Distribution and diversity of earthworms in different land use systems in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Author Ferreira, Talita Federal University of Paraná, Department of Soil and Agriculturas Engineering, Rua dos Funcionários 1540, CEP 80035 - 050, Curitiba-PR, Brazil. Author James, Samuel W. Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, IA, USA. Author Bartz, Marie Luise Carolina Municipal Center for Culture and Development - Organic Farming: Agriculture and Organic Production Partnership, Centre for Organic and Regenerative Agriculture, Zona Industrial - 6060 - 182, Idanha-a-Nova, Portugal. & Centre for Functional Ecology, Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra, 3000 - 456 Coimbra, Portugal. Author Lima, Ana Claudia Rodrigues De 0000-0001-9036-8199 Federal University of Pelotas, Department of Soil, R. Gomes Carneiro, 1 - Centro, Pelotas - RS, 96010 - 610. anacrlima @ hotmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9036 - 8199 anacrlima@hotmail.com Author Dudas, Rafaela Federal University of Paraná, Department of Soil and Agriculturas Engineering, Rua dos Funcionários 1540, CEP 80035 - 050, Curitiba-PR, Brazil. Author Brown, George Gardner Embrapa Forestry, Estrada da Ribeira, Km 111, Caixa postal: 319, CEP: 83411 - 000, Colombo-PR, Brazil. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-03-15 5255 1 399 416 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5255.1.32 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5255.1.32 74295b4a-c932-43c6-b6b6-e1b177429976 1175-5326 7745077 19CECD57-C7C3-42DA-B397-8735020F43C5 Pontoscolex ( Pontoscolex ) corethrurus (Müller) BRRSDNA0023 to BRRSDNA0052, 1 adult in each vial, surface soil horizon ( 0–20 cm ) in flooded pasture, Taquara-RS ( S29.68578° , W50.84960° ), 01 August 2014 , G. Cardoso, coll. BRRSDNA0053 to BRRSDNA0056, 1 adult in each vial, surface soil horizon ( 0–20 cm ) in gallery forest, Taquara-RS ( S29.68597° , W50.85021° ), 01 August 2014 , R. Ott , G. Brown , colls. BRRSDNA0057 to BRRSDNA0081, 1 adult in each vial, surface soil horizon ( 0–20 cm ) in Unisinos Campus , S„o Leopoldo-RS ( S29.79408° , W51.15753° ), 31 July 2014 , R. Ott and G. Cardoso , colls. BRRSDNA0082 to BRRSDNA0090, 1 adult in each vial, surface soil horizon ( 0–20 cm ) in gallery forest ( Taquari river ), Estrela-RS ( S29.47560 W51.95351 ), 02 August 2014 , R. Ott, G. Brown, colls. BRRSDNA0092 and BRRSDNA0093, 1 adult in each vial, surface soil horizon ( 0–20 cm ) in pasture, Estrela-RS ( S29.47242° , W51.94774° ), August 2014 , S. James, M. Bartz, G. Cardoso, colls. BRRSDNA0094, 1 adult , surface soil horizon ( 0–20 cm ) in wooded pasture, Estrela-RS ( S29.47239° , W51.94689° ), 02 August 2014 , G. Brown, R. Ott, colls. BRRSDNA0095 to BRRSDNA0097, 1 adult in each vial, surface soil horizon ( 0–20 cm ) in native forest, Estrela-RS ( S29.47226 W51.94811 ), 02 August 2014 , S. James , M. Bartz , G. Cardoso , colls. BRRSDNA0098 and BRRSDNA099, 1 adult in each vial, surface soil horizon ( 0–20 cm ) in native forest, Cruzeiro do Sul-RS ( S29.51629° , W51.98752° ), 02 August 2014 , G. Cardoso , coll.