Taxonomic revision of the genus Elmomorphus Sharp, 1888. II. Redescription of the genus and review of the species from India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam (Coleoptera: Dryopidae) Author Selnekovič, Dávid D930D757-D929-4248-A29C-A857E0505345 Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Ilkovičova 6, SK- 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia. Author Jäch, Manfred A. D749707A-8823-4110-8D51-BF5AF4E2820F Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Burgring 7, A- 1010 Wien, Austria. Author Kodada, Ján 6E88BFBB-8769-44EC-8285-29E357CEC064 Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Ilkovičova 6, SK- 842 15 Bratislava, Slovakia. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2024 2024-09-11 957 1 229 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2024.957.2651 2118-9773 13773385 9957F2DF-3F31-4B58-84BC-2F8E0F45C6E3 Elmomorphus ovalis Kodada, Jäch & Selnekovič sp. nov. E10C08BB-8844-4228-BC6A-85FA31AB7873 Figs 83–84 , 114B Differential diagnosis Elmomorphus ovalis sp. nov. ( Fig. 83 ) is characterised by having the dorsal plastron confined to small areas around the antennal insertions. The large elytral punctures are deeply impressed and arranged in nine longitudinal rows. The head, pronotum, and elytra bear microgranules. The male ventrite 5 is rounded at the apex, without any excision; the phallobase is long and slender ( Fig. 84 ), PhL/PrL: 2.85 (n=1). This species is similar to E. schillhammeri sp. nov. but differs in the smooth intertices of the pronotal punctation. Males of E. ovalis possess long erect setae on the labrum and setal clusters on the prosternal process and the median part of the metaventrite. Such setae are also present in E. minutus sp. nov. , which can be distinguished by the absence of microgranules on the head and the smaller body size (TL in E. ovalis : ♂♂ 3.80–3.84 mm (n =2), ♀♀ 3.87–4.13 mm (n= 3), in E. minutus : ♂♂ 2.92– 3.27 mm (3.10± 0.15, n= 4), 3.58 mm (n =1)). Etymology The epithet ‘ovalis’ is a Latin adjective in the nominative singular referring to the oval body shape. Type material Holotype CHINA Yunnan Province 1 ♂ ; “CH, Yunnan 14.-21.6.[19]93 100km W of Baoshan GAOLIGONGSHAN nat. res. E.Jendek , O.Šauša leg.”; NMW . Fig. 83. Elmomorphus ovalis Kodada, Selnekovič & Jäch sp. nov. , paratype, female from type locality (CKB), TL: 3.80 mm. Fig. 84. Elmomorphus ovalis Kodada, Selnekovič & Jäch sp. nov. , paratype from type locality (NMW), aedeagus. A . Lateral aspect. B . Ventral aspect. Scale bar: 0.1 mm. Paratypes CHINA Yunnan Province 1 ♂ , 4 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for holotype; CKB , NMW 1 ♂ , 4 ♀♀ ; “ CHINA : YUNNAN PROV: Lushui Co. , Gaoligong Mts. , Luisahe vill., Hájek, Hrůzová, Král, Růžička & Sommer lgt. 10.vii.2019 | river valley, mixed forest on vegetation; in dead wood and fungi; 25°58.3–7′N, 98°44.4–45.3′E, 2135-2450 m ”; NMPC . Type locality China , Yunnan Province , Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve. Description Measurements (mm): TL: ♂♂ 3.80–3.84 (n =2), ♀♀ 3.87–4.13 (n =3); PL: ♂♂ 1.04 (n =2), ♀♀ 1.04– 1.10 (n=3); PW: ♂♂ 1.77–1.79 (n =2), ♀♀ 1.79–1.85 (n =3); EL: ♂♂ 2.76–2.79 (n= 2), ♀♀ 2.83–3.02 (n=3); EW: ♂♂ 2.15–2.21 (n= 2), ♀♀ 2.18–2.28 (n =3). Body oval, strongly convex dorsally ( Fig. 83 ). Integument black; mouth parts, antennae, trochanters, and tarsi reddish brown, remaining parts of legs dark brown. Pubescence consisting of very short and thin, almost inapparent yellowish setae. Plastron covering small areas of frontoclypeus (around antennal insertions) and ventral surface, except prosternal process, median parts of metaventrite and ventrite 1. Head with microgranules and punctures; punctures distinctly smaller than eye facets and confluent in anterolateral portions. Labrum transverse, anterior margin broadly emarginate in middle; exposed portion microreticulate with minute setiferous punctures; males with groups of long setae in lateral portions, distinctly extending beyond anterior margin. Anterior margin of clypeus straight. Eyes rather small, oval, interfacetal setae short, ID: ♂♂ 0.67–0.70 mm (n =2), ♀♀ 0.67–0.71 mm (n=3); APD/ ID: ♂♂ 1.49–1.60 (n =2), ♀♀ 1.55–1.58 (n =3). Antennae 11-segmented, densely setose. Pronotum strongly convex, transverse, PW/PL: ♂♂ 1.70–1.72 (n= 2), ♀♀ 1.68–1.74 (n =3); rim of anterior margin 2–3 × as wide eye facet, broadly interrupted in middle; anterior angles strongly deflexed, prominent; lateral sides convergent, moderately rounded. Surface with small round punctures associated with microgranules, punctures distinctly smaller than facet, separated by distance 1.0–1.5 × facet diameter, less dense on disc; interstices shiny, smooth. Prosternal process wider than long, lateral edges straight, posterior edge rounded; lateral portions rather wide, moderately raised, in males with groups of long setae anteriorly; median keel moderately arcuate. Scutellum longer than wide, acute at apex, surface with minute round punctures. Metaventrite with median part flat to slightly concave, expanded posteriorly, in males with two groups of long setae; lateral margins of metaventral process raised. Elytra broadly oval, strongly convex, widest behind middle, EL/EW: ♂♂ 1.25–1.30 (n =2), ♀♀ 1.30–1.33 (n=3); surface finely microreticulate, entire surface covered with microgranules; small punctures scattered; large, coarse punctures arranged in nine longitudinal rows; plastron absent. Tibiae slightly curved; protibia ca 1.5 × as long as protarsus, PrTL/PL: ♂♂ 1.02–1.06 (n =2), ♀♀ 0.94–1.01 (n= 3). Terminal protarsomeres as long as three preceding tarsomeres combined. Ventrites covered with plastron, except for median portion of ventrite 1, admedian keels present. Ventrite 5 in females with short longitudinal keel before apex. Aedeagus ( Fig. 84 ): phallobase long, slender, slightly expanded proximally, PhL/PrL: 2.85 (n =1); parameres short in relation to phallobase, moderately curved ventrad, apices rounded (lateral aspect); penis narrowly rounded apically in ventral aspect, expanded and rounded in lateral aspect. Secondary sexual dimorphism Labrum, prosternal process, and median part of metaventrite with groups of long setae in males. Females with short longitudinal keel at apex of ventrite 5. Distribution China ( Yunnan ) ( Fig. 114B ).