint dorsal plate of parameres with round apical margin. It also resembles F. minor ( Wittmer, 1997 ) in the body coloration, but differs in the following characters: eyes strongly protruding, pronotum slightly longer than wide, aedeagus: conjoint dorsal plate of parameres about half length of ventral process, while in the latter species, eyes moderately protruding, pronotum nearly as long as wide, aedeagus: conjoint dorsal plate of parameres as long as ventral process. Etymology The specific epithet is derived from the Latin niger (black) and ceps (head), referring to its black head. Type material Holotype TAIWAN : Ƌ, Taoyuan Hsien , Hsileng , 27 Apr. 1978 , leg. S. Saito ( NMNS ). Description Male ( Fig. 12A ) Body length: 7.0 mm; width: 1.5 mm. BODY. Black, prothorax and legs orange, tarsi black. Body densely covered with recumbent gray pubescence. HEAD. Subquadrate, temples distinctly narrowed posteriorly, surface densely and finely punctate; eyes strongly protruding, head width across eyes distinctly wider than anterior margin of pronotum; terminal maxillary palpomeres subtriangular, widest nearly in middle, acurate on apical parts of inner margins, acute at apices; antennae filiform and simple, extending to basal two-length of elytra, antennomeres II slightly longer than wide, III about twice as long as II, IV slightly longer than III, XI slightly longer than X, pointed at apices. PRONOTUM. Subquadrate, slightly longer than wide, distinctly widened posteriorly, anterior margin rounded, lateral margins slightly sinuate, posterior margin narrowly bordered and arcuate, anterior angles rounded, posterior angles nearly rectangular; disc distinctly convex on posterolateral parts, surface semilustrous, sparsely and finely punctate. ELYTRA. About 3.5 times as long as humeral width, 5.0 times longer than pronotum, nearly parallelsided, disc densely and coarsely punctate. Fig. 7. Aedeagus (A, D, G: ventral view; B, E, H: dorsal view; C, F, I: lateral view). A–C . Fissocantharis piluchiensis ( Wittmer, 1995 ) . D–F . F. pingtungensis ( Wittmer, 1982 ) . G–I . F. ssulingensis ( Wittmer, 1995 ) . Scale bars: 1.0 mm. LEGS. With all tarsal claws bifid, upper claws nearly as long as lower ones. AEDEAGUS ( Fig. 6 G–I). Ventral process of each paramere wide, slightly narrowed apically, moderately hooked at apex; conjoint dorsal plate of parameres moderately developed, about half length of ventral process and as wide as half of the distance between outer margins of ventral processes, distinctly narrowed apically, with round apical margin. Female Unknown. Distribution Taiwan .