Resolving phylogenetic and classical nomenclature: A revision of Seraphsidae Jung, 1974 (Gastropoda: Neostromboidae) Author Maxwell, Stephen J. 0000-0002-4328-6171 College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University, P. O. Box 6811, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia. & Stephen. maxwell @ my. jcu. edu. au; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 4328 - 6171 Author Rymer, Tasmin L. 0000-0002-9963-6345 College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University, P. O. Box 6811, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia. & Centre for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Sciences, James Cook University, P. O. Box 6811, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia. & Tamsin. rymer @ jcu. edu. au; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9963 - 6345 Author Congdon, Bradley C. 0000-0002-8751-0892 College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University, P. O. Box 6811, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia. & Centre for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Sciences, James Cook University, P. O. Box 6811, Cairns, Queensland 4870, Australia. & brad. congdon @ jcu. edu. au; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 8751 - 0892 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-06-22 4990 3 401 453 journal article 5563 10.11646/zootaxa.4990.3.1 6a6dd89d-6b74-47ed-ba8e-71b526355b69 1175-5326 5026777 70610FEE-4497-4804-817C-CEC2D66DDBFE Seraphs Montfort, 1810 [Maxwell, this paper] nomen cladi conversum ( Seraphsinae ) Figures 4–5 1810 Seraphs Montfort , p. 375. Sowerby 1820 –1825, pl. 263. Sowerby 1842 , p. 255 . Sowerby 1846 , p. 255 . H. Adams & A. Adams 1858 , p. 263 . Chenu 1859 , p. 264 . Tryon 1885 , p. 103 . Zittel 1885 , p. 259 . Cossmann 1889 , p. 92 . Jung 1974 , p. 14 . Bandel 2007 , p. 137 . Caze et al. 2010 , p. 426 . Notes: accepted. = Seraphys Montfort Gray 1847 , p. 132 . Sowerby 1852 , p. 273 . Notes: synonymised—Emendation of original name Seraphs Montfort, 1810 . This included Terebellum Röding, 1798 . Type : Seraphs convolutum ( Lamarck, 1803 ) (= Seraphs volutatus ( Brander, 1766 )) . = Seraphys Gray, 1853 , p. 133 . Jung 1974 , p. 14 . Adams & Adams 1858 , p. 263 . Type : Terebellum convolutum Lamarck, 1803 (= Seraphs volutatus Brander, 1766 ). Notes: synonymised—Emendation of original name Seraphs Montfort, 1810 . = Seraps Férussac Jung 1974 , p. 14 . Adams & Adams 1858 , p. 263 . Notes: synonymised—Emendation of original name Seraphs Montfort, 1810 . = Seraphe Blainville— Jung 1974 , p. 14 . Notes: synonymised—Emendation of original name Seraphs Montfort, 1810 . = Serapis Link Jung 1974 , p. 14 . Notes: synonymised—Emendation of original name Seraphs Montfort, 1810 . Type . Terebellum convolutum Lamarck, 1803 by original designation (= Bulla sopita Brander, 1766 = Seraphs volutatus ( Brander, 1766 )) . RegNum Registration Number. 677. Reference Phylogeny. Figure 3 . Definition. The maximum clade consisting of Seraphs sopitus ( Brander, 1766 ) and all species that share a more recent common ancestor with it than with Miniseraphs eratoides ( Cossmann, 1889 ) , Diameza fragilis ( Defrance, 1825 ) , Paraseraphs tetanus Jung, 1974 or Terebellum terebellum ( Linnaeus, 1758 ) . Diagnosis. The shell is involute without a posterior canal. The labrum of the shell is undulating. The aperture is narrow. The suture does not have a channel. The region of maximum width occurs at approximately mid-height. Composition. Seraphs contains 18 species detailed herein, and belongs to the Seraphsinae , but excludes Miniseraphs and Diameza . Remarks. The geological range of Seraphs is considered to be the early Palaeocene (Danian) to the early Miocene (Aquitanian) (Table 2). Seraphs arose in western Africa and then diversified, most significantly in Europe and western and central Asia. The complex soon dispersed away from the centre of early diversification, and arrived in the Indonesian archipelago and in North America by the Priabonian. The genus reached its greatest geographic range during the Oligocene ( Jung 1974 ).
Occurrence Geological Period Taxon
Oligocene Miocene Eocene Palaeocene Cretaceous
Rupelian Chattian Aquitanian Burdigalian Bartonian Priabonian Thanetian Ypresian Lutetian Selandian Maastrichtian Danian
Americas hernandoensis
Europe striatus
West Africa minus
Euro Afro-Asia carcassense
Sub-Asia naricus
Western Asia squamosus
FIGURE 4. Seraphs Montfort, 1810 . A. Seraphs andersoni ( Dickerson, 1917 ) , holotype, CAS Department of Geology 434, length 38 mm ( Jung 1974 , pl. 9, fig. 5). B. Seraphs belemnitus (Palmer, 1953) , PRI 29236, length 48.2 mm ( Jung 1974 , pl. 6, figs. 12–14). C. Seraphs caracassense ( Leymerie, 1846 ) , BMNH G50180, length 51.3mm ( Jung 1974 , pl. 4, figs. 10, 11). D. Seraphs chilophorus ( Cossmann, 1889 ) , MNHN A28779, Collection de Paleontologie, Paris, length 29 mm ( Caze et al. 2010 , figs. 15A, B, D). E. Seraphs hernandoensis ( Mansfield, 1937 ) , holotype, USNM 495948, length 31.4 mm ( Jung 1974 , pl. 9, figs. 7–9). F. Seraphs kaindraperi new sp. , holotype, USNM 135098, length 50.6 mm ( Jung 1974 , pl. 5, figs. 3, 4). G. Seraphs leukoleptus Jung, 1974 , neotype, MNHN A28781, Collection de Paleontologie, Paris, length 27.6 mm ( Caze et al. 2010 , figs. 11F, H, I). H. Seraphs mayeri Jung, 1974 , holotype, NMB H16579, length 21.4 mm ( Jung 1974 , pl. 8, figs. 16–18). FIGURE 5. Seraphs Montfort, 1810 . A. Seraphs minus ( Vincent, 1913 ) , length 7.1 mm ( Jung 1974 , pl. 6, figs. 9, 10). B. Seraphs naricus ( Vredenberg, 1925 ) , holotype, GSI 12614, length 38.6 mm ( Jung 1974 , pl. 6, figs. 20–22). C. Seraphs olivaceus ( Cossmann, 1889 ) , MNHN A28577 , Collection de Paleontologie, Paris, length 32 mm ( Caze et al. 2010 , figs. 6H, I). D. Seraphs peterjungi Caze et al. , 2010 , holotype, MNHN A28578 , Collection de Paleontologie, length 16 mm ( Caze et al. 2010 , figs. 15J, K, N). E. Seraphs placiferus ( Bayan, 1870 ) , lectotype, MNHN G2100, length 33.7 mm ( Jung 1974 , pl. 7, figs. 5–7). F. Seraphs sopita ( Brander, 1766 ) , lectotype, NHMUK GG21010, length 26.4 mm ( Jung 1974 , pl. 1, figs. 1–3). G. Seraphs s quamosus ( Martin, 1914 ), Lectotype, RGM, Leiden St10344, length 37.1 mm ( Jung 1974 , pl. 6, figs. 17–19). H. Seraphs striatus ( von Koenen, 1889 ) , holotype, length 38.5 mm ( von Koenen 1889 , pl. I, figs. 7A–C). I. Seraphs subconvolutus ( d’Orbigny, 1852 ) , lectotype, MNHN UBT65-2-120, length 28 mm ( Caze et al. 2010 , figs. 14A, B). J. Seraphs volutatus ( Brander, 1766 ) , MNHN A28776, Collection de Paleontologie, Paris, length 17 mm ( Caze et al. 2010 , figs. 6A–C). The problem of the quality of the fossil record is a significant taxonomic hindrance to the resolution of the Seraphs clade. The taxon Seraphs thompsoni Dickerson, 1914 has been determined by previous workers, having examined the type materials, not to belong to Seraphsidae ( Vokes 1939 ; Jung 1974 ).