Five new rotundabaloghiid mites (Acari: Uropodina) from South-East Asia Author Kontschán, Jenő Author Kiss, Balázs text Zootaxa 2015 4021 4 515 528 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4021.4.2 68206bc9-66de-4e1a-ae98-09d68d84ac2e 1175-5326 241713 A67E1EE1-19BC-4CA7-8665-69B74C3ECFCE Angulobaloghia pedunculata sp. nov. ( Figs 1–11 ) Material examined. Holotype . Female. Indonesia , Sumatra, (Sum-06/06) West Sumatra Province, Batang Palupuh Rafflesia Sanctuary , 12km N of Bukittinggi, 0°14'32"S , 100°21'10"E , 900–1100 m (primary forest), 2–3 June 2006 , A. Schulz coll. Paratypes . Three males, locality and date same as in holotype ; two females and six males, Malaysia , Sarawak , (Sar-87/64) road Kuching-Matang, mountain Gunung Serapi, soil sampling in the forest alongside the road near the TV station, 670 m 9 December 1987 , B. Hauser coll. FIGURES 1–6. Angulobaloghia pedunculata sp. nov. holotype, female. 1. Dorsal idiosoma. 2. Setae and ornamentation in central area of dorsal shield. 3. Ventral idiosoma. 4. Epistome. 5. Chelicera. 6. Intercoxal area of male paratype. FIGURES 7–11. Angulobaloghia pedunculata sp. nov. holotype, female. 7. Palp in lateral view. 8. Ventral view of leg I. 9. Ventral view of leg II. 10. Ventral view of leg III. 11. Ventral view of leg IV. Description . Female . Length of idiosoma 290–310 Μm, width 270–280 Μm (n=3). Shape circular, posterior margin rounded, colour reddish brown. Dorsal idiosoma ( Fig. 1 ). Marginal and dorsal shields fused. Dorsal setae basally curved on idiosomal margins and straight on central area of body, their margins pilose ( ca 33–37 Μm long) ( Fig. 2 ). Surface covered by oval pits ( Fig. 2 ). Ventral idiosoma ( Fig. 3 ). Sternal shield covered by oval pits. All sternal setae smooth, needle-like and short ( ca 5–7 Μm), St1 situated at level of anterior margin of coxae II, St2 at level of posterior margin of coxae II, St3 at level of central area of coxae III, St4 at level of anterior margins of genital shield, St5 situated at level of central area of coxae IV. Ventral setae smooth and needle-like ( ca 6–8 Μm). V2 situated near basal line of genital shield, V6 , V7 and V8 situated near end of pedofossae IV. Setae ad similar in shape and length to other ventral setae, situated laterally to anal opening. Ventral shield with some oval pits at level of setae V6. One pair of lyrifissures situated between setae V7 and V8 and one pair of poroids situated at level of posterior margins of coxae IV. Stigmata situated between coxae II and III. Peritremes with a short straight poststigmatid part and a longer hookshaped prestigmatid part. Genital shield trapezoidal, with a long apical process, apical margin of genital shield serrate. Surface of genital shield smooth. Pedofossae deep, their surface smooth, separate furrows for tarsi IV present. Base of tritosternum narrow, vase-like, tritosternal laciniae smooth, subdivided into three smooth branches in its distal half. Gnathosoma . Corniculi horn-like, internal malae smooth and longer than corniculi. Hypostomal setae: h1 long ( ca 20–23 Μm), smooth and needle-like, h2 and h3 short ( ca 6–8 Μm), smooth and needle-like, h4 marginally serrate and short ( ca 5–6 Μm). Apical part of epistome marginally pilose ( Fig. 4 ). Palp with smooth setae except one ventral seta on palp trochanter distallyy subdivided ( Fig. 7 ). Fixed digit of chelicerae longer than movable digit and bearing one central tooth and one apical sensory organ. Internal sclerotised node present ( Fig. 5 ). Legs ( Figs 8–11 ). All legs with ambulacral claws and smooth and needle-like setae, but the claws on first leg shorter than others. All femora bearing flap-like ventral processes. Male . Length of idiosoma 290–300 Μm, width 270–290 Μm (n=5). Dorsal idiosoma . Ornamentation and chaetotaxy of dorsal shield as for female. Ventral idiosoma ( Fig. 6 ). Five pairs of sternal setae situated anterior to genital shield, these setae smooth, needle-like and ca 5–7 Μm long. Two pairs of poroids situated on sternal shield, first pair between St2 and St3, second pair close to St5. Surface of sternal shield with numerous oval pits anterior to genital shield. Surface of ventral shield, and shape and size of ventral setae as in female. Genital shield oval and situated between coxae IV. Larva and nymphs unknown. Etymology. The name of the new species refers handle-like (peduncular) anterior process of the female genital shield. Remark. The trapezoidal genital shield with an anterior process is a distinctive character state for A . pedunculata within the genus Angulobaloghia Hirschmann, 1979 .